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You guys should probably pay attention to this post

Post by Taig »

I'm just tired of it. Even picking fights is no fun anymore

I saw an interesting quote by one of the authors the other day from an interview some time ago. he noted that the original plan
was to run with this thing for about 6 months, end up in a cliffhanger (the ceremony) and then "shop a film idea" based on that.

Well, it didn't quite work out that way. I'm not sure what happened but they have just been beating this poor dead horse long enough. A year ago they had 6 months worth of script ideas and that was just about it.

It is absolutely ridiculous that they continue to let all these dead ends and plot holes linger in the face of the overwhelming demand for some sort of closure. Instead, they start producing another story in England and have the unmitigated gall to ask us to "be sure to check it out"

There's been a post about all the "great ideas we are working on" and the "surprises in store" ever since this forum started. No one believes it anymore. It's a bad joke. Older fans use the phrase to describe false promises in other situations. It's just plain insulting at this point.

They say they listen to the fans. Well may I have your attention please? Listen closely. For months now the fans have been asking for one thing: ANSWERS NOT MORE QUESTIONS!!!!! How much clearer can it be??? Do those guys even have a password to this forum anymore?

I have to laugh at how even newbies that have been here for about two weeks and have already adopted the collective attitude of "Get on with it".

There was a "firefight" here in the forum a couple weeks ago. It was much more exciting than anything the authors have produced in months. I think the real cause of the argument had little to do with the actual complaint rather it was the fact that there just isn't anything in the story left to talk about!

This is not a high drama resignation but you know what...? This whole thing is just boring, I deserve more.

For those of you who are about to cry "I f you don't like it it don't watch it". Save your breath. I've paid enough dues to demand some answers. Since I am sure I wont get any, I'll take my refund ( a small percentage though it may be) in the form of this soapbox time.

Get it together you guys (Greg, Miles, Mesh and whoever) if you can not write a decent ending find someone who can and just move on. Maybe somebody from the new show can help. Perhaps a copywriter over at Nuetragena can salvage this thing. There are 50,000,000 starving writers out there, just pick one.

Forget it. They have probably all moved out of the LG offices already and just phone in the next episode when they think about it. I can hear it now

Greg: "Oh crap! Hey Meshdid you do a new LG episode? "
Mesh : "No! I thought it was your turn! Hey Miles...did you do a script for that other show, um Little Girl or something like that?"
Miles: " Was it my turn? Already? I just did one, what like about three months ago."
Greg: "Forget it you two. Send them this story from my kids Drama Camp see if they'll swallow it. If not we'll just tell them we have some great new ideas coming soon.
Mesh: "Cool. Let's go get a couple pints"
Miles: " Yeah we can throw some darts and tell the girls we are big time film makers"
Greg: " Yeah. I love these accents. Hey, remember that girl Gemma? Didn't she live around here?
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Post by MikeZRed »

Seconded. Wholeheartedly. And I've been here LESS than two weeks!

Wish I had more to add, but that was very well said, Taig.
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Post by immortal1 »

This is speculation on my part but I think it's logical.

Recently I read this: "A couple days ago we gave you the scoop on the Lonelygirl guys’ new project, KateModern, which looks to be setting new records in product placement, with three P&G brands, Buena Vista International, Orange and WindowsLive..."
(from ... vertising/)

The key words being "new records in product placement." It's all about the bottom line and it would seem that KM is now the money maker which makes it top priority.

Now take a look at the KM production team.

It's huge! One name is conspicous by it's abscence and that's Mesh. All this suggests to me that lg15 has been left in the hands of Mesh and the 2 writers who they only recently brought in while everyone else is on KM. It makes sense since lg15 is established and there is seemingly more at stake with getting KM off to a flying start.

However it all shakes out someone from production should maintain a public presence here regarding lg15. I think that's crucial at this point.
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Re: You guys should probably pay attention to this post

Post by Luminous »

Taig wrote: Forget it. They have probably all moved out of the LG offices already and just phone in the next episode when they think about it.
I'm sure you remember that one of the infamous LG15 "plotholes" is that Lucy packed up her computer and left. Mystery solved. I think it's pretty clear where she went.

Given that I'm mostly here for the social networking and the FanFic, it doesn't really matter to me one way or the other. I'm encouraged about their move to Bebo. I'm excited about it's potential for showcasing FanFic, and networking with people. I'm also VERY excited - I can tell you how much - that it offers a platform for fans to interact that is UNMODERATED. I cannot empasize this enough. No more invisible fascist board non-policies. It's a place where you can think and speak your mind without censure. This I am very much looking forward to!
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

A) I hate Bebo.
B) Who in their right mind is actually going to invest their time watching Kate Modern after seeing what happened here with Lonelygirl?
C) Not me.
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Post by BrightSilence »

I don't care what you think, it still comes down to: Don't like it, don't watch it. Sure this was probably a show you used to love and I admire you trying to get it back on track, but from what you're saying I take it this is not the first time. And it was without effect. Time to give it a rest, cut your losses and leave then...

I agree that Kate Modern might be slowing LG15 down a bit, I'm just hoping that when KM is up and rolling LG15 will get better aswell. And I'm actually optimistic about that.
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Post by TOSG »

I know that the Creators' job isn't easy (although I bet a lot of us would be willing to trade), but I've got to agree with Taig here.
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Post by TOSG »

BrightSilence wrote:I don't care what you think, it still comes down to: Don't like it, don't watch it.
That's a little bit sophomoric. Obviously we still appreciate the tremendous creative potential of the Creators (as evidenced by the awesome videos in the "bedroom vlogging" and OpAphid eras), and hope that they can one again make good on that potential. I don't think that it's so awful to let them know that we're dissatisfied and why.

If it doesn't get remedied sooner or later, then yes, people will abide by your decree. And all the product placement in the world won't mean anything if nobody is watching.

Come on, Creators, prove us wrong!
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Post by BrightSilence »

I agree with you TOSG. And like I said you could point them in the right direction. It just feels like this thread leans to much to just bashing the series, instead of giving usefull hints and tips as to how to proceed.

It just doesn't seem like the right way to really make a change.

Also, you can't expect the series to return to bedroom vlogging anymore, to much has happend from that point. And if they would do that the forums would be filled with messages like: "get of your ass and do something".

Also, Op Aphid was probably very cool (Unfortunately I wasn't around back then. I've read almost everything available about it and seen the vids, but that's different) BUT, it is very hard to manage something like that. And with all the extra work for Kate Modern... If you're waiting around for Op Aphid round 2, you'll probably have a very long wait ahead of you.

I'm not disagreeing with the points made, but it just doesn't strike me as constructive criticism.

PS. Sophomoric? The fact that I had to look that up might have proven your point there ;). But give me a break, english isn't my native language.
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Post by TOSG »

BrightSilence wrote:
PS. Sophomoric? The fact that I had to look that up might have proven your point there ;). But give me a break, english isn't my native language.
Sorry, I wasn't trying to be abstruse. Your English is better than that of a lot of English First Language people here, so don't worry. :lol:

Regarding it not being constructive criticism, I guess that you're right, but we've already given so much of it, and I think that a lot of us are just a little bit frustrated that it has fallen on deaf ears.

And when I said that the "bedroom vlogging" days were awesome, I didn't mean that they should go back to them - I was just making the point that they've had big successes in the past, so I still have some faith that they can make big successes in the future. Same thing goes for the OpAphid era.
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Post by BrightSilence »

Well, in that case I completely agree with you and will just say this:

As long as your criticism is constructive, please keep posting it and hope it'll be noticed. That's what this section of the board is for. But please don't whine, that's Sarah's job ;).

PS. Now you made me look up abstruse. Well, learn something new everyday, I always say!
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Post by TOSG »

BrightSilence wrote:
PS. Now you made me look up abstruse. Well, learn something new everyday, I always say!
Haha, I recognized the irony of using that word right after I typed it, but I decided to stick with it anyway. :D
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Post by Taig »

Bright Silence:

Let me correct you on one thing at least. I do not want the series to return to Bree's bedroom. I am not a Luddite. I am not sitting in my rocking chair grumbling about how things used to be better. I just want to see it do something that makes sense and warrants the attention I have paid to it for so long. For quite some time I accepted their word that something new and exciting is coming. They owe me and everyone else who trusted them some closure at least. Otherwise we have been duped, cheated and misled while they have gone about making new and exciting changes in their lives. I think that's wrong, I think it is sellfish.

One other thing my friend, criticism, unlike what your elementrary school teacher might have told you, is not always , nor need it always be constructive to be heard or understood. Anyone who has had a job and a boss will likely tell you the same thing. In this case the it well may be that there is nothing constructive left to be said.

I am afraid TOSG is correct. Your thinking is sophmoric. Now that is not contsructive. It isn't even criticism. it is an observation. A valid observation.

Right now you are probably taking offense at what I have said. Please know that it isn't my intention to hurt you or offend you. I don't even know you. Things just are what they are sometimes and there isn't much to be done about it. (much like my spelling)
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Post by hockeygurl »


I have the answer.

Perhaps you could pull your lip up over your head and swallow.


Yeah, I'm sophOmoric and love THIS lg15 and am excited to see where it goes...

Go ahead... I'm waiting... but probably not here... lol
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Post by Taig »

give yourself some time honey
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