Cloverfield 1-18-08 the trailer before Transformers

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Cloverfield 1-18-08 the trailer before Transformers

Post by LesterG »

calling all opheads and cassie-ites

seeing as we miss the mysterious cryptic Cassie and her demented scary clues... I kinda got chills from this one as well as I did for CiW's

I believe this is where I should post this, but if anyone has gone to see transformers already... you should have noticed one teaser trailer that REALLY stood out... the one where it starts out a homevideo of some guy Robs party and then crazy events happen ... and at the end there was no title of the movie only that it was created by something called bad robot studios

well apparantly it's the start of an ARG for this movie that's supposed to come out 1/18/08 called cloverfield (not entirely determined yet) but that's the most information that has been found out so far.

well, for those that are interested I am not surprised that they are already discussing it on the UF forums already so I was wondering if anyone else was interested in this. I'm not saying steal their info, but to be honest... I feel those guys are leagues above me and I just feel more comfortable posting about it here and if we discover anything we can share it with them. Just like CiW times

I think the movie is supposed to be some mystery/horror movie from what I've heard but... I'm still not sure ... hp?t=19964

you can see what they have discovered maybe we can discuss here what we know as well, AFAIK there are no more clips that can be view on youtube, paramount got a strict lockdown on them all already but there is one video that is more or less a definitive look at what's going on

what I've seen myself so far.. the movie's only site I guess article on this wiki of the studios wiki for the project this is the start of the ARG I guess
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