I would like to propose a discussion about posting. Posting say you, what about it? Welllll...........
Recent weeks have seen a tremendous amount of acrimony and general nastiness in some parts of the phorum, primarily in the Concerns and Complaints section. Bitter threads have devolved into some really harsh affairs, several of them ending up being locked by BK. As well they should have been...
First things first: Am I the LAST monkey who should be attempting to bring this issue to bear? Probably so. Perhaps that is why I think that we should address the issue head on. I have had several nice conversations with both Mods and ex-Mods about this descent into nastiness, all agree that it is a most undesirable trend.
Second things second: It's a fairly commonly held premise that these kinds of nasty threads are at their worst when the LG storyline it in a lull. I doubt many would disagree with this premise. Even if you do disagree, it really has no bearing on the real issue if you do feel that way.
Third things third: It is also fairly conventional phorum wisdom that our dear departed gogo was probably one of the best all around posters to ever grace this phorum. She and her alter ego, Ms. Kelly, had a wonderful way with language that was always insightful, but never mean, coarse, or hateful. She was probably the most thoughtful and kind person to grace this phorum. Indeed, I dedicate this line of discussion to her.
Has the monkey fallen off his branch? No, not so much. I am just tired of the negativity and would at least try and start a discussion about how we treat each other in this wacky online community.
Sooooooo, I propose that before we engage in some post that is obviously an attack on another person, we should ask ourselves first:
What Would gogo Do

I'm not a religious monkey, so the obvious ripoff of a theological slogan is purely the lack of my limited imagination. I kinda think it fits though, it's easy to remember, and makes me smile when I think of her...
Hmmmmm. That's not easy now is it. I'm a mischievous monkey, not a highly educated schoolmistress! And dammit, I like to attack those who I feel deserve it! Try again, banana brain(s). That is not correct.
I think we have an OBLIGATION to treat each other with civility and a modicum of respect. Will we disagree? Hell yes, but that is no reason to launch a personal attack and a sign of a limited ability to engage in classical rhetorical debate. And yes, I am one of the worst perps of this tactic, usually in the thinly veiled disguise of sarcasm...
I could go on, but I think I have made at least an opening to a line of discussion on improving civility. I am interested to hear your responses.