You know what.

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You know what.

Post by HeartofSorrow »

Taylor, I know you already stated that your sister is a slut, and if anybody that has any right to say that it is you. Now I'm sure you just saw her last video and I hope your thinking what I'm thinking. Sarah is a complete and total BITCH! Please take notice that I indeed captualized the whole word.

She sat there and basically lead him around having her body language say that she is intrested in him and now after what I assume as she sleeping with him she decides to shut him down. All that did was shatter what already fragile ego he has. You don't consiously constantly give some one the green light then switch to red. My opinion of her is really starting to drop and it's a good thing at the moment I have no clue where they're staying. Because if I did I would give her the butt chewing of a life time.
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Hey Taylor

Post by HeartofSorrow »

You know that song that Cartman sang in the South Park movie, Taylor. Well I'm starting to think they people that wrote it had your sister in mind. But it would have went something like this.

Well, Sarah is a slut she is a big fat slut,
she the biggest slut in the whole wide world.
She's a stupid slut, if there ever was a slut.
She's a slut to all the boys and girls.

On Monday, she's a slut. On Tuesdays, she's a slut
and Wednesday through Saturday, she's a slut.
Then on Sunday, just to be different, she's a super king kamehameha sluuut. Come on you all know the words!

Have you ever met my friend Sarah?
She's the biggest slut in the whole wide world.
She's a mean old slut and has stupid hair.
She's a slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut.

Slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut she's a stupid slut.
(Woo!) Sarah is a slut and she's just a dirty slut.

Talk to guys around the world it might go a little bit something like this

(Sing Sarah is a slut in Chinese, French, Dutch, and South African Khoisan)

Have you ever met my friend Sarah?
She's the biggest slut in the whole wide world.
She's a mean old bitch and has stupid hair.
She's a slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut.
Slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut she's a stupid slut.
Sarah is a slut and she's just a dirty slut.

I really mean it...
Sarah....She's a big fat f***ing slut.
Big old fat f***ing slut Sarah is....Yeah
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Post by Esteed »

Dude, no offense, but posting this in Taylor chat is stupid. They are family. You do not come in here calling Sarah those names and expecting Taylor to not defend her. So that eliminates the entire point of this thread, man.
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Post by GawainsChallenge »


Um...I've been getting pretty angry with Sarah too lately, but this is ridiculous! HeartfSorrow, please tone it down!

edit: I did, however, enjoy the reference to South African Khoisan. Someone should start a thread on it...
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Re: You know what.

Post by BrightSilence »

HeartofSorrow wrote:Taylor, I know you already stated that your sister is a slut, and if anybody that has any right to say that it is you. Now I'm sure you just saw her last video and I hope your thinking what I'm thinking. Sarah is a complete and total BITCH! Please take notice that I indeed captualized the whole word.

She sat there and basically lead him around having her body language say that she is intrested in him and now after what I assume as she sleeping with him she decides to shut him down. All that did was shatter what already fragile ego he has. You don't consiously constantly give some one the green light then switch to red. My opinion of her is really starting to drop and it's a good thing at the moment I have no clue where they're staying. Because if I did I would give her the butt chewing of a life time.
I'd chew her but, mmmmm... :smt047
Is that weird?

Anyway, there is a huge difference between Taylor calling her a slut and you doing it. I can asure you Taylor won't agree with you on this message, she will defend her sister. Like she has done before. I talk shit about my family aswell, but don't you dare to agree with me or start it yourself. I'd cut your brains out and have em for breakfast. Ok, that's enough agression for today...
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Post by New voice of reason »

Hi Taylor,

well, I mean you know her better than I do - but maybe, you have that "blind eye" that most sisters have when it comes to their sisters...

You know, sometimes, people DO need more space for their own than other people do. It is good and fair to talk about that then in a relationship.

However, what I WOULD critise (I already said that to Sarah) that she does so in public and doesn`t go to Daniel first. I know this takes more curage but Sarah is not a coward, is she? I mean, as a sister, you know her better than I do.

A sister calling another sister a slut is different from other people calling someone else a slut.

And Erica,

well, some people are good-looking, while others are not. Some people are slim while others are fat. Giving people real freedom is not to put them under stress because of a stupid beauty-ideal. If someone loves someone else, they should all do whatever they like together;-).

Besides, history shows that our ideal of beauty, the boy-like girl we have with most of the models, has not been the ideal of all time. The greek beauties would nowadays seem too fat to go for a model-career, not to mention Ruben`s models.

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Post by chershaytoute »


As interesting as it is, the Weight Issues portion of this discussion has been swept on over to the Off The Cuff area...

Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by Aponi »

Aw I love the broom smiley! So cute!
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Re: You know what.

Post by longlostposter »

HeartofSorrow wrote:She sat there and basically lead him around having her body language say that she is intrested in him and now after what I assume as she sleeping with him she decides to shut him down.
HofS, I don't remember this. As far as I can see, she has not shut him down sexually, she just doesn't want a romantic relationship. I see no problem with that.

I hope you don't either, Taylor.
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Post by HeartofSorrow »

Well it doesn't really matter L.L.P., because, Sarah is starting to be a complete bitch and someone needs to set her ass straight before one of Daniel's fan girls decide to show up and rip her a new one.
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Post by consideration »

HeartofSorrow wrote:Well it doesn't really matter L.L.P., because, Sarah is starting to be a complete bitch and someone needs to set her ass straight before one of Daniel's fan girls decide to show up and rip her a new one.
Juli is one of Danny Boy's fan girls. :lol:
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