I saw your last video and it sounds as if you find it difficult to take the responsibilities of a grown-up person.
Yes, when you are a child, you don`t have responsibilities: Your parents care for your food, your clothes, your shelter. But: As soon as you grow up, you get responsible for yourself. That does mean you must take care of these things. If you don`t, no one else will. You must take care that you have some bread in the fridge - if you don`t , there won`t be any. You must take care that your house looks beautiful and clean (unless you have someone to take care of that whom you pay, but then, you must take care that he or she is paid).
Of course, this is a lot more responsibility and sometimes less fun. But on the other hand: You can decide for yourself what you eat, what you wear, what you do and where you go to. In other words, you have more freedom to decide for yourself what you do. Do you have problems with living freely, Bree? Is that the reason why you went back to the Hymn of One?
Freedom depends on responsibility and it depends on taking care of yourself. Is that too difficult for you? Do you want someone else to take care for you and therefore, you went for the Hymn of One?
I would be happy to receive an answer.
New Voice of Reason
PS: Read "What is enlightenment?" by E. Kant.