Your Like A Virgin Video.

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Your Like A Virgin Video.

Post by HeartofSorrow »

Now Taylor now those mix messages you were talking about at the beginning. One I see because he was talking to you yet he cc'ed and bcc'ed Sarah and Daniel. If it was suppose to be just between you and him why bother sending it to them as well.

But that whole freaky pleasure thing; where in the world are you getting that from? She basically insulting him that whole video and now you assume he is wanting to tie her up and engage in S&M with her? You might want to reread that email because what I got was she was enjoying his misery.

Now him being condescending by defining "callous" was wrong on his part because you are a smart girl so naturally you would know what it meant, and even if you didn't know you can look it up on your own. Just chalk it up to upset individuals being a bitch/jerk.

With him asking about your sister telling the whole world that Bree was his first I have a simple question for you. How would you like it if Sarah told your mom that you slept with that guy Perry who gave you the "love bite" back in May? I know I wouldn't be exactly pleased with her if I were you and that is how Jonas is.

I have to say your response to him asking what Sarah's problem was a little harsh yet understandable. Even a blind man could see your sister is a self-centered selfish... I better not finish that because I already called her a few names yesterday and I'm talking to you. Now that confused thing every high school graduate is that way and only and moron wouldn't know that. I understand that Sarah is hurt because of your parents, but, just because she is hurt by it doesn't mean she should be hurting to people around her just to make herself feel better.

There are other people in this world that parents split up and they don't let it effect them the way to the point where they hurt the people they allegedly care about. Besides some people have been through a lot worse then their parents breaking up like being abused. My dad abused me for over a decade and I'm not constantly trying to kick anyone I know when their down. Hell whenever I start hurting I seclude myself and let the pain takes it's course or start finding ways to hurt myself in a way to alleviate the pain. Not exactly healthy but it's my way.

When Jonas was ranting to you about your sister it was to get it off his chest. You didn't need to hammer him about it with your video. Granted he shouldn't have jumped on about the wild goose chase but what you just posted wasn't any better. Taylor if you try to place yourself in his current frame of mind you'll understand why he's acting this way.

By the way the disciplinary teacher look you had along with that whip of your's completely made wish I was back in high school and lived in Zavilla right now. It was just to hot, and I'm sure Perry would like to see dressed up that way. :wink:
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Post by Esteed »

Taylor, the video was absolutely awesome. Hopefully Jonas will wake up and stop being a prick.

Oh, and that was a riding crop, not a whip.
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Post by HeartofSorrow »

Esteed wrote:Taylor, the video was absolutely awesome. Hopefully Jonas will wake up and stop being a prick.

Oh, and that was a riding crop, not a whip.
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Re: Your Like A Virgin Video.

Post by onsweetavenue »

HeartofSorrow wrote: But that whole freaky pleasure thing; where in the world are you getting that from? She basically insulting him that whole video and now you assume he is wanting to tie her up and engage in S&M with her?
If Jonas didn't give a shit about Sara why wuld he be so hurt by what she said, and why would he take the damned time to write that email? Maybe all the Sara/Daniel love is making him jealous. I think Taylor was just making fun of him but I think it's obvious Jonas cares about her. ;)
Now him being condescending by defining "callous" was wrong on his part because you are a smart girl so naturally you would know what it meant, and even if you didn't know you can look it up on your own. Just chalk it up to upset individuals being a bitch/jerk.
That's funny, Jonas as been a jerk to Sara since they got Bree back (by the way, it was SARA who got bree back, Jonas should be forever grateful) and she hasn't sunk to his level once. Her last video wasn't even that bad, maybe a bit insensitive but seeing how she views sex i don't think she thought it was insensitive at all.
With him asking about your sister telling the whole world that Bree was his first I have a simple question for you. How would you like it if Sarah told your mom that you slept with that guy Perry who gave you the "love bite" back in May?
Are you insinuating that jonas and bree didn't really have sex? Or that telling us jonas and bree fucked was like telling PARENTS? That's silly. It's more embarassing then anything - I mean, saying that 19 year old Jonas has been a virgin up until a few weeks ago.
There are other people in this world that parents split up and they don't let it effect them the way to the point where they hurt the people they allegedly care about. Besides some people have been through a lot worse then their parents breaking up like being abused.
Congratulations for them. There are plenty of people who turned into serial killers too. Sara hasn't done anything horrible, she just has a different view of relationships. I can't see how anyone thought she was insulting Jonas on the same level that he insulted her REPEATEDLY in past videos.
My dad abused me for over a decade and I'm not constantly trying to kick anyone I know when their down.
This is a touchy subject, but I just wanted to note that I think you're kicking Sara now, for being DOWN about her parents. Maybe it has something to do with all that, I don't know. but different people react differently and Sara isn't reacting that badly at all.
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Post by HeartofSorrow »

Are you insinuating that jonas and bree didn't really have sex? Or that telling us jonas and bree fucked was like telling PARENTS? That's silly. It's more embarassing then anything - I mean, saying that 19 year old Jonas has been a virgin up until a few weeks ago.
The whole Bree/Jonas & Taylor/Perry sex thing was me trying to point out that she would be embarassed and upset with Sarah because of Sarah talking about things she shouldn't be talking about to anyone.

Congratulations for them. There are plenty of people who turned into serial killers too. Sara hasn't done anything horrible, she just has a different view of relationships. I can't see how anyone thought she was insulting Jonas on the same level that he insulted her REPEATEDLY in past videos.
Sarah was kicking him by saying "sometimes sex is just sex", "you shouldn't associate love with sex", "and stop this puppy dog crap". It was obvious to almost everyone that sparks were flying between Bree and Jonas just like sparks are flying between Sarah and Daniel. So here saying those things was twisting the perverbial knife. Besides he was getting a little frustrated with her considering how she is constantly treating the situation like a joke. Example: Back when they were at Camp Play and her whole "secret message on a blade of grass" speech.
This is a touchy subject, but I just wanted to note that I think you're kicking Sara now, for being DOWN about her parents. Maybe it has something to do with all that, I don't know. but different people react differently and Sara isn't reacting that badly at all.
Finally 1. I neither personally know Sarah nor have enough conversations with her to consider her a friend. 2. I'm not going get over yourself or stop this "Oh my parents broke up boo-hoo-hoo" crap. I understand that sort of thing so I know I shouldn't be tellin her that. She needs to understand what Jonas is going through before she says anything, and from the way she was acting she didn't understand. 3. I'm speak to Taylor not Sarah. 4. I alreadly laid into Sarah because she had no right to post a video saying what she said to Jonas.
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Post by Esteed »

HeartofSorrow wrote:Sarah was kicking him by saying "sometimes sex is just sex", "you shouldn't associate love with sex", "and stop this puppy dog crap". It was obvious to almost everyone that sparks were flying between Bree and Jonas just like sparks are flying between Sarah and Daniel. So here saying those things was twisting the perverbial knife. Besides he was getting a little frustrated with her considering how she is constantly treating the situation like a joke. Example: Back when they were at Camp Play and her whole "secret message on a blade of grass" speech.
HeartofSorrow wrote:4. I alreadly laid into Sarah because she had no right to post a video saying what she said to Jonas.
She. Was. Trying. To. Help.

Here's the thing: Sarah knows that Jonas wouldn't buy some sappy, "Oh, I feel for you and hope you feel better," video. That's not the type of thing she'd say, so it would've seemed blatantly phony. Honestly, I don't know if Sarah really knows how to empathize that way. But she does empathize, and she wants to make him feel better. She falls back on the only thing she can: Taking the emotion out of the act. She's trying to tell him that it'll hurt less if he takes the emotion out of the act.

She is not trying to twist the knife for the hell of it. I don't know how many times I have to say it before people get it.
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Post by girlnextdoor »

She. Was. Trying. To. Help.

Here's the thing: Sarah knows that Jonas wouldn't buy some sappy, "Oh, I feel for you and hope you feel better," video. That's not the type of thing she'd say, so it would've seemed blatantly phony. Honestly, I don't know if Sarah really knows how to empathize that way. But she does empathize, and she wants to make him feel better. She falls back on the only thing she can: Taking the emotion out of the act. She's trying to tell him that it'll hurt less if he takes the emotion out of the act.

She is not trying to twist the knife for the hell of it. I don't know how many times I have to say it before people get it.[/quote]

Agreed. I think it pretty much shows that Sarah's been hurt enough times to kind of numb herself to it - she just doesn't show her emotion like Jonas does, cause he's clearly unused to the pain.
I think Sarah cares about Jonas but knows that he's no use when he's moping over Bree.
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Post by marlasinger »

awesome, completely, totally, amazingly. you are one smart, discerning woman. woman. You heard me, you're more of a woman than most kids your age, and remember that your clear objective thinking is EXTREMELY VALUABLE in this scenario.

You're awesome. I'd have you as my little sister any day. :)
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Post by Rekidk »

Esteed wrote: She. Was. Trying. To. Help.
I couldn't agree more. Sarah just wants Jonas to get over his feelings so that he can focus on finding Bree (which is ultimately Jonas's primary concern).

Taylor, your video was a tad harsh, but quite frankly it was necessary after Jonas's email.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

HeartofSorrow wrote: The whole Bree/Jonas & Taylor/Perry sex thing was me trying to point out that she would be embarassed and upset with Sarah because of Sarah talking about things she shouldn't be talking about to anyone.
Then there were two problems with the Taylor analogy 1. taylor didn't have sex with that guy, so if yoou told her parents she did, it would be a lie 2. telling someone's parents they are sexually active is much different then telling friends or strangers. Not even on the same level.

Sarah was kicking him by saying "sometimes sex is just sex", "you shouldn't associate love with sex", "and stop this puppy dog crap". It was obvious to almost everyone that sparks were flying between Bree and Jonas just like sparks are flying between Sarah and Daniel. So here saying those things was twisting the perverbial knife.
My point, which I believe you missed, was that she sees nothing knife twisting about saying "sometimes sex is just sex" and "you shouldn't associate love with sex". She's telling him he'd hurt a lot less if he could disassociate the love aspect from the sex aspect - instead of obsessing over it. Sara doesn't know that is hard, she's never had sex/love together. Sara just knows that she does it and she's never got hurt. She knows her parents didn't do it and they are hurting. It wasn't her being mean at all. She was trying to be helpful.
Besides he was getting a little frustrated with her considering how she is constantly treating the situation like a joke. Example: Back when they were at Camp Play and her whole "secret message on a blade of grass" speech.
Sara jokes. He should know by now that she jokes. A body guard was trying to kidnap her or something for fucks sake and 2 days later she was joking about the whole situation. Jonas needs to learn that Sara makes jokes about everything no matter how seriously she takes it.
3. I'm speak to Taylor not Sarah. 4. I alreadly laid into Sarah because she had no right to post a video saying what she said to Jonas.
Almost none of this has anything to do with what I said. Although you're speaking to Taylor, you've said some pretty harsh things about SARA lately, and insinuated them in this post by saying a blind man could see she is a "self centered selfish...I better not finish it". Even though you know she's "down" right now, you don't appreciate the reason she is down so you're saying she's a bitch and all the other things.

Sara might be showing signs of her hurt more then you or I, but it's still nothing that bad. Worse would be like 25 still living at home, not working or doing shit, and just whining and writing poetry about how her dad and mom make her want to cut herself. Worse would be being angry and yelling and screaming at Jonas and Daniel or being abusive to them. This is so minimal it's just "Hey Jonas, I separate sex from love, so I don't get hurt, you should do the same thing!" How is that suddenly the worst thing in the world?

As for making jokes during the search for bree, I think that's just her character. I'm the same way, when things get serious I start being sarcastic with the jokes. I don't think it has anything to do with being abused or anything, I think it just has to do with how I deal with stress.
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Post by LesterG »

I'm just gunna Quote myself...
LesterG wrote:Wow... Sarah haters FtL! lol

oh man... yea I guess this latest vlog really shows your TRUE COLORS, Sarah... you cold heartless hooker... :lol:

oh please... Jonas was the type who wanted his first time to be all about the hype it's brought out to be right, Sarah? He put all his hopes and dreams into his first lay and he gave his virgin self to Bree... and now he's all clingy...

I know your just trying to let him know that sometimes these things happen and there is no way Jonas is going to understand other then this direct way...

basically if you sugarcoat it and beat around the bush.. he'ld never get the point... so another GJ from me Sarah :wink:
such a loyal sister backing her sister up, Taylor your the best! :)

editted part out that had to do with the title of the thread :P
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Post by onsweetavenue »

LesterG wrote:I'm just gunna Quote myself...
LesterG wrote:Wow... Sarah haters FtL! lol

oh man... yea I guess this latest vlog really shows your TRUE COLORS, Sarah... you cold heartless hooker... :lol:

oh please... Jonas was the type who wanted his first time to be all about the hype it's brought out to be right, Sarah? He put all his hopes and dreams into his first lay and he gave his virgin self to Bree... and now he's all clingy...

I know your just trying to let him know that sometimes these things happen and there is no way Jonas is going to understand other then this direct way...

basically if you sugarcoat it and beat around the bush.. he'ld never get the point... so another GJ from me Sarah :wink:
such a loyal sister backing her sister up, Taylor your the best! :)

editted part out that had to do with the title of the thread :P
That was a good post worthy of reptition. :)
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Post by Beckers »

that video sucked taylor... you were mean and NOT sexy
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Post by HeartofSorrow »

Beckers, I see why you say she was mean. But you are a little out of line about her not being sexy in that outfit. I wish half the teachers I had in high school looked that way. Then my grades would have went up.

That sounded a lot better in my head then it did when I wrote it.
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Post by Lurker »

HeartofSorrow wrote:Beckers, I see why you say she was mean. But you are a little out of line about her not being sexy in that outfit. I wish half the teachers I had in high school looked that way. Then my grades would have went up.
Your "grades"? Is that what you call it?
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