But that whole freaky pleasure thing; where in the world are you getting that from? She basically insulting him that whole video and now you assume he is wanting to tie her up and engage in S&M with her? You might want to reread that email because what I got was she was enjoying his misery.
Now him being condescending by defining "callous" was wrong on his part because you are a smart girl so naturally you would know what it meant, and even if you didn't know you can look it up on your own. Just chalk it up to upset individuals being a bitch/jerk.
With him asking about your sister telling the whole world that Bree was his first I have a simple question for you. How would you like it if Sarah told your mom that you slept with that guy Perry who gave you the "love bite" back in May? I know I wouldn't be exactly pleased with her if I were you and that is how Jonas is.
I have to say your response to him asking what Sarah's problem was a little harsh yet understandable. Even a blind man could see your sister is a self-centered selfish... I better not finish that because I already called her a few names yesterday and I'm talking to you. Now that confused thing every high school graduate is that way and only and moron wouldn't know that. I understand that Sarah is hurt because of your parents, but, just because she is hurt by it doesn't mean she should be hurting to people around her just to make herself feel better.
There are other people in this world that parents split up and they don't let it effect them the way to the point where they hurt the people they allegedly care about. Besides some people have been through a lot worse then their parents breaking up like being abused. My dad abused me for over a decade and I'm not constantly trying to kick anyone I know when their down. Hell whenever I start hurting I seclude myself and let the pain takes it's course or start finding ways to hurt myself in a way to alleviate the pain. Not exactly healthy but it's my way.
When Jonas was ranting to you about your sister it was to get it off his chest. You didn't need to hammer him about it with your video. Granted he shouldn't have jumped on about the wild goose chase but what you just posted wasn't any better. Taylor if you try to place yourself in his current frame of mind you'll understand why he's acting this way.
By the way the disciplinary teacher look you had along with that whip of your's completely made wish I was back in high school and lived in Zavilla right now. It was just to hot, and I'm sure Perry would like to see dressed up that way.