Mr. Beast. Bree is innocent.

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Mr. Beast. Bree is innocent.

Post by GenocideInMyMind »

Hey Daniel! I know that you probably aren't in your best mood right now, but there is something that I feel I should address to you. It's about Jonas. I know that you are fed up with him right now, but I think that I may be on to something regarding The Order. I'm not sure if someone else has already messaged you about this or not, but here goes; I think that The Order may have sent out those messages; "Help her Friday, Beneath the Blue Stone" I think The Order specifically sent those out to you and the others in order to target Jonas. After all, the flyer you recieved after the seminar was something only Jonas could decipher, and it was (or at least it appeared) kind of easy to help Bree escape. I mean, you'd think that The 'Big & Scary' Order wouldn't just let their guard down after getting Bree, the 'chosen' one. Anyways, what I'm concluding is that Bree (as you know) was brainwashed by The Order. I think they purposely let Bree go with you and the others, in order to manipulate Jonas to have sex with her. I think The Order may have needed her to have sex with Jonas, possibly for the ceremony, or so they can do some 'strange' experiment upon her. It would explain why it was so difficult to look for her after she came up missing once again the morning after. For goodness sake, you're hiding out in the woods! How far can a girl get on her own? I know that this may seem a bit out there, but then again, The Order is a bit 'out there.' Just keep this in mind. I mean, Jonas is somewhat suspicious. Even you didn't trust him at the beginning. His parents were tied to The Order; Alex is tied to The Order. Whether he's agianst The Order or not, you should keep a look out. I'm not saying that he's suspicious. I think he's just as hurt as you are at the moment, but this information may be a little too difficult for Jonas to consume right now. I think you can handle my 'crazy theories' a bit better than he would. I hope that you'll keep this in mind, and I apologize if any of this was too much for you to handle. (It's some pretty creepy stuff)
Thanks for listening/reading.
(By the way, you're super awesome!!)
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Post by Particular »

:shock: *mind explodes from lack of paragraphs*
"It's been lovely, but I have to scream now."

R.I.P. Maddy and Adam. Mad love for you guys.

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