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I'm just curious, but does anyone else think that Sarah just talks a big game? I don't think she's ever actually had sex, I think it's just for a little bit of shock value, and mostly because she probably thinks acting like she's experienced makes her seem more mature. From my experience, girls that talk and act like that usually don't have anything to actually talk about. I mean, I'm sure she's spent a decent amount of her time running down D batteries, but I really get the impression that she's a virgin. Not trying to say that like being a virgin is a bad thing (frankly I'd prefer it if she was), just saying that I think she's making a little bit too big of a deal of her own sexuality to really be that experienced.
(mods - wasn't sure what forum this should go in - feel free to move it if needed)
(mods - wasn't sure what forum this should go in - feel free to move it if needed)
I really doubt she's a virgin, she's not 12. But, I do think she does try to talk about it for the shock value (So do Inumbvox wrote:I'm just curious, but does anyone else think that Sarah just talks a big game? I don't think she's ever actually had sex, I think it's just for a little bit of shock value, and mostly because she probably thinks acting like she's experienced makes her seem more mature. From my experience, girls that talk and act like that usually don't have anything to actually talk about. I mean, I'm sure she's spent a decent amount of her time running down D batteries, but I really get the impression that she's a virgin. Not trying to say that like being a virgin is a bad thing (frankly I'd prefer it if she was), just saying that I think she's making a little bit too big of a deal of her own sexuality to really be that experienced.
(mods - wasn't sure what forum this should go in - feel free to move it if needed)

Edited for spelling
Last edited by Misty on Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Julia, Talyor, Sarah, Bree, will any of you Play
with Me?

lol.Misty wrote:I really doubt she a virgin, she's not 12.
You do realize that statistically the number of "kids" who are remaining virgins until at least they turn 18 has been on a very steady rise for the past 6 or so years? WAY fewer kids are having sex now than they were 10 years ago according to statistic data at least - though that number is largely influenced by the major increase in young adult Christianity as well as the "straight-edge" movement, so arguably those numbers don't have much to do with people like Sarah.
None the less, if you really think that most high schoolers are not virgins than you must be the type that believes whatever bullshit people try to sell you.
Well I'm not in High school yet, but even at my junior high, virgins are a minority.numbvox wrote:lol.Misty wrote:I really doubt she a virgin, she's not 12.
You do realize that statistically the number of "kids" who are remaining virgins until at least they turn 18 has been on a very steady rise for the past 6 or so years? WAY fewer kids are having sex now than they were 10 years ago according to statistic data at least - though that number is largely influenced by the major increase in young adult Christianity as well as the "straight-edge" movement, so arguably those numbers don't have much to do with people like Sarah.
None the less, if you really think that most high schoolers are not virgins than you must be the type that believes whatever bullshit people try to sell you.
Julia, Talyor, Sarah, Bree, will any of you Play
with Me?

It's possible. When I was a teenager I knew a few girls who talked a big game like Sarah, but it was because they were virgins and didn't want people to know. They wanted to seem more mature etc like you said. Whether that's the case with Sarah, I don't know, but just wanted to concur that it is a possibility.
children are losing their virginity at younger ages now more than ever, the average being 14 ...and if not, they have probably experimented with all other sexual experiences. In my opinion this isn't good, but that is what happens when parents don't talk to their kids and they are left with a tv as their babysitter.
I believe Sarah is not a virgin but I also believe she is exaggerating her experience with sex.... which is pretty obvious by how she goes on and on and on about crap, looking for attention
I believe Sarah is not a virgin but I also believe she is exaggerating her experience with sex.... which is pretty obvious by how she goes on and on and on about crap, looking for attention
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Have any of you seen that movie American Beauty? If so, do you remember that one girl who was ALWAYS talking about how much sex shes had and how great it was and what the guy did? Do you also remember how in the end you find out that the girl was a HUGE liar? And that she was actually a virgin? I think Sarah might be like that girl. She likes to act like shes done it everywhere with everyone in every way, but it may be that she just thinks it makes her seem cool and mature. Maybe she thinks that people will believe someone with that much confidence doesn't have problems, and therefore, they won't ask too many questions.
watch the sun
as it crawls across a final time
and it feels like
like it was a friend
if its watching us
and the world we set on fire
do you wonder
if it feels the same?