The Problem with Clues on LG15

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The Problem with Clues on LG15

Post by consideration »

The Creators rarely give us any straight up clues. All clues are almost always delivered as one word packages that send us running on wild goose chases for answers that are thoroughly debunked with another one word clue 5 months later.

"Hmmm...Order of Denderah. *Googles for an hour* Oh! I've got it! Thelema! Bree's religion must be Thelema!"
--time passes--
"Oh. It's the Hymn of One. So, what did I spend all that time on?"

Also, the Creators like to throw flashes of important things so we can screencap everything possible and strain our eyes trying to read the tiniest things. Like the bulletin board. Like the notebook. Like the picture of Lucy.

Also, we usually don't get a clear answer about these clues. Either it only makes sense to Jonas, or we're never given an answer at all and these clues that we think are so important just become loose ends and get added to that list.
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Post by flychiqk »

Well THat's discouraging. :(
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Post by consideration »

Thanks for the move. I didn't really intend this to be on this board, but okay.
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Post by Broken Kid »

Well, that's not necessarily true. We had the phone number to the laundrimat. Then, since the new writer came on board, we had the messages hidden in Bree's HoO videos and the box and some other assorted things that factor pretty heavily into the plot. Now we're not always going to be able to figure things out on our own, but there have been some clue and puzzle discussions we've been able to participate in.
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Post by Haether »

Broken Kid wrote:Well, that's not necessarily true. We had the phone number to the laundrimat. Then, since the new writer came on board, we had the messages hidden in Bree's HoO videos and the box and some other assorted things that factor pretty heavily into the plot. Now we're not always going to be able to figure things out on our own, but there have been some clue and puzzle discussions we've been able to participate in.
but honestly, the blue stone clue didn't even have to be figured out because they invited people the the seminar, and people would have called the numbers on both flyers regardless of the "secret hymn of one messages", and we would have heard the screwy clown and cake message that wasn't intended for us in the first place. What we're left with is *another* mystery of who sent the messages for the HoO videos.

As for the box, we helped them solve the CAMP PLAY clue for what? A box that they barely will show us the contents of.

Now we're dissecting Jonas' email in the hopes of a clue...just like with the 1500 miles videos. it will likely be nothing.

sorry, I'm just frustrated.

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Post by Samara »

I have to agree here...there isn't any follow-up on the "clues" and it does sometimes come across as sloppy.

Not that I don't appreciate the work, though.
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Post by tigerlilylynn »

Samara wrote:I have to agree here...there isn't any follow-up on the "clues" and it does sometimes come across as sloppy.

Not that I don't appreciate the work, though.
I agree. Also, icon love <3
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Post by longlostposter »

I totally agree with Mary...that is why I don't waste my time on things like this anymore. They usual end up not factoring into the plot at all.
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Post by LauraBaby88 »

Some of the puzzles seem impossible to figure out! :oops:
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Post by BrightSilence »

I don't really care about puzzles being hard. This here is a pretty well oiled machine when it comes to puzzle solving. I just don't like it when we've all been working very hard to find out what the hell "beneath the blue stone" means only to find out we could have never known.

Even worse was the phone message that was clearly only for Jonas to understand. It would have been nice if he at least told us he knew what it meant on the forums so we wouldn't be breaking our heads on it for nothing...
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Post by tigerlilylynn »

link for cross-reference if/when creators swing by:
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