I Think The Order moved to Boston click here to find out why

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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I Think The Order moved to Boston click here to find out why

Post by theicon »

There's a picture of the boston skyline at the end of the hymn of one videos. The place that the first video was film at looks alot like the campus of UMASS. This might sound crazy, but I think the bluestone Bree is secretly refering to is the Bluestone Bistro in downtown boston. Its just a restuarant, but hey, cult members have to eat to. :D
To live or die in the Breeniverse!!!!
Suspiciously Absent
Posts: 21
Joined: Wed May 30, 2007 10:17 pm

Post by theicon »

i must of had a stupid idea, no ones responding.
To live or die in the Breeniverse!!!!

Post by Lurker »

Nah, it's not stupid. It's just been mentioned before elsewhere. Good job noticing on your own, though. Welcome to the forum, by the way.
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