Ok. You say the card might be a tarot card... "The Tower", with the numbers "XVI + I" correct? Also we're assuming the Magician and Star cards may be involved with this as well. The Fool has even been mentioned here. I have some background information from my own deck about the cards I will present here:
The major arcana, or cards #'s 1-21, describe the Fool's journey from card 0 to card 21. The Fool begins his journey innocent and eager. As he travels, he meets the archetype represented in each Major Arcana card image. From there, the Fool learns the lessons of life; upon reaching card 21, The World, he completes the cycle. My deck is known as the "Spiral Tarot", where the celtic spirals (inspired by designs found at the passage grave at Newgrange, Ireland), represent the Fool's journey as he/she begins the journey again, this time with a little more knowledge than before.
0 The Fool
The Fool is represented by a young man. He kneels in awe at the sight of the Grail. An angel guides him on his way. A black cat instinctively senses danger, in contrast to the Fool, who is fearless.
Divinatory meaning: Having trust in life. New beginnings. Faith. Optimism. Always follow your very own instinctive nature.
I The Magician
The Magician wears a cape bearing all the symbols of the Minor Arcana. He holds the caduceus aloft, bringing divine energy down to manifestation.
Divinatory meaning: The skills of the universe are there for you. Important life-changing, communication may manifest in the form of letters, meetings, or via the Internet.
XVI The Tower
The Tower rises up to meet Zeus's thunderbolt. A king and queen fall from the flaming tower.
Divinatory meaning: The Tower is liberating; when we are complacent, it gives us a shake-up. Denotes destruction of old forms, creation of new structures, upheavals, and change.
XVII The Star
Here is Isis the Star Maiden, who comes to replenish the waters of life with her tears. She is the symbol of life eternal.
Divinatory meaning: Everything is all right. You have renewed trust in yourself and know from thsi moment you'll have the self-sufficiency to work out issues.
Hmm... Isis, Denderah, Star...