Here are a few clues I extracted from various puzzles that I think are applicable:
This is the first communication we got from TravelerJ19’s YouTube profile, back in January:
TravelerJ19 wrote:OP HAD PATENT, HEW "the J Nineteen." – which anagrams to
"What happened to the J Nineteen"
The Project (Welcome to Facility J) Video wrote:John Rockefeller Prentice was in charge of research efforts at Facility J and believed that success could be achieved within the decade.
John Rockefeller Prentice was a Skull and Bones Society member who was also a pioneer in artificial insemination and cloning of livestock for agricultural purposes.
From “The Parcel” Mail drop:
Some questions this leaves us with are:
What was the incident?
Who or what are the J nineteen?
What happened to the J nineteen?
How and Why did they end up in Walters possession?
From the Catalyst (Find Him) Puzzle
Walter wrote:Perhaps some background information is in order. I was in charge of production at Facility J. It took us decades and we only produced nineteen of the damned things. You have taken care of two. The problem is that multiple exposures bring increased risk. So neither I nor the youngster nor any one of you can complete the task alone. The kid told me he had some success on the computer, and this is where we are now. Maybe we can work together in the future, assuming you aren’t screw-ups like he is.
From the “A Proper Introduction” Puzzle
Walter wrote:We knew the Soviets had them. They were at least ten years ahead of us. The Kirov and Sverdlovsk facilities were producing results before we had even begun. It wasn't hard for some half-witted military drones to weaponize the standards, although I do feel for the whitecoats. Lovett wanted something more from us, the intellectual elite. We were to produce a more discrete product.
Lovett was Secretary of defense, so it looks like somehow this was a part of the cold war, and possibly part of the weapons race.
From the “This side of Paradise” Puzzle
Walter wrote:Acquaintances,
We were all focused on the science at first Stop The implications of our success had not occurred to any of us stop. That changed when we received new instructions from the top stop In the event of accidental exposures they wanted a way to protect a chosen few stop.