All three of the scanned pages share a few things in common. A binary code, a tabulature code, and doodles or pictograms. All pages are from Dr. Seuss's Oh, Say Can You Say? A book of tounge twisters for children published on October 12, 1979. All doodles take place on the right page, however there is one exception.
Dr. Seuss Page 1:

The binary on this page is faded and unable to be decoded.
The tabulature reads:
"Is this thing on check one" - a possible reference to a microphone
Two pictograms appear:
One a speeding (cartoonish motion lines indicate this) suv with cartoonishly enlarged rear tires.
The second a stick figure with a head, a body, no arms, two legs, and a right foot.
The first true tounge twister in the book. The second poem.
Fresh Fresher Freshest
Do you like fresh fish?
It’s just fine at Finney’s Diner.
Finney also has some fresher fish
that’s fresher and much finer.
But his best fish is his freshest fish
and Finney says with pride,
“The finest fish at Finney’s
is my freshest fish, French-fried!”
don't order the fresh
or the fresher fish.
At Finney’s if you’re wise,
you'll say,
“Fetch me the finest
French-fried freshest
fish that Finney fries!”
Dr. Suess Page 2:

The binary on this page is faded and unable to be decoded.
The tabulature reads:
"good check fill the house" - another reference to a sound check with a command to fill the audience.
Four pictograms appear:
A face with three eyes. One on the left and two on the right. The two on the right are circled indicating "the right pair of eyes". This is the only pictogram on the left page. After the face is a squiggle and an exclamation point. For some reason this made me think of the hurrys.
A fish. Blue with a black top hat.
A red rock and a black rock. These were not drawn yet colored from the original art.
A girl with a fishing rod. Standing on a small rock is a girl with red hair and a large rod. I have noticed the simple shapes of the girl forming letters. such as a n and a d the ~ and < also appear in her shape. ~ being arms and < being legs. (Curiously look like the symbols used in forums)
The 13th or 14th twister in the book.
West Beast East Beast
Upon an island hard to reach,
The East Beast sits upon his beach.
Upon the west beach sits the West Beast.
Each beach beast thinks he’s the best beast.
Which beast is best?…Well, I thought at first
That the East was best and the West was worst.
Then I looked again from the west to the east
And I liked the beast on the east beach least.
Dr. Seuss Page 3:

The binary on this page reads:
"empty box seats" - possibly a reference to important people that needed to hear Zipp's message.
The tabulature reads:
"NO AUDIENCE NO CURTAIN CALL" - indicating if no one hears Zipp's message no one gets to take a bow.
Two pictograms appear:
A tree and a house. The tree has a type of red fruit(probably apples) four on the tree and one on the ground next to the tree. It is nestled beside a 2 story house. The door is unfinished and there are two windows on the front of the house and 4 on the side. There is a little black shadow on the bottom right(our left) of the house next to a squiggle symbol like the one that appeared after the three eyed face on the second page.
A happy/crazy smiling face.
The last twister in the book
“The storm starts
when the drops start dropping.
When the drops stop dropping
then the storm starts stopping.”
There is currently debate about the importance of the doodles. I have included them here with description because they were included with the drops. They should be considered with everything else just due to that. Why would they be included if they were to not help us solve the puzzle.