[DROP CONTENTS] I Get Around - Santa Cruz [5/26/07]

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Post by ShardinsKitten »

cainam wrote:This should be our next step I'd say. It's doubtful we will have any more contact until we do.


I just wanted to point out, that that is the most girly hand writing I've seen. Which in a way I guess makes sense, since it was probably our new character who got the drop ready. Except Jaynineteen hinted that he had all the vials. So why go threw all the trouble of sending one to her, instead of directly to us?

I do agree we should get the destruction done at this point and get the vid up, or pictures.

Do we send the link to Jay or the girl? (yea I can't remember her name lol) Or both. Is this the end of Jay?

Wow I kinda am starting to feel like this is turning more and more into an LG thing. More questions then answers. Also the puzzle in this drop was wayyyyyyyyyyy to easy, which furthers my opinion that we have a different PM.
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Post by Aja »

deagol wrote:
Aja wrote:
cainam wrote:This should be our next step I'd say. It's doubtful we will have any more contact until we do.

Does this mean I should go ahead and open the vial?
I say you open it. I guess a picture should satisfy him.
I can do picture or video - ahhh the possibilities now that I know how to work my camera and iMovie!
phipunk wrote:Is it just me, or is the misspelling of "vial" as "vail" worth considering? It seems like someone with the patience to write out morse code hidden in a picture on an index card would take the time to proof and correct a note like this.

But, Vail being a ski town in Colorado, I have no idea how that fits in with anything we've seen so far.
I sent Jay a fairly snarky message on myspace that included pointing out the spelling error. I'm still waiting for a response.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

Aja wrote:
deagol wrote:
Aja wrote: Does this mean I should go ahead and open the vial?
I say you open it. I guess a picture should satisfy him.
I can do picture or video - ahhh the possibilities now that I know how to work my camera and iMovie!
phipunk wrote:Is it just me, or is the misspelling of "vial" as "vail" worth considering? It seems like someone with the patience to write out morse code hidden in a picture on an index card would take the time to proof and correct a note like this.

But, Vail being a ski town in Colorado, I have no idea how that fits in with anything we've seen so far.
I sent Jay a fairly snarky message on myspace that included pointing out the spelling error. I'm still waiting for a response.
Well by the handwriting and the location of Jay and the girl. I'm going to say it's more likely the girl set this one up. She in santa cruz, Jay is in princeton. But sending snarky messages to Jay is fun lol.
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Post by VeiwerZane »

I already said in chat but ill go with teh marjority so its a yes on destroying the vial
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
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Post by deagol »

VeiwerZane wrote:I already said in chat but ill go with teh marjority so its a yes on destroying the vial
We've discussed this a while ago. I'm afraid to bring it up again, as last time it feels like we jinxed the game or something.

But I suppose we can al
ways play that card in the future: Aja could later come out with some pics that show her forging the J8 vial and saving the original? That way we can claim we never destroyed it, if need be.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

deagol wrote:
VeiwerZane wrote:I already said in chat but ill go with teh marjority so its a yes on destroying the vial
We've discussed this a while ago. I'm afraid to bring it up again, as last time it feels like we jinxed the game or something.

But I suppose we can al
ways play that card in the future: Aja could later come out with some pics that show her forging the J8 vial and saving the original? That way we can claim we never destroyed it, if need be.
I agree with deagol.
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Post by deagol »


Wait a second. Isn't that our furnace aka Athanor with man (his DNA) as the "Prime Matter of The Work" ??

So Athentor = Athanor ?
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Post by RedRevolver »

deagol wrote:Image

Wait a second. Isn't that our furnace aka Athanor with man (his DNA) as the "Prime Matter of The Work" ??

So Athentor = Athanor ?

If you go to dictionary.com and search for it, you won't get a result, but Athanor will be the first word to come up as a suggestion.

Athens Gate was another theory, but there is nothing on the internet about an 'Athens Gate'.
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Post by phipunk »

ShardinsKitten wrote:
I just wanted to point out, that that is the most girly hand writing I've seen. Which in a way I guess makes sense, since it was probably our new character who got the drop ready. Except Jaynineteen hinted that he had all the vials. So why go threw all the trouble of sending one to her, instead of directly to us?

I do agree we should get the destruction done at this point and get the vid up, or pictures.

Do we send the link to Jay or the girl? (yea I can't remember her name lol) Or both. Is this the end of Jay?

Wow I kinda am starting to feel like this is turning more and more into an LG thing. More questions then answers. Also the puzzle in this drop was wayyyyyyyyyyy to easy, which furthers my opinion that we have a different PM.
So, do we know that JayNineteen is male? Have we ever seen a picture? There are those voiceovers, but they sound pretty processed: could be a female voice with some crafty editing.

Also: only getting the tinyurl was easy. We still haven't cracked Sandi's last name.
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Post by RedRevolver »

phipunk wrote:
ShardinsKitten wrote:
I just wanted to point out, that that is the most girly hand writing I've seen. Which in a way I guess makes sense, since it was probably our new character who got the drop ready. Except Jaynineteen hinted that he had all the vials. So why go threw all the trouble of sending one to her, instead of directly to us?

I do agree we should get the destruction done at this point and get the vid up, or pictures.

Do we send the link to Jay or the girl? (yea I can't remember her name lol) Or both. Is this the end of Jay?

Wow I kinda am starting to feel like this is turning more and more into an LG thing. More questions then answers. Also the puzzle in this drop was wayyyyyyyyyyy to easy, which furthers my opinion that we have a different PM.
So, do we know that JayNineteen is male? Have we ever seen a picture? There are those voiceovers, but they sound pretty processed: could be a female voice with some crafty editing.

Also: only getting the tinyurl was easy. We still haven't cracked Sandi's last name.
Yeah. I'm guessing some talking to the 'conductor' is in order...
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Post by deagol »

phipunk wrote: So, do we know that JayNineteen is male? Have we ever seen a picture? There are those voiceovers, but they sound pretty processed: could be a female voice with some crafty editing.
You mean do we know the gender of the PM? Jay the character says he's male. I don't know of any voiceovers by him though. Perhaps you mean Trav's voiceovers?
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Post by Luminous »

I think this is Jay:


This is a screen cap from the beginning of the "I Get Around" drop video.

On his MySpace and YouTube profiles he says he is a 75 year old man living in Princeton, NJ.
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Post by phipunk »

deagol wrote:
phipunk wrote: So, do we know that JayNineteen is male? Have we ever seen a picture? There are those voiceovers, but they sound pretty processed: could be a female voice with some crafty editing.
You mean do we know the gender of the PM? Jay the character says he's male. I don't know of any voiceovers by him though. Perhaps you mean Trav's voiceovers?
Yes, I was confusing travellerj19 with JayNineteen. It just struck me that I had at first assumed JayNineteen was male, since Jay is a male name, but there really wasn't much evidence for that. Not that it means anything, but if we need to try to figure out who did which drop, it could be relevant.
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Post by Musique »

Maybe "Vail" is the new girl's last name?

Vail: –verb (used with object)
1. to let sink; lower.
2. Archaic. to take off or doff (one's hat), as in respect or submission.

[Origin: 1300–50; ME valen, aph. var. of avalen (now obs.) < MF avaler to move down, v. deriv. of phrase a val down (lit., to the valley) (a to (< L ad) + val vale)]

–verb (used without object), verb (used with object)
1. to be of use or profit; avail.
2. a tip; gratuity.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

phipunk wrote:
ShardinsKitten wrote:
I just wanted to point out, that that is the most girly hand writing I've seen. Which in a way I guess makes sense, since it was probably our new character who got the drop ready. Except Jaynineteen hinted that he had all the vials. So why go threw all the trouble of sending one to her, instead of directly to us?

I do agree we should get the destruction done at this point and get the vid up, or pictures.

Do we send the link to Jay or the girl? (yea I can't remember her name lol) Or both. Is this the end of Jay?

Wow I kinda am starting to feel like this is turning more and more into an LG thing. More questions then answers. Also the puzzle in this drop was wayyyyyyyyyyy to easy, which furthers my opinion that we have a different PM.
So, do we know that JayNineteen is male? Have we ever seen a picture? There are those voiceovers, but they sound pretty processed: could be a female voice with some crafty editing.

Also: only getting the tinyurl was easy. We still haven't cracked Sandi's last name.
Finding her last name was not part of this drop. She stated to TOSG that if we want her last name, we have to talk (or rather "rap") to Jay. Which is a pretty big hint that we have no way of even finding it out right now, unless one of us has some wicked guessing skills, which didn't work when we tried that with Jay.
I know I'm an acquired taste: I'm anchovies. And not everyone wants those hairy little things. If I was potato chips, I could go more places. -Tori Amos
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