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Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 6:23 pm
by deagol
shifty wrote:
cup o' noodles wrote:
shifty wrote:I'll give it a shot :]

Your first step:

1.) Decide how to apply the following characters:


*Observation: The text is tiny.

Have fun!
Tiny url? ub465, right?

I got this from some download thingy. I can't open it on my computer though. Here's the name. I suck at this puzzle stuff, so I'm probably wrong. :lol:
WinAce opens it, was an error on my part.
Nice one Shifty...

7.8.87 ;)

[Edit: wait, that's not you... you're yaJnahtano and this guy's name is yaJauhso.
This is where I ended up: aHR0cDovL215c3BhY2UuY29tL3l0Zmlocw== ]

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 6:26 pm
by ladron121
deagol wrote: Good job Lad! But you missed the last step...
Got it? Great, now rip her out! (Traveler J would get it LOL)<br>
'cause, "boys in my chit chat"??
(err, guy here) that's obviously not what I want to say!

Oh, and did you get the mortal combat reference?
V was a great mini-series, lol mortal combat.

And no fair making a reference that only one person would get.

Is it an anagram, cause I dont ever do those.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:00 pm
by ladron121
shifty wrote:I'll give it a shot :]

Your first step:

1.) Decide how to apply the following characters:


*Observation: The text is tiny.

Have fun!
I hate you for this one Shifty.

The tiny text shows ub465, and so you go to, which leads you to download the file MeIntoLeet_txt.xef. You have to use WinAce to open a .xef, and this one is password protected. Of course the password is MeIntoLeet, or shifty's name in leet. Password - 5h1f7y

MeIntoLeet.txt is the only file within. It has the following text:
55 6e 6c 65 65 74 20 69 74 20 61 6e 64 20 61 70 70 6c 79 3a

75 76 76 6c 6b 79 6c 62 74 66 6d 67 67 75 61 20 74 67 20 79 68 77 74 64 62 6c 79 20 61 70 6a 20 76 66 73 79 69 68 6d 63 6a 7a 20 6b 74 6b 70 77 6a 62 71 72 2e 20 66 67 64 6d 61 78 70 2c 20 71 76 63 20 66 6b 63 66 27 61 20 6e 6e 67 67 6b 6f 6d 69 2c 20 72 63 6c 2e 20

6c 68 73 6a 20 6d 66 61 7a 20 6b 71 6e 63 3a


73 75 6c 20 66 69 6e 64 66 20 71 79 20 74 72 20 22 73 20 77 74 66 76 63 20 78 76 7a 20 6b 6b 67 77 75 6c 78 2e 22
Run hex -> text on the first part:
75 76 76 6c 6b 79 6c 62 74 66 6d 67 67 75 61 20 74 67 20 79 68 77 74 64 62 6c 79 20 61 70 6a 20 76 66 73 79 69 68 6d 63 6a 7a 20 6b 74 6b 70 77 6a 62 71 72 2e 20 66 67 64 6d 61 78 70 2c 20 71 76 63 20 66 6b 63 66 27 61 20 6e 6e 67 67 6b 6f 6d 69 2c 20 72 63 6c 2e 20

6c 68 73 6a 20 6d 66 61 7a 20 6b 71 6e 63 3a TURNS INTO

Unleet it and apply:uvvlkylbtfmggua tg yhwtdbly apj vfsyihmcjz ktkpwjbqr. fgdmaxp, qvc fkcf'a nnggkomi, rcl. lhsj mfaz kqnc:

Unleet it means take the password and use normal letters. Use a Vigenere Cipher with the key: shifty and you get:

congratulations on applying the characters correctly. however, you aren't finished, yet. take this clue

ImRoZyBubSBiZ2R2LCBrZWdoLCB2eiBfICdfJy4i is coded in Base64, decode it and it becomes:
"dhg nm bgdv, kegh, vz _ '_'."
Run that thru the same Vigenere Cipher and you get:
"lay it down, flip, or _ '_'."

73 75 6c 20 66 69 6e 64 66 20 71 79 20 74 72 20 22 73 20 77 74 66 76 63 20 78 76 7a 20 6b 6b 67 77 75 6c 78 2e 22
hex -> text turns that into
sul findf qy tr "s wtfvc xvz kkgwulx."
Apply the Vigenere cipher and THAT turns into
and apply it at "a place for friends."
So, solutions thus far:
congratulations on applying the characters correctly. however, you aren't finished, yet. take this clue
"lay it down, flip, or _ '_'."
and apply it at "a place for friends."

The blanks should be: reverse 'it'. A place for friends is MySpace. So:
Another site, MORE CODE!

34 f6 e6 76 27 16 47 57 c6 16 47 96 f6 e6 37 e2 02 95 f6 57 02 16 27 56 02 36 c6 f6 37 56 02 47 f6 02 47 86 56 02 56 e6 46 e2


45 86 16 47 02 34 02 d6 16 46 56 02 47 86 56 02 56 e6 47 96 27 56 02 c6 96 e6 56 02 96 e6 36 f6 e6 37 96 37 47 56 e6 47 e2 e2 e2 02 75 86 16 47 02 16 02 37 86 16 d6 56 e2

14 07 07 c6 97 02 97 f6 57 27 02 16 e6 37 77 56 27 02 77 86 56 27 56 02 97 f6 57 02 22 24 27 f6 16 46 36 16 37 47 02 95 f6 57 27 37 56 c6 66 e2 22

Since its the reverseti site, and if you run the HEX as is it means nothing, we REVERSE it (which i am not posting here for my sanity).

Reversed hex -> text (you have to reverse the text as well after you decode, har har har)

v&FW�F��6��V&W2��6WB�B�VR�F����˻����That C made the entire line inconsistent... What a shame.Apply your answer where you "Broadcast Yourself."

So we glare at the long line of Bs with a C in the middle and take out the C. Decode again and reverse the text again and you get:

Congratulations. You are close to the end.»»»»»»»»That C made the entire line inconsistent... What a shame.Apply your answer where you "Broadcast Yourself."

Either way, on to another website...
We are now on youtube. Tried shifty, ti, reverseti, and several other user names, got nothing. The only new thing that we discovered on the last website was the "inconsistent C". Tried that (thank you masked stranger), and got

VIDEO, so used Audacity, re

Reversed the audio, and get:


There, its done, are you happy now :P

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:18 pm
by deagol
ladron121 wrote:
More to come...
Ahh that's where I got tripped... dammit, I ended up here.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:37 pm
by shifty
Lad wins!

Very good job!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:41 pm
by Ziola
Holy Crap!! Let me illustrate how Shifty's puzzle made me feel...

#-o ](*,) :smt118 :smt119 :smt103 :smt104 :smt120

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:52 pm
by deagol
shifty wrote:Lad wins!

Very good job!
Shifty. Just. Amazing.

I'm suspicious about that masked stranger though... I went to all these YT users:

They're all subscribed to this user:

Who has only one video, this rasta/house song "I like to move it move it" while playing Halo. I spent half an hour analysing that crap. Thanks Shifty :x LOL

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:05 pm
by deagol
ladron121 wrote:
deagol wrote: Good job Lad! But you missed the last step...
Got it? Great, now rip her out! (Traveler J would get it LOL)<br>
'cause, "boys in my chit chat"??
(err, guy here) that's obviously not what I want to say!

Oh, and did you get the mortal combat reference?
V was a great mini-series, lol mortal combat.

And no fair making a reference that only one person would get.

Is it an anagram, cause I dont ever do those.
Yes Lad, but it's pretty easy once you rip her out of it. Just remember to put her back in at the beginning for the solution.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:08 pm
by shifty
deagol wrote:
ladron121 wrote:
deagol wrote: Good job Lad! But you missed the last step... 'cause, "boys in my chit chat"??
(err, guy here) that's obviously not what I want to say!

Oh, and did you get the mortal combat reference?
V was a great mini-series, lol mortal combat.

And no fair making a reference that only one person would get.

Is it an anagram, cause I dont ever do those.
Yes Lad, but it's pretty easy once you rip her out of it. Just remember to put her back in at the beginning for the solution.
"Tachyon is my bitch"?


Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 8:15 pm
by deagol
shifty wrote: "Tachyon is my bitch"?

There ya go.

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 9:12 pm
by ladron121
I updated my original Deagol solution with the correct answer, then noticed that Shifty posted it just above. Oh well, I'm done with codes for one night.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:51 am
by shifty
My second puzzle! This one should be easier.. and hopefully funner than my last.. :) :

Code: Select all

What row of numbers comes next?
When you believe you have the answer, perhaps it will redirect you somewhere?

PS. Dealing with Tachyon and her story all day highly influenced this... it wasn't really intentional!
PPS. No sharing answers!! However, it is ok to say the answer to the question on the "final" step. :]

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 2:37 am
by FallingIntoSin
shifty wrote:My second puzzle! This one should be easier.. and hopefully funner than my last.. :) :

Code: Select all

What row of numbers comes next?
When you believe you have the answer, perhaps it will redirect you somewhere?

PS. Dealing with Tachyon and her story all day highly influenced this... it wasn't really intentional!
I got it, the next line is FAMILAAR :twisted:

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:24 am
by mourningbelle
So! The puzzle. Solving this made me really happy.

"My second puzzle! This one should be easier.. and hopefully funner than my last.. Smile :


What row of numbers comes next?
When you believe you have the answer, perhaps it will redirect you somewhere?

PS. Dealing with Tachyon and her story all day highly influenced this... it wasn't really intentional!"

Each row describes the previous.
Row #1 is "one 1" or 11, row #2 is two ones or "21", etc..
The last row should read:


redirect :

Highlight the text on each post and you get a story about trying to find a better site for communication. The post on the top of the page includes hex.

4c 6f 6f 6b 20 61 74 20 74 68 65 20 74 69 74 6c 65 20 6f 66 20 65
61 63 68 20 62 6c 6f 67 20 70 6f 73 74 2e 54 61 6b 65 20 74 68 65
20 66 69 72 73 74 20 6c 65 74 74 65 72 20 66 72 6f 6d 20 65 61 63
68 2e

"-Then apply to tinyurl."

Look at the title of each blog post. Take the first character from each.

First characters:

Applied to tinyurl: ... heBlog.jpg

You get an image with missing text, that instructs you to use the blog (obviously, from the file name) to find out what it says, write it out, then reverse it, as this will "redirect you" to the next communication site:

(Edit: adding the picture.)

"if there are five coins on a desk and you take away 2 how many do you have?"

So, three=eerht, right? No.. Shifty wanted to be funny. If you take two... you have two. The url is

There's a youtube account ( at the redirect, and a video. In the information, there's a lot of binary:


Which decodes to hex:
57 68 61 74 20 72 6f 77 20 6f 66 20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 73 20 63 6f
6d 65 73 20 61 66 74 65 72 20 31 31 31 33 32 31 33 32 31 31 3f

Which decodes to:
What row of numbers comes after 1113213211?

Using the logic from earlier, the next row would be 31131211131221. hooray!

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 3:40 am
by shifty
Belle wins!!
