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Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:14 pm
by Mirage
theratdiva wrote:I don't think that anyone wanted to see a whole bunch of blood and gore or some sort of extremely violent act befall the characters of Bree or Daniel. However, for months now, we were lead to believe that 10/12/06 would be the day that the ceremony would occur, and the day that the roof would be blown off of the whole LG15 story.
Contrary to what we were all expecting (and frankly, contrary to any sort of story/book/movie/play that I have ever seen), the "climax" of the story was anything but. Add to this the frustration that many of us feel about CiW leading to a bloody simulation game, and perhaps you'll see why so many of us are unhappy.
A lot of us, no doubt yourself included

, have invested time and interest into the LG15 story and we were waiting for a big boom, or at the very least an actual cliffhanger... we received neither.
Please don't think that we wanted to see the characters hurt (well, maybe some people did, there's always a few people like that no matter what you're in) it's just that... well, my best analogy would be to pull out Harry Caray, beloved announcer of the Cubs, and the way that he called home runs. Harry would get us all going, screaming, "It could be...! It just might be...! It could be...IT IS!!! HOLY COW!!". LG15 has been like months of the "It could be..." only to end with, "Nope, sorry... no. Not gonna tell you where it went, but no".
Ok, I'm gonna try and post this without screwing up cause I'm laughing like a fool over here. All I can think of is Will Ferrel's impersonation of Harry Caray on SNL!!
10/12/06 WAS the day of the ceremony. Daniel's video had that date on it. As for the "roof" being "blown off" thing, did the producers ever come right out and say that all the answers would be revealed that day? No, we as the viewers did. It wouldn't be the first time in a narrative where we believed something big was going to happen but either 1)didn't or 2)it was something we weren't expecting at all. I understand why you'd feel that the ceremony should have been a climax, or a cliffhanger, but it wasn't. So does that mean that that was the only chance in the storytelling FOR a climax?
I just thing that all of us were too quick to place all sorts of importance (storyline wise, not Bree's religion wise) on the date, thinking that it was going to be some big bang that was going to really shock or whatever. I think we all need to keep our faith in the Powers that are Bree (PTAB

And throughout that whole diatribe, I still cant get "Hi, Harry Caray here!" out of my head.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:35 pm
by Flautapantera
Penny--I love your avatar!
I wish I could figure out how to snatch a moving avatar. Jealous.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 6:43 pm
by CrazyNic
I just find that things are maybe getting to be "too much" for a vlog...we can no longer feel fulfilled by these quick 3min videos ever few days. The plot has thickened, and we demand more.
Daniel runs for cover under a bridge/porch and apparently avoids capture...but there's no follow up video, something I would expect after he got home posted the ceremony video, got some sleep, and gathered his thoughts.
Also Bree's video after the ceremony doesn't trigger much of what I've been reading. She doesn't appear to have been through anything traumatic, or anything that would be considered bad.
Perhaps when an occult religion has their activities, they keep out the public due simply to preconceived notions of what they are doing. Daniel is a clear and obvious case of this. He thinks what's going on is awful, and needs to save Bree, however nothing bad happened to her, and the world is still spinning...for now
I digress with, hold our breath, and just enjoy the ride. Sometimes it helps to walk away for a few days and then enjoy several videos and tons of forum talk all at once...helps to crave the need for MORE!
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:06 pm
by spaciegirlreturn
I think I did say at some point that I wanted her to die..but that's not neccessarily true. I just wanted something interesting to happen...and I do likes me a good tragedy, which really isn't that uncommon. I don't think most of the people who wanted something bad to happen were gonna sit and watch her being violated while they maniacly would still be sad/ disturbing etc...but this is supposed to be entertainment, something should happen. I wouldn't take offense to it.
No one is dead?!
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:12 pm
by Satan_0
I'd just like to point out.. I didn't want anyone harmed! I just wanted Bree to become pregnant with the spirit of Aleister Crowley and give birth to him as the Antichrist or something...

Or she could have at least gone missing and Daniel could have gone road tripping to find her... In that suggestion no-one gets hurt 'cept the environment... UNLESS! Daniel drives a hybrid car in which case... umm.. nvm I digress...
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:15 pm
by asenath
You're definitely not the only person. I love scary stories, but I don't want this one to get so dark. I like the direction it's going in, and another reason I'm glad it didn't turn out the way so many people wanted it to is because I don't want it to end just yet! It's only just started (I hope).
Re: No one is dead?!
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:16 pm
by asenath
Satan_0 wrote:Hey...
I'd just like to point out.. I didn't want anyone harmed! I just wanted Bree to become pregnant with the spirit of Aleister Crowley and give birth to him as the Antichrist or something...

Or she could have at least gone missing and Daniel could have gone road tripping to find her... In that suggestion no-one gets hurt 'cept the environment... UNLESS! Daniel drives a hybrid car in which case... umm.. nvm I digress...
I have to ask, did someone seriously already take the screenname "Satan"?
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:47 pm
by Penny
Flautapantera wrote:Penny--I love your avatar!
I wish I could figure out how to snatch a moving avatar. Jealous.

Go to have everything.
Satan_0 wrote:
I'd just like to point out.. I didn't want anyone harmed! I just wanted Bree to become pregnant with the spirit of Aleister Crowley and give birth to him as the Antichrist or something... Twisted Evil Or she could have at least gone missing and Daniel could have gone road tripping to find her... In that suggestion no-one gets hurt 'cept the environment... UNLESS! Daniel drives a hybrid car in which case... umm.. nvm I digress...
lol! rofl! I didn't know satan worries about the environment.
Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:01 pm
by aguy
Mirage wrote:Hell they yank stimulated sex between imaginary cartoon characters.

We definitely don't want stimulated sex between cartoon characters. I mean, regular cartoon sex is bad enough; but stimulated cartoon sex? That's really bad!

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:36 am
by Dunneh
We still don't know where Daniel is. I mean I assume he got home because he posted the video, but he may have been followed or anything. But he'll probably be fine. How predictable.
But, I am disappointed. You know why? Because they've been harping on about the 12th since the cookie episode-- and the franticness of the 'Ceremony' episode was very exciting. With an apparent anti-climax.
Now it's like ".... I'm back and it went fine." That's not conflict, it's not drama, it's not even interesting. I'm not saying she has to be sacrificed, raped, disembowled-- but geez, if the twist was the ceremony was just one big enochian yahtzee game then that would have been more interesting than: "I back. It was cool. I feel disciplined."
I'd be less annoyed if they didn't drum it up so much. The pills, the secrecy, the date allusions, thelema, the frantic scrambling in the bushes by Daniel ala Blair Witch-- and then this?
It doesn't mean the story isn't progressing or going somewhere, I just didn't like the huge build up for nothing. And at the end of the day, it's entertainment, and their characters aren't real, so they can do whatever they wish with the storyline. But they don't. It's like watching a soap opera except nothing happens... I can watch Big Brother if I want to see that.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:44 am
by Penny
The thing is, I have watched the newest vlog a few times and everyone is right. Bree is acting weird. She says she really feels great (or something to that effect) right at the beginning of the vlog but she sure doesn't look great or good. I thought that she just looked tired at first but now I think she looks sad. Not sad because Lucy is leaving or the ceremony is over...just sad for unknown reasons.
Part of me thinks that she was forced to post the last vlog or something like that. Her eyes are downcast for a lot of the vlog. It's weird. Something much bigger is coming and all we need to do is be patient.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:03 am
by Dunneh
You're right that Bree seems detached and bored considering the ceremony was supposed to be amazing, one in a life time-- etc.
If that was their intent, (that she was being forced) they should have made it more obvious, I think. I don't see much difference between this video and the one she posts before the ceremony. I just think it reflects a general idea that Bree is changing as she focuses on her religion more. She's more serious and less her bubbly self.
Unfortunately her serious self is kinda boring.
I know something is coming, and I imagine it will have to do with her personality changes but I think they could have done the latest video in a way that would have made me wonder what had happened at the ceremony more. Even if they made her more obviously detatched and vague.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:32 am
by CrazyNic
Of course Bree
HAD to post the last blog...she has to document everything for a year during this's part of the journey that she's taking. God where the hell did I read this, but I know I read it on the board somewhere...DAMN MEMORY

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:45 am
by roxybebito
Dunneh wrote:We still don't know where Daniel is. I mean I assume he got home because he posted the video, but he may have been followed or anything. But he'll probably be fine. How predictable.
But, I am disappointed. You know why? Because they've been harping on about the 12th since the cookie episode-- and the franticness of the 'Ceremony' episode was very exciting. With an apparent anti-climax.
Now it's like ".... I'm back and it went fine." That's not conflict, it's not drama, it's not even interesting. I'm not saying she has to be sacrificed, raped, disembowled-- but geez, if the twist was the ceremony was just one big enochian yahtzee game then that would have been more interesting than: "I back. It was cool. I feel disciplined."
I'd be less annoyed if they didn't drum it up so much. The pills, the secrecy, the date allusions, thelema, the frantic scrambling in the bushes by Daniel ala Blair Witch-- and then this?
It doesn't mean the story isn't progressing or going somewhere, I just didn't like the huge build up for nothing. And at the end of the day, it's entertainment, and their characters aren't real, so they can do whatever they wish with the storyline. But they don't. It's like watching a soap opera except nothing happens... I can watch Big Brother if I want to see that.
We don't even know if Daniel posted this, or under what circumstances he did. He might have been forced. For all we know, even Bree might have been forced, maybe she taped this even before the ceremony, or supervised, after the ceremony, under pressure (although, I would guess her bandages would be concealed if so). I am still shocked that she did not address the fact that he followed her there.
Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:48 am
by CrazyNic
roxybebito wrote:
We don't even know if Daniel posted this, or under what circumstances he did. He might have been forced. For all we know, even Bree might have been forced, maybe she taped this even before the ceremony, or supervised, after the ceremony, under pressure (although, I would guess her bandages would be concealed if so). I am still shocked that she did not address the fact that he followed her there.
Okay, I just was able to handle Bree being forced to post 'pre-ceremony' but umm...Daniel is too much of a punk ass kid to willingly post something, I think he'd rather die...remember young teenage-love is stronger then any force on earth