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Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:17 pm
by AM
Okay, let's put it this way; Drop or not, every time LG fans have been able to figure out the exact location of an episode someone has gone to investigate. Every. Single. Time. The parking garage where Bree's dad was shot, the hotel Bree and Jonas stayed at in the mountains while chasing the cowboy. Places that clearly were not drops at all. Heck, the Creators even encouraged this by having Nikki B. finding the box with the watcher symbol at the site of the fake ceremony. Every place that real fans couldn't find Nikki B has gone to herself (the movie theater, the motels Daniel and Bree stayed at etc).
So the creators know this and they give an exact address in a video. Do they really expect that some fan or other will not go there?
I think it would be unreasonable for the creators to actually think that, given an actual address, some fan or other wouldn't go there and check it out.
Also, they gave very specific information about counting the third garbage can. Could they really be so dense as to believe some curious fan wouldn't go down there and check out that can?
I just can't believe that the creators are actually going to come out and say "Whoops! Don't bother. We didn't mean to lead you on folks. We didn't realize that if we gave you an exact location you'd actually want to check it out."
Can you think of a single video where fans have not tried to pin point the actual location? Can you think of a single location that nobody has gone to, once it's been figured out? Especially the S. Cal locations where the old ARG has historically taken place.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 12:52 am
by JenniPowell
If this isn't cleared up by noon butt is going to Santa Monica with my big ole boyfriend and a camera and we're walking our ass down some alleys. Cause we are HARDCORE!
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:02 am
by Luminous
JenniPowell wrote:If this isn't cleared up by noon butt is going to Santa Monica with my big ole boyfriend and a camera and we're walking our ass down some alleys. Cause we are HARDCORE!
Yay! Good for you! I've been wondering when someone would just go do this!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:30 am
by milowent
JenniPowell wrote:If this isn't cleared up by noon butt is going to Santa Monica with my big ole boyfriend and a camera and we're walking our ass down some alleys. Cause we are HARDCORE!
Thank god! Watch out for those mercedes!
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:34 am
by Les_128
Thank you!

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:28 am
by JenniPowell
No problem peeps. Just let me know if we do hear this is not a drop from the Creators. No sense puttin' in the leg work if it's nothing. I mean, a trip to the beach is TORTURE. Heehee.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:31 am
by Luminous
Even if it isn't a drop, it would still be fun to have and "on location with LG15" vid
I say just go for it. What's the harm?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:57 am
by JenniPowell
I'll do by best Nikki B impression.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:38 am
by megs229
Cool. Can't wait to see Jenni's video

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 11:07 am
by bianca23
Jenni, you're great!!!! Hope that your bud finds something.
Finally somebody who is hardcore haha

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:01 pm
by JenniPowell
Well, before we all jump for joy...
...I may be hardcore, but I can do nothing against the evil of...
I am sick as a dog. It struck me in the middle of the night and took me down hard. My big ole boyfriend (who was to accompany me on this journey) has forbidden me to get out of bed. We're going to give it a few hours and see how I feel.
I feel like there is some kind of curse around this "drop". Preventing all brave soldiers from retreiving it. If it is even there at all.
I will keep you posted. Please don't murder me. Believe me, this hurts me way more than it does you.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:14 pm
by megs229
JenniPowell wrote:Well, before we all jump for joy...
...I may be hardcore, but I can do nothing against the evil of...
I am sick as a dog. It struck me in the middle of the night and took me down hard. My big ole boyfriend (who was to accompany me on this journey) has forbidden me to get out of bed. We're going to give it a few hours and see how I feel.
I feel like there is some kind of curse around this "drop". Preventing all brave soldiers from retreiving it. If it is even there at all.
I will keep you posted. Please don't murder me. Believe me, this hurts me way more than it does you.

Aww, Jenni, I hope you feel better. Your health is most important here. Rest and feel better!
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:28 pm
by Absynth
Hey Jenni, you could always just stop by the Neutrogena plant and camp in the parking lot. Then when Spencer gets out of work, you could run up to him and give him another heart attack. Then, when he calms down, you could make him create a specifically tailored flu vaccine just for you, I'm sure he could do it. Then youll be all better for when you go wandering through alleyways full of potheads.
ETA: I forgot to tell you in all seriousness, I do hope you feel better.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:01 pm
by Ixlikexchalk
JenniPowell wrote:Well, before we all jump for joy...
...I may be hardcore, but I can do nothing against the evil of...
I am sick as a dog. It struck me in the middle of the night and took me down hard. My big ole boyfriend (who was to accompany me on this journey) has forbidden me to get out of bed. We're going to give it a few hours and see how I feel.
I feel like there is some kind of curse around this "drop". Preventing all brave soldiers from retreiving it. If it is even there at all.
I will keep you posted. Please don't murder me. Believe me, this hurts me way more than it does you.

the Order thinks of everything... =P
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:04 pm
by Ixlikexchalk
question, everyone: Isn't it possible for someone unrelated to the LG world at all to find what we're looking for, go "what the hell is this?" and discard it before any of us get a chance to find...whatever it is? Unless they have someone waiting there like at the end of Rat Race to observe the finding and stuff like that. Who knows. Just asking.