Is Deep throat a drop?

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Is Deep throat a drop?

Post by AM »

Mention of a box and a specific address have lead me to believe it could be a drop. What do you guys think?

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Post by kellylen »

after watching it again i think the box may just mean the streets form a box
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Post by marlasinger »

I don't want ANYONE walking down a dark alleyway in LA, and I doubt the Cs do either.
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Post by iamcool »

marlasinger wrote:I don't want ANYONE walking down a dark alleyway in LA, and I doubt the Cs do either.
yehhh thats what i was thinking
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Post by thoughtssopoetic »

marlasinger wrote:I don't want ANYONE walking down a dark alleyway in LA, and I doubt the Cs do either.
very good point.
unless you so happen to be a hit man, then you might be okay...
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Post by wordfish »

i just posted this in the plot discussion version of this thread.

This topic is flying around in a couple other threads.
The thing is, it is LA, a dark alley in LA.
I think we have basically come to the conclusion that he just thought he might die.

ha ha. no. it's not really L.A., and it's not really a dark alley. I mean, yeah it's a dark alley, and technically it's in LA, but it's in an upscale part of an already upscale neighborhood in Santa Monica.

I used to smoke pot in those alleys when i was a rebellious teenager. the most dangerous thing around is the pot smoking teenagers. really, that's about the most harmless neighborhood in the world. either the creators were hoping nobody knew that, daniel is a total wuss, or he wanted us to know his exact location.

further more, if beast wanted us to know his whereabouts for safety reasons, he would have posted a video before leaving for the meeting. The fact that he posted the vid at all let's us know that he has made it home in one piece.

I was initially inclined to believe it was not a drop, but after writing this thing, i've pretty much convinced myself that, for whatever reason, they do want someone to go there. if i still lived in LA i'd be on it. Someone's gotta take one for the team. plus there's a really good gelato place right near there. it's called something Ices. Didi's Ice, or something.
go check it out, i mean, even if it's not a drop you still get ice cream.

(does anyone else find it weird that, while we have an emoticon of a smiley netting a chicken, we don't have an icecream related emoticon?)

edited to add this link:

moderator edit to change URL from extra-long to tiny so the post wouldn't widen the text box size - thanks!
Last edited by wordfish on Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by chevalier »

As I posted in the video discussion forum, it seems highly unlikely to me that the creators would have Daniel give the clues twice if it wasn't important for some reason. They could have just had him say "remember the clues in case you have to come get me", but no, he lists them twice, specifically.

So while I'm not 100% that it's a drop, there might be some clue there, or maybe the importance of the location clue will be revealed later.

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Post by chershaytoute »

Colic, as an ad here, is WEIRD - don't get me wrong, it's important (I dealt with two colicky babies myself) - but it's probably not important as to whether or not this is a drop <rueful grin>.

Since we do seem to get some weird ads now and again, I'm going to split the ad stuff off to start a thread for talking about 'em down in Off The Cuff called...oddly enough...Weird Ads!
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by chevalier »

chershaytoute wrote:Having had to deal with two colicky babies, you'd better believe that stuff could be important!

However, it's probably not important to whether or not this is a drop <rueful grin>, since we do seem to get some weird ads now and again, I'm going to split the ad stuff off to start a thread down in Off The Cuff called...oddly enough...Weird Ads!

Do YOU think it's a drop or some other clue/puzzle? It seems like they were really hammering the hint home.

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Post by chershaytoute »

Hey, Chris!

Personally, I don't think it's a drop. But that's my own opinion. Nobody tells me nuthin' 'round here... <silly grin>

Seriously, I commented in the video thread (at least, I think I did!) that I figured our days of getting drops to pick up were long gone. The boxes mentioned, to me, had to do with what was there, where Daniel was to meet her.

I also think we might have gotten some guidance in the in-character threads about it, at least on Friday night, if there'd been something.

But...if I'm wrong (which I often am...who knows? :lol:), we may well find out Monday. Hopefully? Right? <chuckle>
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by kellylen »

i think it is. and i think some people should go check it out@!
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Post by bianca23 »

I also think it's a drop. Daniel said the location a little too much. Maybe the mysterious deep throat left something there. So if you live nearby, go check it out! Not alone ofcourse :!: :!:
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Post by consideration »

I don't think it's a drop. But I think Nikki B will be showing up there soon.
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Post by marlasinger »

If it's a drop, wouldnt Daniel be the recipient?

Listen, if it's a drop then we shouldn't have to guess at it. And the fact that we're guessing at it means the Cs screwed up and didn't make it clear enough.

If they want to start doing drops, they should learn from the ARGs that have had successful ones. They'll do their research before fucking with us, Im sure.

I just don't think the Cs have the time to start doing drops. Either way, I"m not there until the 24th. So someone else has to go walk down a scary alleyway on their own, potheads or no potheads - and I don't believe that for a minute; walking down a dark alleyway in ANY city is a BAD idea. I don't care if you think pothead kids are harmless. There's always a first.

I'll call whoever goes down there an idiot, even if they DO find something. The Cs are risking a LOT by placing a drop there - which is why I'm convinced its nothing.
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Post by chevalier »

marlasinger wrote:

Listen, if it's a drop then we shouldn't have to guess at it. And the fact that we're guessing at it means the Cs screwed up and didn't make it clear enough.

I can totally agree with that. This is at least part of the point I was trying to make; if it's not something we're supposed to check out, the creators shouldn't have made Danny Boy so insistent.

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