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Post by sack36 »

deagol wrote:
sack36 wrote:Except for the last bit 2'-OH, I don't see any resemblance.

Also, the written text came from the bottom of a page in the notebook, and has no relationship to the diagrams on the loose pages.
You don't see a similarity in the words' lengths? I see a clear three-letter word starting with F.. and then a long word starting in NUC... and ending in ...PHILIC, and then the 2' OH.
The written text does came from the page where the first hairpin ribozyme diagram is shown, right below it. In the linked website, the text appears below that same diagram, as shown in my screencap before, or as you can check yourself by following the link.

Wouldn't you think it would be too much coincidence that both diagrams are exactly the same as in that page, and the text looks so similar, with that long rare word, and the undisputable 2'OH below the first diagram, as in the web page? To me it's pretty clear they based the diagrams and the scribbled notes on this web page, or perhaps on the book which this web page was based on (Rupert, 2002, see the diagram credits in my previous post).
Looking at the line four times doesn't make it look any more like the lines you suggest. That "long rare word" looks like two words to me Also, I see a very strong four letters (possibly "tool") where you see "for".

Now about the part of your text I bolded. I didn't say exactly the same, I said similar; and the more I research on this the more I'm inclined to rescind that. Let me show you a page I found:

At first blush, this looks like 3 columns of the same three diagrams. But in fact this shows 15 individual nucleotides. Without getting a lot more up close and personal, it is impossible to tell the differences. The critical information for us is as difficult to discern. We need to keep examining that page.
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Post by deagol »

I dunno, it's easy for me to discern the differences in all of those 15 individual nucleotides when I pay close attention, except perhaps between the last two rows (but I still can see a tiny difference).

In the page with the hairpin diagrams I can see something in the blurry lines between the blue and red pentagons that match the first of the three variations in the website image. If you look at what's distinctive in that first variation, I can sort of make out the blue 'O' that's connected to the left side of blue pentagon below, and connects to a 'P' node right below the red pentagon. None of the other 2 versions seem to fit. I wish I had photoshop with me right now so I could freely rotate the loose page diagram to match the website diagram and make a better comparison, or even overlay them. Can anyone else try this?
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Post by sack36 »

I'll go ahead and try. Hold on.
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