I apologize for the redundant post, but it seems like it wasn't clear which diagram I was pointing to in my original post. None of this is new so if you already checked the link on my previous post feel free to skip this.
sack36 wrote:Deagol was only pointing out the thread for the earlier pix. These are from a different area and that's why I posted them. The earlier thread only looked at the black and white book, not the loose papers.
post I linked to before and partially quoted did indeed talk about the molecule diagram in the loose paper with a paperclip seen a few seconds before the one in the notebook. I included a
link taken from that post that takes you to a web page with text and diagrams where you can see both molecule diagrams, first the one in the notebook, and below that the one in the paperclip page, as well as the hand-written text in the notebook. In the quote I used emphasis in italics to highlight the specific mention of the image in question, and bolded the part that reveals the written text in the notebook. I will quote the whole post here (excluding the embedded image which is not of interest in this thread) highlighting the relevant points in a similar manner. Below that I will embed the relevant diagram from that page, from which I believe the paperclip page diagram is the first one of the three versions shown. I will also include a blowup of the paperclip page, the written text screen cap from the first post in this thread, and a screen cap of what apparently is that same text on the web page where all these images come from (which I also provided a link before) for comparison purposes.
QtheC wrote:mindinflight wrote:Hey y'all, if you head over to LG15 Today meepers_anonymous has done some amazing research on what was in the notebook!
Here's the image she found:

We did a little more digging, and found this link near the other one:
http://employees.csbsju.edu/hjakubowski ... ozymes.htm
http://employees.csbsju.edu/hjakubowski ... NRIBO2.gif
It has both the "HAIRPIN RIBOZYME" image and
quite possibly the more blurry image seen earlier in the video, also involving "HAIRPIN RIBOZYME" ... it also includes text mentioning something about "
subtitution for Nucleophilic 2'-OH" which appears in the notebook.
See screen caps from the video on the LG15 Today blogspot under the video itself
Image that possibly includes the molecule diagram in the paperclip page (in my opinion it is the first one of the three variations shown), taken from the
same page that has the other diagram we saw in the notebook, as well as the written text (see last image below):
Compare the first one of those three to this image:
Written text in notebook:
Compare to the highlighted text in this screen cap of the apparent source web page: