Will-O-Wisp wrote:Well...firstly you're sorry about being very unfriendly toward me. That was kind of you, but I don't buy it. Question though: Would you have worded it like that if we were standing face to face?
I'm sorry that you took offense to what I said, but no, I'm not sorry for anything that I said. And yes, I probably would have.
Secondly, I didn't 'immediately' construe my opinions based on a 10 minute born thread. My name is new here, but I'm not. These eyes of mine read everything here, and everything I've read helped to form my own opinion.
Okay, cool. I don't agree, but you're entitled to your opinion.
Thirdly, I can't believe that you don't believe there is a clique here.
We both know that had there been a familiar name attached to this thread, it would have been commented on without any prompting from the original poster.
Maybe, but within an hour and fifteen minutes (the time between your posting of the topic and the time where you went apeshit at us)? I doubt it. If there's some big forum clique, I'm certainly not a part of it, anyway.
Fourthly, I had a problem. I wanted help...came here specifically for help and nobody was helping. The comments people tried to help by asking questions and finally directing me here. I don't feel it's 'bratty' to ask for a little help in a forum where the answers are available. 'Acting like a brat'...are you sure you're not projecting?
Positive. You weren't acting like a brat for asking for help. That was completely appropriate. You were acting like a brat when you attacked the forum for being elitist and exclusive just because you hadn't been helped
within the hour.
Fifthly (is that a word?) I sincerely doubt your sincerity in the resolving of my issue. You're very first post to me shows you don't really give a damn. All it really showed me is that you're even more self-centered than I am.
So, don't try to backtrack now, kid. I don't react to lipservice.
You're right that I don't care immensely, but I'm happy that you're happy. It's no skin off my back.
With that said: My issue was resolved. I thanked those who helped and stood up to those who tried to hinder. If that's a problem for you, please feel free to get the last word in. I'm done here.
I don't seem to recall trying to hinder anything...
As a side note, you may want to avoid my threads in the future. You probably wouldn't like them to much, you ray of sunshine, you...
Thanks for the warning.
I'm canon; the Creators just don't know it yet.