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Post by TOSG »

Will-O-Wisp wrote:
TOSOG, if you're baffled about the comments page 'persecution complex' over the forums, just read your first statement to me. That might explain things a bit.
Sorry I'm not all hugs and smiles. However, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you're a comments regular, a newbie on the forum, etc... The fact that you immediately construed it as such just goes to reinforce my point.

I'm sincerely glad that the issue is being resolved, but you were acting like a brat when you jumped down our collective throats for not immediately rushing over with outpourings of sympathy, and I had to call you out on it. I imagine that I would have done the same thing if it were the illustrious Apo or Trainer. :lol:
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Post by Will-O-Wisp »

Well...firstly you're sorry about being very unfriendly toward me. That was kind of you, but I don't buy it. Question though: Would you have worded it like that if we were standing face to face?

Secondly, I didn't 'immediately' construe my opinions based on a 10 minute born thread. My name is new here, but I'm not. These eyes of mine read everything here, and everything I've read helped to form my own opinion.

Thirdly, I can't believe that you don't believe there is a clique here.
We both know that had there been a familiar name attached to this thread, it would have been commented on without any prompting from the original poster.

Fourthly, I had a problem. I wanted help...came here specifically for help and nobody was helping. The comments people tried to help by asking questions and finally directing me here. I don't feel it's 'bratty' to ask for a little help in a forum where the answers are available. 'Acting like a brat'...are you sure you're not projecting?

Fifthly (is that a word?) I sincerely doubt your sincerity in the resolving of my issue. You're very first post to me shows you don't really give a damn. All it really showed me is that you're even more self-centered than I am.
So, don't try to backtrack now, kid. I don't react to lipservice.

With that said: My issue was resolved. I thanked those who helped and stood up to those who tried to hinder. If that's a problem for you, please feel free to get the last word in. I'm done here.

As a side note, you may want to avoid my threads in the future. You probably wouldn't like them to much, you ray of sunshine, you...
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Post by TOSG »

Will-O-Wisp wrote:Well...firstly you're sorry about being very unfriendly toward me. That was kind of you, but I don't buy it. Question though: Would you have worded it like that if we were standing face to face?
I'm sorry that you took offense to what I said, but no, I'm not sorry for anything that I said. And yes, I probably would have.
Secondly, I didn't 'immediately' construe my opinions based on a 10 minute born thread. My name is new here, but I'm not. These eyes of mine read everything here, and everything I've read helped to form my own opinion.
Okay, cool. I don't agree, but you're entitled to your opinion.
Thirdly, I can't believe that you don't believe there is a clique here.
We both know that had there been a familiar name attached to this thread, it would have been commented on without any prompting from the original poster.
Maybe, but within an hour and fifteen minutes (the time between your posting of the topic and the time where you went apeshit at us)? I doubt it. If there's some big forum clique, I'm certainly not a part of it, anyway.
Fourthly, I had a problem. I wanted help...came here specifically for help and nobody was helping. The comments people tried to help by asking questions and finally directing me here. I don't feel it's 'bratty' to ask for a little help in a forum where the answers are available. 'Acting like a brat'...are you sure you're not projecting?
Positive. You weren't acting like a brat for asking for help. That was completely appropriate. You were acting like a brat when you attacked the forum for being elitist and exclusive just because you hadn't been helped within the hour.
Fifthly (is that a word?) I sincerely doubt your sincerity in the resolving of my issue. You're very first post to me shows you don't really give a damn. All it really showed me is that you're even more self-centered than I am.
So, don't try to backtrack now, kid. I don't react to lipservice.
You're right that I don't care immensely, but I'm happy that you're happy. It's no skin off my back.
With that said: My issue was resolved. I thanked those who helped and stood up to those who tried to hinder. If that's a problem for you, please feel free to get the last word in. I'm done here.
I don't seem to recall trying to hinder anything...
As a side note, you may want to avoid my threads in the future. You probably wouldn't like them to much, you ray of sunshine, you...
Thanks for the warning.
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

Will-O-Wisp wrote:With that said: My issue was resolved. I thanked those who helped and stood up to those who tried to hinder. If that's a problem for you, please feel free to get the last word in. I'm done here
I am glad that your issue was quickly attended to by The Creators. I felt confident it would be. Now, we both have a personal experience to relate about how they care for their fans.

Unfortunately, you have demonstrated here that you did not understand many of the responses you received here.

TOSG is harsh sometimes, but lays it on the line. That is indeed the best way to draw attention to an issue.

Also, I feel I must remind you that the interest you seek here is a two-way street. I earlier suggested this to you, and yet you seem to be suggesting you are done here. I hope you mean that you are finished with your complaint; not that you are finished at the forum. I only draw that conclusion because of your insistence about a "clique." This is a welcoming place.
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Post by Will-O-Wisp »

Hi Apo,
Yes, I have a personal experience with the Creators that turned out positive for me. Opinions do change, and I suppose that interaction has changed mine a great deal.

I did understand most of the comments here, but as a living human being, I do have flaws and one of them is greeting negativity with negativity. I don't agree that being harsh can draw attention to an issue. Being friendly opens many more doors than being unfriendly.

Being bratty? Probably so, and I apologize. I was a bit confused, angry and frustrated and my words reflected this. Another human trait.

Sorry about the misunderstanding. What I meant was that I was done with this thread. However, I couldn't resist commenting to you.

My insistence about the clique...well, I stand by that.
But again, it's only human. People who are familiar with each other form bonds. Once you're a part of that bond, it's hard to see it as a clique. Kinda like not seeing the forest through the trees, y'know?
I'm not blaming anyone for that. We pass unfamiliar faces on the street everyday without acknowledging them, so why should it be any different with unfamiliar screennames? However, the clique does exist whether you see it or not.

So, there you have it :-) Thanks for responding to me and I hope to speak with you here again soon.

Sorry if I went 'apeshit', heh. Yeah...harsh. I'm sure TOSOG is a wonderful person. Good luck to him...
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

Will-O-Wisp wrote:We pass unfamiliar faces on the street everyday without acknowledging them, so why should it be any different with unfamiliar screennames? However, the clique does exist whether you see it or not.
You brought your complaint to the correct area of the forum at the suggestion of your friends.

The Creators responded and made sure you were satisfied.

In your example, you suggest that the unfamiliar faces go unacknowledged. That was obviously not the case here.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

Will-O-Wisp wrote:22 views and no replies, eh?

Well, I was warned that this place ignored the noobs. Silly me gave you guys the benefit of a doubt.

I guess it's back to the comments page for me. Sure, the creators will ignore me there, but at least the members acknowledge me.

Thanks to those 22 folks who actually opened this thread though. I appreciate it.
OK ... I don't know what we as fans are supposed to do about your problem...

however I will let you know something:

You approach us like this, and we will treat you the way you are saying we apparently are. Either that, or we will grumble and just ignore what you are saying. It's just too dramatic for our tastes. That post was just plain rude and uncalled for.

The complaint you have is for the Creators and for the Site administrators to comment on. Not us. We have no problems and its not a problem that people are generally concerned about, there commenting.

seriously ... you can't expect people to reply to you EVERY post.

PS WE DON'T IGNORE NOOBS. There is a whole section deticate just for newcomers at the top of the forums for you guys to be welcomed at. Concerns and complaints is not the place.

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ME: I think I'm you, only better.

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Post by Will-O-Wisp »

Okay, so we're still on that, eh? This thread wasn't intended for me to defend my opinions, but I feel like I'm being backed into a corner on this one, so here goes...

I feel the forum is cliquish. The fact that my opinion has been attacked only strengthens my feelings. Why is this such a sore point for you?

I sent the creators a message from the comments section. I posted my problem in the comments section and people asked questions, gave answers and were generally responsive in a positive way.

I was answered by the creators in the comments section.

I posted in the forum. For over an hour I was greeted with silence.

Then by an a*****e...excuse me, some harsh yet loveable guy who's just 'layin' it on the line for me,' who doesn't seem to think I'm here for answers more than I am for sympathy? Sympathy? From you guys? Suuure, that's what I'm looking for.

Next, I was greeted by a few cool folks who were generally responsive in a positive way, and then by that guy 'layin' it on the line' for me again by using words like 'brat' and 'apeshit' to describe my words.

Here we've gone off subject on more personal issues based on how I feel about this forum. Folks, I didn't form this opinion overnight mind you. It wasn't just a random thought in my head.

Now, Apo and killthesmiley are in here chastizing me because I won't change my opinion about them, and why should I?

I didn't come here with hostility. I was greeted with hostility and the hostility continues far beyond what this thread called for.

I didn't have to post here at all as it turns out. Every answer and help I got was through the comments board. As I said originally, I came here giving you guys a benefit of a doubt. I was wrong, and I am sorry I entered the forum at all.

...and killthesmiley, if I actually had an opinion of you, your words might get to me. As it stands, I don't give a rat's ass how you feel about me or anything else. Maybe one day I'll think enough of you to have an opinion. Right now though, I just don't care. I will offer you some advice though. Read the threads before you comment on them. Otherwise you look like an idiot.

You guys have made me feel really welcome here. Apo, TOSG, killthesmiley. Keep up the good work. You guys should be ambassadors...

It was a mistake looking to you for help. If I were part of the circle it would've been easier, but whatever.
It won't happen again, I promise.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

alright i am sorry. I was just trying to give you advice on forum rules and etiquette. However if you don't want to hear it and you want to stick with your ways, I apologize.
However I must enforce that we are far from rude and clicky anymore. We have created and enforced rules and etiquette on the forum months ago preventing this. If you would give us time, and expect "welcome to the forum" messages please do so in the appropriate places (New To Lonelygirl15 forum forum).

Please don't hate on Apo and Myself. We have been around for a long time, apotheosis being a long time former moderator. We do know what we are talking about, and we want to help.

However if you wish not to hear us, please walk away now, and come back with a clear head.

YOU: Who does that KTS think she is? Total bitch!

ME: I think I'm you, only better.

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Post by TOSG »

Will-O-Wisp wrote:
I posted in the forum. For over an hour I was greeted with silence.
Oh my god, a whole hour!
Then by an a*****e...excuse me, some harsh yet loveable guy who's just 'layin' it on the line for me,' who doesn't seem to think I'm here for answers more than I am for sympathy? Sympathy? From you guys? Suuure, that's what I'm looking for.
Way to put words in my mouth. Just so you know, I saw this topic right after you posted it (i.e. before you started attacking the forum) and thought something along the lines of "Gee, that's a bummer - I hope that it was just a mistake and gets cleared up." I didn't reply because I didn't have any of those answers that you claim to care about so much. I imagine that the other 21 people who viewed the topic followed a roughly similar thought process. I don't see why that merits such hostility on your part.
Next, I was greeted by a few cool folks who were generally responsive in a positive way, and then by that guy 'layin' it on the line' for me again by using words like 'brat' and 'apeshit' to describe my words.
Somebody's got a fixation....

Now, Apo and killthesmiley are in here chastizing me because I won't change my opinion about them, and why should I?
Apo, for one, greeted you with well wishes, and you're jumping down his throat.
I didn't come here with hostility. I was greeted with hostility and the hostility continues far beyond what this thread called for.
Reread your second post. Sounds pretty hostile to me.

I didn't have to post here at all as it turns out. Every answer and help I got was through the comments board. As I said originally, I came here giving you guys a benefit of a doubt. I was wrong, and I am sorry I entered the forum at all.
Haha, we're sorry too.
You guys have made me feel really welcome here. Apo, TOSG, killthesmiley. Keep up the good work. You guys should be ambassadors...
Of course I shouldn't. I have way too low a tolerance for idiocy. But if I walked into an embassy railing on about how people from that country are a bunch of exclusive jerks, should I really be surprised when their reaction confirms my notion?
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Post by Will-O-Wisp »

This ain't my first rodeo, dear, and it ain't my first forum.
Giving me advice is one thing. Shoving it down my throat vehenemously is another. You're not as far from rude and clicky as you may like to think.
Do the rules and ettiquette formed not include dragging an off-topic statement (made from anger and frustration mind you. Had you actually read this thread, you'll notice I apologized for that) long past the intended purpose of this thread? Or do just the moderators get to drag them out.
Apo, this conversation was ended. The purpose of this thread was resolved. The only thing keeping it alive now is based solely in the fact that I have a negative opinion about the forums, and someone is trying to get some profound last word in designed to make me think and reconsider my own thoughts.
killthesmiley, did you wake up angry and decide this was a good spot to let loose?
Are you angry with me because I have a negative opinion about this place or that I voiced my opinion without a sugar frosting?
Is it both?

I don't hate on Apo, though after his last post, I don't think I have as much respect for him anymore. This is a personal issue and shouldn't be brought up again and again in a thread that was designed for help.
Killthesmiley, I don't hate on you (and forgive the bluntness. I don't do sugar frosting) because I don't feel you're worth that kind of energy.
I don't doubt that you know what you're talking about. But, I do doubt that you're here to help.

Had you read this thread, you'd know that I didn't come here looking for a 'welcome to the forum' message. Please..I implore you. Read this entire thread before you make another comment. It really is in your own best interest.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

I will also like to just put in that Willow, if you want to bash us for being "hash," your second post was rude and completely uncalled for.

Like repeated over ad over in this thread, just because you didn't get a response after an hour of your post, you shouldn't be offended. We aren't going to welcome you here, becasue this is not the place to do so. Once again, we are informing you that the appropriate place to introduce yourself is in the Newcomer forums. You failed to do so, so there will be no "welcome" posts "welcoming" you appropriately as you are DEMANDING out of us.

If you want us to welcome you open armed and happily, reconsider the wording of both your second post and the post down in the fanfic discussion area. They both come off as whiney, immature and rude. And, even in real life, people do NOT like those types of comments and will respond in an appropriate manner.

We're laying it on the line, trying to help you be liked in this forum, trying to help you fit in. And obviously you want to fit in, or else you wouldn't get all up in arms and defensive. Personally: you sound like a whiny 12 year old brat right now, and I wouldn't want to deal with you if I was anyone else. But we (Apo, TOSG and I) have the patience to talk to you calmly, unlike yourself, and refrain from using swears and insulting remarks.

Please show us the same respect.

PS: iF you are so adamant that this topic is over, and this conversation has ended, why do you keep coming back and argue with us more?

YOU: Who does that KTS think she is? Total bitch!

ME: I think I'm you, only better.

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Post by Will-O-Wisp »

One more time. I didn't come here looking for a welcome. Where do you see anywhere in this thread that I'm asking for a welcome? Are you sure you're even replying to the right thread? Because you are making absolutely no sense. Go get some coffee dear. I'll wait.

I came here with an issue. Is there a technical issues section here? I couldn't see it. This seemed like the right section for my problem.

People were here. People were in my thread. Nobody commented. Nobody offered any help or resolution, and yes, an hour is a pretty long time.
In retrospect, I understand why nobody answered. Nobody had an answer and afterall, a new video had just come up. I already apologizd for this. I'm not going to do it again just to save you the trouble of having to read beyond my second post.
Comments page got me a reply in less than five minutes. Advice, concern, questions and finally pointing me to the forums. Creators had helped me out within the hour, but I guess that's beside the point right now.
I come here looking for help, and now it's 8:30 in the morning and I'm defending myself. I wanted this to be over, but now you guys have me in a corner, and I'm not just gonna walk away from you. Not now. killthesmiley, you came in swinging. Do you expect me not to swing back? Is my swinging back because I want to fit in? (here's a hint: no.)
Why do some of my post come off as whiney, immature and rude? Because part of me is whiney, immature and rude. Same with you and everyone else.
I've lurked here many months. I know this place is cliquish. I never posted because I was nervous about the reaction I would get. Seems my nervousness was founded.
You telling me this place isn't cliquish is no different than a leopard telling me he doesn't have spots.
You're in the middle of it. You don't see the clique, but I do.

No need to lay it on the line for me. If you were trying to help, you'd keep your fangs in while you talk to me.

As far as talking to me calmly (unlike myself), I implore you to read your first post to me.
And you're right about refraining from insults and swears. Unless you count words like whiney, brat and rude. No, nothing negative about those words, eh? Let me check and see if I said anything like that...hmmm, oh yeah. I called TOSOG an a*****e. Oh well, I guess you got me on that 'one'. But, I assure you. I'm calm. If I were angry I wouldn't be typing write now.

So, do me a favor. Don't try to help me out. I really don't need help in how I maintain my personality. I've had years of experience with myself. What I did need help with was figuring out what happened to my video. Now that's resolved, this conversation should really have been finished by now.

...if you want to reply to my threads again, that's fine. But know that I will show you the same respect or disrespect you choose to show me.
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Post by Broken Kid »

Alright alright...Will, your complaint was about your video being removed from the main page. You are right in posting a Concern here. The idea of this particular forum is that concerns can be posted, and if fans can help, they will. But the Creators read this as well. You also PM'd them. In those two things, you did the right thing, and you say your issue was resolved. I agree that the reply posts saying "well what do you want us to do about it" were not appropriate. But then again, you were the one asking why no one responded, when clearly a forum regular could not solve your issue. Your issue was to the Creators, who approve videos, not to the fans.

Your complaints about the forum are your personal opinion. Most others here feel that the forum is a very welcoming and open place. Of course there are "cliques", as in groups of friends who bonded on the forum and talk to each other often. But there are everywhere (in chat, on the comments page, and in all walks of life), and I don't think anyone in the forum is snobbish in nature. We have a great group of people here...

Now since this topic is resolved, let's end this discussion or move it to PM. Thanks.
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Post by Will-O-Wisp »

Thanks for your input, BK. You're right, and I agree. I thought this was resolved last night and there was no need to be attacked this morning.
Some of my post were worded rather harshly, but that was out of frustration and more recently, in defense. It isn't my total personality, and I did and do apologize.
So...if any of you kind helpful patient people want to pm me about my shortcomings, I'll be up for another hour.
Thanks again, BK.
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