who the h** is JONAS?

He's a skateboarder. He's rich. He lives alone. What's his deal?

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Post by princessevee »


Why don't you just cut the naem calling and answer the question?

Jonas made a video response to Bree's video. No one really watched the video responses, but after Bree posted her video tahnking Jonas for his advice, we should have all gone to cheak him out. I'm assume he's a new character, or else Bree wouldn't really talk about him.

There's also another girl responding to Bree's videos. I don't remember her name, but I think she's a character too, because she made her video in the same mall/theater Bree did.[/quote]
I just posted a question-so ignore that question :roll: I'll look up Jonastko. though could someone tell me which post he responded to? Curiousity peaked... what woman are you referring to?
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Post by childofmetis »

JenniPowell wrote:And a retart is a delicious pastry treat.
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Post by trainer101 »

childofmetis wrote:
JenniPowell wrote:And a retart is a delicious pastry treat.
Made of recyclable materials!
HAHAHA! This place cracks me up!
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Post by kellylen »

Yes jonas is beautiful, but I don't know if we can trust him just yet.
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by childofmetis »

kellylen wrote:Yes jonas is beautiful, but I don't know if we can trust him just yet.
Seconded. His parents just happen to have disappeared as well?

I want to trust him so badly. If I were Bree, I'd have trouble NOT trusting him, but at this point, I'd only trust myself and Daniel. Even the stuffed animals are suspect.
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Post by vintagecherry »

LikkleSister wrote:I don't care who he is - he's DANG HAWT!

I'd come stay in his mansion anyday :P

I couldn't agree more!!! :smt007
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Post by ericski »

i vote this the retartedest thread!
pretty funny.
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Post by iamcool »

haha i second that!
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Post by kageyuki »

merryprankster91 wrote:are you retarted? lol
glowe126 wrote:Yeah, so what is retarted? I mean I know what retarded refers to...but retarted?
JenniPowell beat me to this one with:
... a retart is a delicious pastry treat.
Well, actually I thought that a 'retart' was a reused or remade pastry... you know, like after they get squashed or something by being tossed around in that box... or something like that...
Sorry, not making much sense, right now...

Anyway... we are reprimanded as
Trying2Hard wrote: T_T

Why don't you just cut the naem calling and answer the question?
Okay, okay... calm down...

I don't know why it had to be so difficult... I guess our merryprankster never thought of going through the LGPedia...

... if you're lazy, here's the link to the information on Jonas aka Jonastko in the LGPedia: http://www.lonelygirl15.com/lgpedia/ind ... itle=Jonas

You're welcome.
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that's all there is to say about that... say anything else and it'll make you look stupid.

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Post by Broken Kid »

That's a great way to end a thread that should have ended long ago! :) Thanks, kage!
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