Mirage wrote:OMG Mute great stalker minds think alike.
Or are we both just pervs?
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
rachelalexis wrote:It's a good thing that tickets for the Rae train are free to the first three passengers, everyone else has a "boarding fee"
woot! The stalkers get special privledges... Yay us!!
I think when the Rae Train started with you, me, and Mirage on board, I just became the most envied guy on the forum
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
rachelalexis wrote:I find it very interesting that you guys don't react to what I was singing/saying in the shower. Perhaps you really were watching *shifty eyes*
Perhaps we're just too embarassed to mention what our true "reactions" were.
Mirage wrote:Perhaps both. Let me know if Dateline: To Catch a Predator ever shows up at your house so I have time to run.
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).
rachelalexis wrote:I find it very interesting that you guys don't react to what I was singing/saying in the shower. Perhaps you really were watching *shifty eyes*
Perhaps we're just too embarassed to mention what our true "reactions" were.
you guys are truly sick if you get excited at West Side Story songs and psychopathology
FuturePeter is my make believe boyfriend.
When in doubt, go straight to sex. --Jack Coleman (HRG)
rachelalexis wrote:I find it very interesting that you guys don't react to what I was singing/saying in the shower. Perhaps you really were watching *shifty eyes*
Hey at least we didnt re -inact the psycho shower scene on ya.
::cue psycho shower scene music::
We are psycho stalkers, but in the pervy way, not the norman bates way.
rachelalexis wrote:I find it very interesting that you guys don't react to what I was singing/saying in the shower. Perhaps you really were watching *shifty eyes*
We'll never tell
LG15.com's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? )
Proud member of LG15 Defense Force.
Proud member of "The Five" (who have been "Tagged" by Hymn of One).