The Order of Denderah

The Hymn of One: Religion or merely recruiting for the Order? Discuss her "religion".

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Post by toadlguy »

And then from:

we have:

"Set (Seth, Setekh, Sut, Sutekh, Suty) was one of ancient Egypt's earliest gods, a god of chaos, confusion, storms, wind, the desert and foreign lands."
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Crowley and Egyptology

Post by trainer101 »

Heru-ra-ha (which, according to Crowley, means "Horus and Ra be Praised!")[citation needed] is a composite deity within Thelema—a religion established in 1904 with the writing of The Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley—composed of Ra-Hoor-Khuit and Hoor-par-kraat.[1] He is associated with the other two major Thelemic deities found in The Book of the Law, Nuit and Hadit, who are also godforms related to ancient Egyptian mythology. Their images link Nuit and Hadit to the established Egyptian deities Nut and Hor-Bhdt (Horus of Edfu).

From Wikipedia:
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Post by sparklenvy »

I was reading about her and it made alot of references to dancing.

That would explain why Bree has to physically train for the ceremony.
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Post by toomuchtime »

Don't really have anything to add, but you guys seem to be onto something here!
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Followers of Set

Post by Jacktwan »

Not that I think it's related, but I do recall reading about an off-shoot of LeVay's church of satan, called the Followers of Set. I also remember hearing that they are all in Southern California and Arizona.

LeVay was a student of Crowley.

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Followers of Set

Post by beavinator »

Reference, Jacktwan? I can't seem to find anything about "Followers of Set" online that isn't related to the fictional group from the role-playing game Vampire: The Masquerade.
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Post by Traegorn » - Home of the Strange
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Post by Jacktwan »

It's actually Temple of Set

I think too much of their core beliefs conflict with LG15 videos, but there is similarities with all of the denderah talk.
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Post by sparklenvy »

They have a very pretty website. I was expecting something darker (although I still get an icky feeling at the upside down pentgram).
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Post by Kasdeja »

It looks about as harmless as any other religion, honestly...doesn't seem to be anything unethical. It may seem odd to some, sure. I mean, I grew up Christian so you still get that lingering feeling. But it certainly doesn't seem dangerous and grim like what it could have been. If the ceremony will indeed be the one described in another post and there is dancing...well, that sounds better than many of the speculations, lol.
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Post by sparklenvy »

But I'm sure that the creators are going to take liberties and have the ceremony be something much more serious.

Doesn't mean that it's realistic where the religion is involved but it doesn't need to be for the plot.

Think of 'The Craft's depiction of Wiccans or 'The Exorcist' depiction of Catholics.
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Post by Kasdeja »

True, true...heck, most Catholics I grew up around were crude and drunk. :wink:
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Post by sparklenvy »

I have a feeling the actual ceremony is going to be fictional but based around some vague facts of the actual religion.

I wonder if they're going to marry Bree off or sacrifice her. I don't see a sacrifice occuring simply because of the fact the story isn't suppose to end till the end of November / start of December and the ceremony is in less than a month.

Unless of course Daniel shows up at the ceremony to save her and the rest of the series is blogs as they run away from the people after her.
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Post by Kasdeja »

In the library section of that site, there's an article written about people who have claimed to have been abused and brought up in Satanic cults. Most have been investigated and proven untrue (modern urban legend is what an FBI agent called it), but one lady described being used as a 'breeder' for the group in her teens. I hope that's not the wild tangent they take it on, lol. I somehow...I dunno, even with its dark undertones, I just don't think they are going to take it THAT dark.
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Post by sparklenvy »

Maybe Bree will run away before the ceremony as a result of Daniel.

That way they would never have to disclose what actually was going to happen. It could be as dark or harmless as the personal viewer wanted it to be.
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