AWWWW! I can't wait for pictures. He sounds soooo cuuuuuuteeee (said in baby voice of course). I lurve puppies.rachelalexis wrote:Hell yeah, you have any idea how nervous I am at the prospect of a date? It's scary when you haven't done it for a while. I wonder if I even have anything date-worthy in my closet. Why isn't he cookie boy? That somehow sounds dirtier (Rae want a cookie?) Hehe, I'm not sure if I can take pictures, that might be a little freaky. He shows up and I go all shutterbug on him. "Um, what are the pics for?" Just my friends on an online forum....
I don't know, if I tell her to visit the forum she may think I'm a freak. On the first day. I like to hide my freakdom then spring it on them like a panther! RAWR!
And I've decided however it's properly spelled, I will always think of him as Lambo, the puppy version of Stallone... gah, he's so adorable, he's beagle/lab mix, and is so little, only 10 pounds, and gets really sad that he can't jump on my bed cuz it's too high. He can't even go down the stairs, you have to carry him cuz he gets ahead of himself and starts to tumble. Say it with me: aaaawwwwwwwww!!!
D'oh! I should have thought of that. Cookie Boy sounds even better than Latte Boy. Cookie Boy it is!! Yay!

Well I don't think this forum is as freaky know, some other stuff could be. Hell, it's not like this an S & M forum!

I'll be back in 5 seconds. I gotta go run the dog out. For real, I betcha if you got up and walked around your apartment, I'll be back before you. It's too damn cold to hang around out there!