Party Thread (Archive IV)

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Post by rachelalexis »

Flautapantera wrote:
rachelalexis wrote:*peeks in*
RaeRae! :D *hugs* Mmm, that avatar never gets old!
I know! Everytime I look at it I think, damn, that's some uber sexay there... *hugs big* how was your final yesterday dearie?
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Post by rachelalexis »

Mirage wrote:
rachelalexis wrote:*peeks in*
Rae!? What are YOU doing here? Why aren't you getting ready? Why aren't you playing with your puppy? WHY WHY WHY!?!? :D

Oh yeah. *snugglepounceattacksexynibbles!* ;)
:lol: Date isn't til next weekend if that's what you're talking about being ready, the studying is rotting my brain, and I tired the puppy out already! :D Poor thing is in a ball on his mommy's bed passed out.
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Post by Flautapantera »

Mirage wrote:Dude, that's awesome! You're a bit of the "Robo FP"! :D It would be really funny if they were still in there and you set off alarms. :D
Ha! It'd be a little difficult to explain that...hey! That reminds me of Pete & Pete! Did you ever watch that? Their mother had a metal plate in her head that was always picking up radio stations. :D
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You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by Mirage »

rachelalexis wrote:
Mirage wrote:
rachelalexis wrote:*peeks in*
Rae!? What are YOU doing here? Why aren't you getting ready? Why aren't you playing with your puppy? WHY WHY WHY!?!? :D

Oh yeah. *snugglepounceattacksexynibbles!* ;)
:lol: Date isn't til next weekend if that's what you're talking about being ready, the studying is rotting my brain, and I tired the puppy out already! :D Poor thing is in a ball on his mommy's bed passed out.
*scratches head* For some reason I thought the date was tonight. Ah well. YOU SHOULD BE GETTING READY NOW!! YOU ONLY HAVE A WEEK TO PREPARE!!! :lol:

So hows the new roomie? She all moved in and feeling comfortable? More importantly---how is the puppy? :lol:
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Post by Mirage »

Flautapantera wrote:
Mirage wrote:Dude, that's awesome! You're a bit of the "Robo FP"! :D It would be really funny if they were still in there and you set off alarms. :D
Ha! It'd be a little difficult to explain that...hey! That reminds me of Pete & Pete! Did you ever watch that? Their mother had a metal plate in her head that was always picking up radio stations. :D
Dude, you read my mind, because that was what I was thinking of as I typed that!! :D One of my inspirations for getting my Jessica Rabbit tattoo on my ankle (OMG Rae Rocky commercial on TV with Milo!) -ahem- was Pete's tattoo of that lady. :D

My mom actually only has one arm (she was born without her left arm from elbow down), and she sets off stuff all the time. It's kinda funny cause she just waves her fake one at them. :D
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Post by Flautapantera »

rachelalexis wrote:
Flautapantera wrote:
rachelalexis wrote:*peeks in*
RaeRae! :D *hugs* Mmm, that avatar never gets old!
I know! Everytime I look at it I think, damn, that's some uber sexay there... *hugs big* how was your final yesterday dearie?
Eh, my final was fine. It was extremely easy as noted when I finished first! Yay! (Okay, so that doesn't really have anything to do with my actual performance on the final...) Gosh, I'm so anxious to get the other ones other with! One tomorrow, two on Tuesday and another one due by Thursday! *sigh* :(
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club

You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by Flautapantera »

Well I'd better go eat something. See you lovely ladies later! *big hugs*
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club

You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by Mirage »

Flautapantera wrote:Well I'd better go eat something. See you lovely ladies later! *big hugs*
*snuggles* Much love sweetling!! See you later! :)
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Post by Mirage »

"I think we're alone now...." ;)
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Post by rachelalexis »

Mirage wrote:
rachelalexis wrote:
Mirage wrote: Rae!? What are YOU doing here? Why aren't you getting ready? Why aren't you playing with your puppy? WHY WHY WHY!?!? :D

Oh yeah. *snugglepounceattacksexynibbles!* ;)
:lol: Date isn't til next weekend if that's what you're talking about being ready, the studying is rotting my brain, and I tired the puppy out already! :D Poor thing is in a ball on his mommy's bed passed out.
*scratches head* For some reason I thought the date was tonight. Ah well. YOU SHOULD BE GETTING READY NOW!! YOU ONLY HAVE A WEEK TO PREPARE!!! :lol:

So hows the new roomie? She all moved in and feeling comfortable? More importantly---how is the puppy? :lol:
We haven't even set a day for the date, I just told him next weekend works for me, so I'm betting Saturday. Thank goodness he plans on picking the place, because I don't know anything around here :lol: besides my old standby's, but that's boring! I know, only a week to wax, pluck and dissect my closet for my cutest outfit. I don't know how I'm going to cope. It's been WAY too long since I've had to do this *sigh*
The new roomie is all moved in, she's got a shit-ton of crap too! She's never lived in an apartment before so she hasn't learned the art of minimalism. But she somehow fit it all in her room. For a tomboy she has a lot of girlie lotions and stuff *shifty eyes* and loads of books and movies. Plus she loves to cook, so it's all gonna be good :D
The puppy is the cutest thing!!! He's so sweet and lovey, didn't get too freaked out about the new place. When he first got her he was so excited and overloaded that he piddled, but thank goodness it was on the laminate in the kitchen. Once I have a functioning camera I'll get some pics. He's ADORABLE! I'm chasing him around like "yay! puppy!"
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Post by rachelalexis »

Bye FP! *hugs* good luck if I don't see you before your finals!

*shifty eyes* oooooo, Mirage all to myself? Good study break. ;)
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Post by rachelalexis »

Plus the roomie's really nice, she tapped on my door to let me know that she had heated up enough water so that if I wanted some hot tea I could grab some, since we had a discussion earlier about how I'm a tea person and she's a coffee gal.
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Post by Mirage »

Aww!! I can't WAIT to see pictures!! He sounds adorable!!! Yeah, the excited peeing thing is gonna happen more than you want, but it's easily taken care of if you buy some training pads or whatnot. You can usually tell when it's gonna happen cause their lower half just kinda slides downwards (best way I can explain it). Usually when you first come home after a while is the worst. Wait until he/she's on the laminate to pet him/her then.

Oooh, Rae's doing the full body makeover for Latte Boy (yes I assign them food names. or whatever's handy. ;))! Again, take pictures!! Damn, woman, you've gotta take a helluva lot of pictures. Snap snap! :D

Your roomie sounds awesome! Does she have a computer? Tell her to watch all the videos and join the forum! :D
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Post by rachelalexis »

Hell yeah, you have any idea how nervous I am at the prospect of a date? It's scary when you haven't done it for a while. I wonder if I even have anything date-worthy in my closet. Why isn't he cookie boy? That somehow sounds dirtier (Rae want a cookie?) Hehe, I'm not sure if I can take pictures, that might be a little freaky. He shows up and I go all shutterbug on him. "Um, what are the pics for?" Just my friends on an online forum.... 8)
I don't know, if I tell her to visit the forum she may think I'm a freak. On the first day. I like to hide my freakdom then spring it on them like a panther! RAWR!
And I've decided however it's properly spelled, I will always think of him as Lambo, the puppy version of Stallone... gah, he's so adorable, he's beagle/lab mix, and is so little, only 10 pounds, and gets really sad that he can't jump on my bed cuz it's too high. He can't even go down the stairs, you have to carry him cuz he gets ahead of himself and starts to tumble. Say it with me: aaaawwwwwwwww!!!
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Post by rachelalexis »

1) you said handy. :lol: didn't catch that the first time through....

2) "It's scary when you haven't done it for a while"=dating. Perv :lol:
FuturePeter is my make believe boyfriend.

When in doubt, go straight to sex. --Jack Coleman (HRG)