My 2 cents -
This is a tough one. Tough because we have to choose between what we'd do if we were in Bree & Daniels situation OR between what the viewers would most like, drama-wise.
Because remember - this is entertainment. We want to see something thrilling and exciting. Secretly, don't we all like watching Bree & Daniel get in and out of danger? Weren't we all a bit disappointed that we didn't see more of the "fake" ceremony? Aren't we all hungry for some sort of action? Ot at least, answers?
On one hand, (if this was real life), trusting a complete and total stranger who lives all alone in a mansion "in the middle of nowhere" is just stupid. Bree & Daniel would surely be in danger. And we, as their 'net friends, should all cry out "nooooooooo, don't trust Jonas!"
On the other hand - isn't that why we all flock to movies and tv shows? As a viewer, we
want to see the heroes in danger and fight their way out. The audience needs a little drama to keep watching, right? Heck, the creators went to the trouble of casting an actor to play Jonas (and nicely done too) - so, I suppose we should give the dude a chance.
Sigh - this is harder than I thought. I think I am leaning toward the group who say choose some neutral territory. Go meet at an internet cafe or someplace very public and crowded.
OR - Hey Holly - you should have someone SPY on Jonas, then post the vid here for Bree and Daniel to see.
Anyone feel like doing some freelance spy work?
Whatever happens - I hope we see some progress soon. Time for some answers .