Party Thread (Archive IV)

Where threads no one wants to eat lunch with go

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Post by wintermute »

Mirage wrote:Cripes, what I wouldn't give to "only weigh" 115 lbs again. :lol:
It was eons ago, and I was way too skinny at the time. I couldn't put any weight on. Everyone warned me that the opposite would be true at some point in life, and they were right :lol:

Anyhow... I'm out... Night, everyone! :) (this time I mean it :lol:)

'mute's first (and so far only) former 2-time moderator (wanna go for three? :lol:)
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Post by rachelalexis »

geez, I always cmoe like an hour too late to the party. Oh well. *blows a noisemaker and the sound echoes*
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Post by Flautapantera »

Vice President of the Owen Fan Club

You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by rachelalexis »

*pounce!* hello dahlink! How are you tonight sweety?
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Post by Flautapantera »

rachelalexis wrote:*pounce!* hello dahlink! How are you tonight sweety?
Eh, could be better, could be worse. How are you? :)
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club

You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by rachelalexis »

I'm alright, didn't get enough studying done, spent a lot of the day getting stuff ready to move, and now all but my desk and bed (and the things in/on desk) are in the other room now, so I did get a lot done.
Puppy will be here tomorrow! *dances!*
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Post by Flautapantera »

Yay, puppy! :D

Did you get enough food to last you until tomorrow? I read about your lack of dishes. :(
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club

You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by rachelalexis »

Yeah. Though I forgot that I HATE Pizza Hut pizza :shock: hopefully my dad will stop playing the "your stepmom spends so much money that I don't have any" and take me out to dinner like the typical "parents in town" thing. :lol:
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Post by Flautapantera »

I haven't had Pizza Hut in years, but the last time I did it was greasy. Meh.

It'd be nice if your dad took you to dinner! Gosh, my dad was the same way with money. Whenever I used to ask him what was for dinner, he'd say dog food because my mom had spent all of his money shopping. :roll: :D
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You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by rachelalexis »

:lol: the funniest part is that my dad's the spender in the family, just he counts any money spent on my step sisters as my stepmom spending money.
That's part of why I'm bummed my mom isn't coming. She takes me out to dinner, and she buys me groceries. :( I think she's sending down some steaks and bacon with him though *crosses fingers* straight from the butcher, expensive but delicious!
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Post by Flautapantera »

I've never bought bacon straight from the butcher - I always spring for the pre-packaged stuff. It may not be as delcious but hey, it's still bacon! :P

My dad actually spends his fair share of money too. He seems to forget this when discussing my mother's spending habits.

Wow! You're stalked by 'mute and CB? Lucky! :D
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You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by rachelalexis »

Must be my new perfume or something *sniffs self*

Spring for butcher bacon once. Best BLTs ever! Plus the slices tend to be thicker, so they're not so easy to burn (I like mine crispy, but not black, and that's a fine line! Limp bacon grosses me out)
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Post by Flautapantera »

:shock: * make...limp...joke*

Ah, I'd better go. I have a final tomorrow (yes, on a Saturday!) that I should rest up for. See you later, Janet! *hugs*
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club

You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
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Post by rachelalexis »

Aww, a final tomorrow? That's horrid! *hugs* night my sweet Columbia! Good luck!
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Post by Mirage »

Hi to all the lurkers who are...lurking. :D