LG15 fans, help me out pls

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LG15 fans, help me out pls

Post by megt85 »

Hey there,

I have only just registered for these forums, but I have been a lurker for quite some time now. This story and community is just so interesting, but of course you guys know that.

Although I am enthralled by this LG15, I have to admit that I have registered and am posting today because of alterior motives. I am a student and am currently working on a major paper for an Advanced Cultural Studies class, my topic being internet celebrity/phenomenon (inspired by LG15 :wink: ). I am doing a case study within that paper on LonelyGirl, and that is why I am posting today.

I am interested in doing some short/informal interviews with a few of the faithful and active fans. So if you could help me out, I would be very grateful.

I should mention that this paper is only meant to be used for academic purposes, and will not be published (I would not flatter myself to think such a thing). It is however a central figure in my pending admission to grad school, so it is quite important to me.

Again, if you can spare the time, please help me out. I have msn messenger (add me [email protected]) or just reply and we can work something out.

As well, I am in need of a reply fairly quickly as the paper is due Friday. Yes, slacker=me.

Thanks in advance!
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Post by Flautapantera »

Meg, I'm not sure I'd be considered noteworthy but I am an active fan willing to help! Whatever you need help with, PM me and I'll do my best to answer your questions or point you in the direction of someone who knows better. :)
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Post by Cuddlebunni »

Hi there! And welcome to the forum!

I would be happy to help you out with anything you need.. as Im sure several others on here would be as well.

I'm am not as active as a lot of the people on here.. but I'd be willing to help as much as I could. :)

Im not sure if Lordgreystoke422 would be willing to do interview, but he's really active on the boards as well as active with video responses. He would be a good go-to person.

So again, welcome, and best of luck on your paper.. It sounds like a very interesting topic to write about.

Let me know how/if I can be of any assistance.


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Post by wintermute »

I'm not so much of a fan as a stalker of fans :lol: PM away if I can help, though :)

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