0091 "The Anti-Cribs" (12/5/06)

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Post by MrsCop »

Maybe Jonas killed & ate his nanny. He did remark how 'she was the sweetest lady on earth.' Yum :D
"Not dumb just severly off topic"

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Post by Languorous Lass »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: WHATTTTT?
Sweetie, trust me -- you're better off not knowing. :smt036
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Post by heybitch »

omegawoman wrote:Does anyone else notice towards the end of the video when Jonas is back in the library that he keeps looking over the the left when he is talking?
Yer, I noticed that first time! Then I forgot about it.
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Post by heybitch »

Languorous Lass wrote:
wisi girl wrote:When Jonas made that comment, everything reminded me of the movie and how he really had his dead mom in the room the whole time! (You know what I'm talking about if you have seen the movie.)


Please, wisi girl, edit your post to take the info I've quoted out of it. (Then I'll do the same to this one.) People who haven't seen that flick really need to have the opportunity to be shocked at this development.

Psh... everyone knows.
I havnt seen it.
I know.
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Post by Inigo »

What film are you guys talking about? Or are you just pulling our leg(s)?
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Languorous Lass wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote: WHATTTTT?
Sweetie, trust me -- you're better off not knowing. :smt036
Wait, so Jonas's dead mom isn't really in his room?
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Post by girlAnachronism »

There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep your missing parents' room safe and secure.

at least from the prying eyes of internet viewers and those of even more dubious motives.

It would also be a rather comic twist if Danielbeast's room were actually a cage...okay, so more tasteless than anything...
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

heybitch wrote:
omegawoman wrote:Does anyone else notice towards the end of the video when Jonas is back in the library that he keeps looking over the the left when he is talking?
Yer, I noticed that first time! Then I forgot about it.
Go to the Plot area....we talk about it there. Basically, liars look to the left.
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Post by sparrow »

My current theory on Jonas's un-crib-like tour:

The Creators are low on cash, couldn't afford to buy stuff to set up a room for him and/or didn't have time to create a bedroom for him.

Oh yeah, and blah blah can't be trusted blah.

At this point I'm just being evil and wanting something to happen one way or the other, so I say go to Jonas! Let's get the ball rolling and make Gemma extra pissy. :-P

Post by Lurker »

Inigo wrote:What film are you guys talking about? Or are you just pulling our leg(s)?
They're talking about Psycho.
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Post by childofmetis »

khjq wrote:"Look at me I'm lonely Jonas and I live in the middle of no where in this huge mansion. I hang out with my boyz, and they spend the night at my house a lot. I want a brother and a sister, Daniel and Bree will you be my brother and sister? Daniel you can sleep in this room, but I won't show you inside cuz its a suprise, and Bree you can sleep downstairs in the basement with the rats. Here is my room, this is where all the magic happens, meeeeeeooooow, but I won't show you inside my room cuz I got two corpses in there I gotta dispose of first."

1)Jonas is evil

2)Jonas is psycho

3)bad writing

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Post by childofmetis »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
omegawoman wrote:Does anyone else notice towards the end of the video when Jonas is back in the library that he keeps looking over the the left when he is talking?
Signs of Deception (including sweating!)

Ohm's Law: V=IR
When , you lie you sweat. Therefore, resistance (in ohms) of body goes down. So Intensity (in Amperes) goes up.

They look down and to the left.

When the person move his eyes to the left and up (right side from your side) means the person is looking for an answer. Basically is making up the answer instead of saying the true.

If they look right when they are talking, they are remembering and usually telling the truth. If they look left, it means creating, like lying.
Someone told me that when I tell the truth, I look left, but when I am lying, I actually get very very correct in pronunciation. So you can definitely have some variables there.
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
house wrote:THAT was a tour? Uh...sorry, Jonas, but that kind of "tour" did nothing to encourage Bree and Daniel to come stay with you. "Please come stay with me...I'm safe really, but DO NOT look in THIS room...or that room,...or...ummmm...that room." And, WTF?! Bree downstairs? Nice and easy target.
And Daniel upstairs with HIM. :shock:
<.<...........>.>..............^.^............v.v..........regular eyes looking forward-->O.O ::ahem:: Bow chikka bow-wow! ::runs::
A watching_watchers-certified POST WHORE!
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Inigo wrote:What film are you guys talking about? Or are you just pulling our leg(s)?
I'm not pulling your leg. And because you don't know what film we're talking about, I really really really really don't want to spoil it for you in case you see it someday. So I'm not going to tell you.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

Lurker wrote:
Inigo wrote:What film are you guys talking about? Or are you just pulling our leg(s)?
They're talking about Psycho.
](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

Doesn't anybody around here understand the concept of SPOILERS?

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