Inigo wrote:Yeah where did she go? Probably loaded down with work or something.. ima write her a msg on myspace.
You missed me?! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. I've been so busy investigating I haven't had time for a new video. I should have a new one for ya very soon.
Deep Throat: It leads everywhere. Get out your notebook. There's more.
Inigo wrote:Yeah where did she go? Probably loaded down with work or something.. ima write her a msg on myspace.
You missed me?! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. I've been so busy investigating I haven't had time for a new video. I should have a new one for ya very soon.
Sweet! can't wait! i'll raincheck that message for your next video
I hope there is a particular mansion involved in these investigations....
Somehow, I think you'd be more interested in an investigation of something/someone within the mansion of which you speak.
Oh and NikkiBower, you had some of us worried. Glad to hear from you.
I hope you realize that I suck.::The finest satire is that in which ridicule is combined with so little malice and so much conviction that it even rouses laughter in those who are hit.-Georg Christoph Lichtenberg