EliCash wrote:Lurker, I hate to reply with so little to a long post you obviously put so much thought into, but....
That was very well said.
Thank you, Eli. Glad you liked it.
DreamerM wrote:Yeah...
Hey Lurker, you trying to show me up on my own thread? Come over here and say that to my face!

Bring it.
DreamerM wrote:However I disagree with you about the speed with which the story happens. I am not a patient person and, if anything, the faster medium of the internet encourages faster everything.
That's essentially the point I was trying to make with how everything is a product of its time. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. This situation being what it is will require either faster delivery of new videos, or more content to explore between videos -- content that doesn't necessarily have as narrow an audience appeal as things like figuring out puzzles with obscure clues.
DreamerM wrote:I don't mean every moment should be action packed. I mean the storyteller always has to be doing SOMETHING. If they are not advancing plot, they are building character. If they arn't doing that. they are setting up something, or foreshadowing something else. There always needs to be direction, they have to be going somewhere.
I definitely agree with all of that. Even putting aside observation of how much entertaining content is available at any time, good storytelling should always be strived for.
curiousGeorge wrote:The project has grown ultra successful if you measure that by eyeballs, media exposure, fandom, and other metrics associated with traditional media. What has eluded them so far is the financial rewards that even the trashiest of daytime soaps or horrid reality shows generate.
The result is the disaster of a plot, pacing, etc. that is nothing but a way to stall the production until they can figure out a way to make money. They started this as a way to break into the film industry, or so THEY claimed in interviews post-outing. Since then, they have become greedy in the hopes that they can capitalize on all the usual measures of success.
I am about as pro-capitalist as any, and have no problem with anyone making dinero. But it is so obvious that the financial aspects are driving the production at this point that it has just become silly.
That's certainly possible, but you can hardly blame them. Given all the exposure this thing has gotten, it's only natural to expect some revenue to come in at some point. It's a shame, though, that it may be coming at the expense of quality. Rather ironic that.
DreamerM wrote:We finally get a new video and it's more of the same drivel. The character's sitution is getting more and more desperate, yet they refuse to actually develop the characteristics to deal with it.
"I talk to my animals, it's the only thing that keeps me happy."
Guess what Bree? YOU SHOULDN'T BE HAPPY! You should be heartbroken. You should be miserable. Look at you. You're living in a werehouse with hobos. You're eating out of the trash. Your parents are gone. You're being followed by the most inneffectual stalker ever. Your one real companion is ready to up and leave you. You need to stop "being happy" and start DEALING with things.
You know, I think we might be starting to see some development. Bree is beginning to act a little more mature. And she explained why she's been carrying on as she has. If we get her explaining it this vid, maybe we'll have her getting beyond it in the next one. Maybe.
DreamerM wrote:You are mysteriously clean though. Hair still conditioned, makeup still applied, eyebrows expertly tweezed as ever.
In the new vid's dedicated thread, a forum member who said he/she's been homeless in the past theirself said that even homeless you find ways to stay clean. Having never been there myself, I can't say one way or the other, but I imagine McDonald's wouldn't stop you from going in to use their faucet once in a while.
DreamerM wrote:No, I don't think Jonas is a bad guy, mostly because I don't trust the writers to be clever enough to give us a perky, friendly, seemingly generous and laid-back....villian. It takes actual brainpower to think up nd convincingly dress a wolf in sheep's clothing, and I haven't seen any brainpower in this writing for almost a month.
That's a major "ouch," but I've still got faith. I think Jonas is exactly that: a perky, friendly, seemingly generous and laid-back villain.