But anyways...if it's possible for Loki to use WiFi access points to track the location of someone's computer, could the order be doing that same thing with Daniel's laptop? It may NOT be their car afterall, but their wireless internet adapter that is working as a tracking device.
Yeah, that actually probably is that. I forgot they were toting the computer around.
One of my friends actually is a hacker. Professionally even. Sounds weird but he works for a company that tries hacking into sites(not to cause damage) just to test security and help companies come up with better security for their websites. Anyways on to my point, he was talking to me once telling me that he was going down to this conference with his wife. Sort of a... hackers conference per say. Professional hackers. He said that he wasnt going to even take his computer because even if you have wireless connected on your computer and it is on.. or did it have to even be on.. I am not sure but if you have wireless enabled, like not COMPLETELY turned off, someone could EASILY hack into it.
Computers always have tracking systems that hackers could get to. And since apparently the order is "everywhere" then hackers included.
But realistically, the medium this series is in, they cant afford to say the tracking is in the computer because they cant ditch the computer unless the series ended.