I don't know if it's true. But it got reposted over at 9th Wonders (Heroes board), and there's some sort of little situation type thing over there where I guess someone had spoilered someone else with the caveat not to post it and then it did get posted...gah, teh internets drama!
The only comparable situation to real life drama: internet drama! (Wait, is there anything else?)
Can I have a simultaneous good and bad? Because that's what I really want for Christmas.
Have you been naughty...or nice? (I know, I know. Cheesy. )
*thinks* I'll stuff your stocking? Uhm...how about....uhm...I'll unwrap your present?
Heh, I think we wore out the Christmas innuendos in October! And wasn't I supposed to help you wrap presents? I'm a swell present-wrapper! *adjusts and shines medal*
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club
You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
I will have you know mister that what I am doing is NOT corrupting Owen! I have taugh him to do summersaults in the water, dive to the bottom and touch the sand.. I take him to the beach everyday so he can work on his green tan and eat the seaweed.. I taught him how to bake cookies, and brush his teeth (overdue i know).
Corruption.. I think not!
awww...that's good, because his breath stinks sometimes after he eats lettuce! I'm glad he's brushing now. Plus, you ladies will enjoy it more when he gives minty-fresh kisses! (lucky turtle)
Flautapantera wrote:*melancholy* BK just pops in and out like he owns the thread... Come back! I have, uh, two cookies with whipped cream - I'll share!
I was playing with Morry!
Hi there...I have no idea what you're all talking about! I saw something about Holly kanoodling with Owen!
Yeah, well...I suppose Morry deserves attention.
I never know what's going on with Holly. She always surprises me.
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club
You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?
Flautapantera wrote:
The only comparable situation to real life drama: internet drama! (Wait, is there anything else?)
Can I have a simultaneous good and bad? Because that's what I really want for Christmas.
Have you been naughty...or nice? (I know, I know. Cheesy. )
*thinks* I'll stuff your stocking? Uhm...how about....uhm...I'll unwrap your present?
Heh, I think we wore out the Christmas innuendos in October! And wasn't I supposed to help you wrap presents? I'm a swell present-wrapper! *adjusts and shines medal*
Why yes, you were. And I've got plenty of ways of paying you back for that service.
Flautapantera wrote:*melancholy* BK just pops in and out like he owns the thread... Come back! I have, uh, two cookies with whipped cream - I'll share!
I was playing with Morry!
Hi there...I have no idea what you're all talking about! I saw something about Holly kanoodling with Owen!
Yeah, well...I suppose Morry deserves attention.
I got home late because I had to get groceries, so he's a little energetic. It's too cold for him to stay outside much... Poor pup. But he settled down when I started to pet him, and now he's lying on his half of the couch with his head on my lap. So cute...
Although I'd shove him out of the way in a second if someone wanted to take his place...........
Broken Kid wrote:I got home late because I had to get groceries, so he's a little energetic. It's too cold for him to stay outside much... Poor pup. But he settled down when I started to pet him, and now he's lying on his half of the couch with his head on my lap. So cute...
Although I'd shove him out of the way in a second if someone wanted to take his place...........
Yay! Food in the pantry is always a good feeling.
Aww, you don't need to move Morry. I'm sure Owen would be just as comfortable sitting elsewhere.
Vice President of the Owen Fan Club
You know that moment where you just want to grab a pair of scissors and run away with them?