Number: 101
Location: Wherever the next operation takes me
Responsibilities: Trainer, Profiler, Historian, and Situational Analyst
Cover: You’re neighbors will say “He seemed like such a nice guy. He was always so…… quiet…

Moderator: Moderators
LMAO!shifty wrote::gniFgnilla yaby yardetseuqe yaAs
!yaJnahtano yais yanema yamy ,yaHolle
.yaleki yalkoo yaI yawtah yakgniwon yain yaidetseretn yaer yayou yaif yagyrella yars'eugo yateh yain yame yaof yaperutci a yaptso yaddi yaI yabtu ,yaMecapsy yafro yaehguon yacloo yanto yaIm' .ya:x yavsemagoedi yapgniyal yaadn ,yaOdihpAp yafgniwollo ,yargnidae ,yadgniwar yaeyojn yaI .yaLlo ,yartneserpe )yagsseu yaI( yaXyr yadn ...yaLnorda ,yaMytni--yabeul yais yacrolo yafetirova yaMy .yaTsaxe yain yalevi yadn yaodl yaysrae yaeneethgi yaIm'
ya<3 !yaOypp yayuo yalevo yaI .yafnu yaof yatno a yahgniva yaam yadn yaAGR yaOs'dihpAp yalylevo yateh yato yamdevo yaI yaTneh .yaLefi yaSdnoce yato yawtne yait yawneh yaitseretn yaall yaltso yaI yabtu ,yafna yaWgnihcta yais yaCeissa yabgi a yawsa yaI .yasecni yaerev yawgnihcta yabnee yaIev' yadn ,yaJmoc.qitsyo yaon yait yaatuob yasyrot a yardae yaI yawneh yafhtfi yateh yaSrebmetpe yaon yaL51lrigyleno yatuob yaldenrae yaftsri yaI
ya:].yarmoo yactah yaICR yateh yain yame yafdni yaasyawl yaatsoml yacna yaYuo !yayuo yaof "yamtso" yalevo yaI yadn ,yafnu yaas yateciw yatsih yamseka yahere yacytinummo yateh ,yaHyltseno
HAHA! Nice.shifty wrote::yaFgnilla yaby yardetseuqe yaAs
!yaJnahtano yais yanema yamy ,yaHolle
.yaleki yalkoo yaI yawtah yakgniwon yain yaidetseretn yaer yayou yaif yagyrella yars'eugo yateh yain yame yaof yaperutci a yaptso yaddi yaI yabtu ,yaMecapsy yafro yaehguon yacloo yanto yaIm' .ya:x yavsemagoedi yapgniyal yaadn ,yaOdihpAp yafgniwollo ,yargnidae ,yadgniwar yaeyojn yaI .yaLlo ,yartneserpe )yagsseu yaI( yaXyr yadn ...yaLnorda ,yaMytni--yabeul yais yacrolo yafetirova yaMy .yaTsaxe yain yalevi yadn yaodl yaysrae yaeneethgi yaIm'
ya<3 !yaOypp yayuo yalevo yaI .yafnu yaof yatno a yahgniva yaam yadn yaAGR yaOs'dihpAp yalylevo yateh yato yamdevo yaI yaTneh .yaLefi yaSdnoce yato yawtne yait yawneh yaitseretn yaall yaltso yaI yabtu ,yafna yaWgnihcta yais yaCeissa yabgi a yawsa yaI .yasecni yaerev yawgnihcta yabnee yaIev' yadn ,yaJmoc.qitsyo yaon yait yaatuob yasyrot a yardae yaI yawneh yafhtfi yateh yaSrebmetpe yaon yaL51lrigyleno yatuob yaldenrae yaftsri yaI
ya:].yarmoo yactah yaICR yateh yain yame yafdni yaasyawl yaatsoml yacna yaYuo !yayuo yaof "yamtso" yalevo yaI yadn ,yafnu yaas yateciw yatsih yamseka yahere yacytinummo yateh ,yaHyltseno
I guess it's kind of hard to do it fawn-et-ick-lee. Basically don't sound like a hick when you say it. It's organ with an E in there.nobackspacebutton wrote:I used to live there (very briefly) with a now ex-boyfriend..and he always said I pronounced it wrong..he said to say it as if your saying "organ"...because we pronounce it like (or - e - gun) here. haha.L1Z wrote:Hey I'm Liz. I live in Oregon, [Or-E-Gun]. We hate when people say it "Or-E-Gone"
Anyways, I forgot!
I'm a Virgo. =)
and my myspace, because I have no friends:
tiltingwindward wrote: I live in Oregon (whee!), where it is lovely and all the food is twice as good as anywhere else in the country.
FallingIntoSin wrote:Tilt: It was a lovely post! I'm glad I know more about youI bet IRL we'd be friends *Grin*.
Shifty: I'm mad at you. That's all I have to stay :p. You made me crack my first "code", hahaha, and my head hurts!
And I don't know why but everyone keeps saying XRY. So there. I said it. I'm a follower *grin*.
Have you RPd LotR? I used to run one on deadjournal. Good times ^_^tiltingwindward wrote:Here I am at last, fulfilling my civic duty to the OpA community...![]()
I live in Oregon (whee!), where it is lovely and all the food is twice as good as anywhere else in the country. I'm in the post-college crowd here at OpA, and am working at a small non-profit while looking for a job in the international spectrum. I've been following LG15 since "Girl Problems," way back when--I got turned on to it by the Screens blog on the NYT. I followed the Jessica Rose revelation and most of CiW as a lurker, getting involved with CiW just before Second Life made all our lives a living hell. I watched OpA from the first video, but didn't really pay attention to it until I realized that I was the only person on the forums still working on Cassie's Final Anagram--then I got myself over to this part of the forums in time for the solution to the 5/5 puzzle that led to the first VM. And here I've been ever since.
When not sacrificing my life and youth to this game, I love to read and I'm big on the Great Outdoors. I'm a huge LOTR fan (seriously, it's embarrassing to my friends), and I think that The Phantom Tolbooth is one of the best childrens' books ever written. I speak Chinese, and as some of you know, I'm pretty passionate about cheese. I like storms, and wind in particular, and I believe that it's always possible for one person to change the world.
There, that should be enough random nonsense about my life to satisfy you all. FallingIntoSin, I hope I haven't disappointed you.