I am super sick right now. I was up all night bawling my eyes out and rolling around in the bed in pain. My back is absolutely killing me, my ribs are aching, and my stomache is doing flippy flops. And whats worse is that Ihave to take care of my four year old and 1 1/2 month old because my husband used up all his sick days when i was in the hospital. So not only am I sick and frustrated but ssad because i have no one to sulk on.
you know Pushed...your avatar is making me feel a little better...
still sick but not as bad. Bit I've noticed something and wondering if its a good thing...some one answer me...
My stomache is swollen. Like the muscles around it and they are painful to touch. Is that ... normal when your sick. i've never noticed my body reacting like that to the flu.