Steven Starr:
Find the article in it's entirety here:Lonelygirl15 is making a substantial amount of money on a weekly basis just by being online.", ... 0_,00.html
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Find the article in it's entirety here:Lonelygirl15 is making a substantial amount of money on a weekly basis just by being online."
Yeah, I'm sure you're completely right. Just trying to pay the actors probably wipes out any profit they make.trunbuns wrote:I suspect that they're trying to big up there own service here.
I've no doubt that the creators are making some money from revver but i doubt its much more than production costs
LOL, yep, it's there. When I said it was a small blurb, I meant small! It's almost to the end of the article, in the paragraph that starts "Steven Starr, CEO of Revver".Languorous Lass wrote:I don't see anything about Revvers or LG15 on the page you linked to. Could you check again and see if you have a better link? Thanks.
Go right ahead, lol, that's fine!Languorous Lass wrote:You mean it's in the SNL article? Dang.I missed that completely.
Yep, there it is, all right. Thanks, silvermoon.
(BTW, would you mind if I called you "moonie"? I keep wanting to type it when I'm responding to one of your posts. No connection with the Reverend Moon is intended.)
Revver is not the cash cow some people think it it. After all of my videos over the last three months, I've only made about 90 bucks. I am certain the profits the Creators have made through Revver have been helpful, but haven't made them wealthyHyeMew wrote:As someone with just a couple revver videos of my own, (yeah I uploaded some stuff to it just to see what it was like), I highly doubt they are making a 'substantial amount' of money, that's just them promoting themselves.