I wanted to message everyone individually and ask them a few questions about themselves, just to know something about them, and develop a more meaningful relationship with everyone. Once I started constructing this list, I saw that it was a very difficult task to individually contact everyone. So I decided to accomplish this on a wider scale by posting it here in the forums.
So, this is directed at anyone who is playing this game and wishes to let everyone know a little bit more about themselves than what's on the surface. I'd like to encourage participation, as the more we know about each other, the stronger out community will get, which in turn will make everyone's time here more enjoyable. It's a win-win situation!
So please, post here anything interesting about yourself that most people here don't know. I will start off, and hopefully some of you will follow in suit

My name is Steve, my favorite color is Green, and I live at home with my parents. I am 22 and currently a senior in college. I will be getting my bachelors degree in computer science this coming May and plan on moving to some big city and getting a career, starting my life, etc...
Most of my emotional stability comes from close friends and music (ranging across all genres, though I like black metal a LOT) My favorite band of all time is Radiohead and I have been to 2 of their shows before.
You've probably already picked this up, but I enjoy puzzles and solving problems. My role in this game is mostly solving puzzles. I barely speculate on the storyline and all that. I simply play for the comradery and puzzle solving, so I tend to be really happy on puzzle nights

I'm almost always in the IRC chat room, so if you ever want to talk to me you know where to find me. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you post some interesting things about yourself, regardless of how short or long. This is our OpAphid community thread! If you play this game, you're invited to post in here.