VBloggers: HELP ME!

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VBloggers: HELP ME!

Post by Anne »

Hey guys, I want to create a video log for an upcoming european excursion... but I'm at a loss as to what video equipment to buy. I want something that can handle long clips in high quality that isn't ginormous or 5,000 bucks. Obviously bree uses a really expensive camera but she also has amazing video quality and i would love to know what kind she uses.
i already have a still camera that can handle a few minutes of footage but i need something more centered on video.
please give me some suggestions!
- for instance: what model/brand do you guys use?
X Anne
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Post by trunbuns »

i dont know the creators reckon lonelygirl15 is all filmed on a $130 webcam so maybe find out what brand it is, I'm looking to get one too so I wouldn't mind knowing either.

I think you can email the creators here, so perhaps you could ask them? try [email protected]. I think thats what I saw in a thread somewhere
Languorous Lass
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Post by Languorous Lass »

I think the type of camera the creators use is mentioned in some of the articles about LG15. You might want to check the articles linked from the "LG15 In the Press" section before you e-mail the creators.
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Post by weetziebat05 »

I have always heard that Logitech is a good brand if you're trying to get a webcam.

As for camcorders, I'd go with a Sony or a Panasonic.
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Post by Cuddlebunni »

I agree about logitech being the best for webcams... you can get a decent one for not that much money.. I have a logitech, and its pretty good.. and I know of several people on youtube who use them and their vids are great quality.

but it kinda sounds like u want an actual camcorder.. which unfornuately i can be of no help.. i dont have one yet.. too much mula for me.. Im saving up for one though :)

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