acidfingers wrote:The video on the SD card was actually They Disappeared... from Gemma. One of the tags in the video (which she also talks about in the video) is sascha. We tried this and it was the password to the rar.
In the rar was a data file named "4e494c49" which translates in hex to "NILI" the contents of the file was a string of characters: "AN LQUIYHL UOE ZAV KA A DIXG YIH IL QBT"
Since there were so few vowels in that, we thought it couldn't be an anagram, so we tried a vigenere cipher using the key sascha again and it decoded into "in tonight she had it a life rip it out"
Could NILI be translated by the cipher as well? Just a thought.
It's another spy network
A Jewish one no less. (Previous clues from Tachyon, Canaan, Rashi, Rachev. Previous clues from Op include the Holocaust museum dedication and a quote from Elie Wiesel)
Remove "heart" from "in tonight she had it a life rip it out" (based on the queen of hearts crossed out). This anagrams to: "Op A is inflight to hide unit it." Which sounds funny until I realized that I should "rip it out." Taking "it" out, you get:
Traveler J wrote:Remove "heart" from "in tonight she had it a life rip it out" (based on the queen of hearts crossed out). This anagrams to: "Op A is inflight to hide unit it." Which sounds funny until I realized that I should "rip it out." Taking "it" out, you get:
Op A is inflight to hide unit.
I assume this means inflight to Setauket .
Amazing idea... take out HEART.
Hey... I GOT IT! Oh... wait... never mind.
Traveler J wrote:Remove "heart" from "in tonight she had it a life rip it out" (based on the queen of hearts crossed out). This anagrams to: "Op A is inflight to hide unit it." Which sounds funny until I realized that I should "rip it out." Taking "it" out, you get:
I'm a little confused, where was the Queen of Heart crossed out?
Oh, okay, I got it. I just saw the jpg of the Queen of Hearts from the book. I had only watched the video of the opening of the drop and hadn't seen it there.