Movies are my life.
I guess thats why lg15 is so interesting to me.
You know what else is pretty good...........
Life Aquatic, Virgin Suicides, lost in translation,
Resevior Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Kill Bill 2, Desperado,
JFK, Natural Born Killers, Stripes, StarTrek Wrath of Kahn,
StarTrek movies period, Brain Scan, Being John Malckovich,
Dr.Strangelove or how I learned to love the bomb, Batman,
Batman 2 the Tim burton ones, Edward sissorhands, Shaun of the Dead,
Fight Club, Great Expectations, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Beauty and the Beast,
Sound of music, West Side story, Romeo and Juliet(both),
War of the worlds(older version), Lord of the Rings movies,
Harry potter and the prisoner of Askaban or somthing like that,
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
Roxaine, Gummo, Godfather, Goodfellas, So I married an axe murderer,
A.I., 28 Days later, Gladiator, Indiana Jones and the temple of doom,
Indiana Jones Raiders of the lost ark, Jaws, E.T., Amalie(sp),
The dark Crystal, laberynth(sp),
This Is Spinal Tap, Donnie Darko, Dancer in the dark, Resident Evil,
Omega Man, Soilent Green, Deconstructing harry, Sleeper, Excorsist,
Excorsist 3(its actually really good), Witches, Witches Of Eastwick,
Hot Shots, Airplane, Jaw Breaker, Lost Highway, Bluevelvet, Muhollid(sp) Dr.,
Fire walk with me, The Doors, Captin Ron, Sleepwalkers, Alien,aliens,
Ferris Bulers Day Off, Legend, S.T.A.C.Y, Battle Royal, Professional
Yeah....I'm a spazz.