CoeMia wrote:Mirage wrote:Dude, with the way people around here have been spazzing out about him, I don't think him spouting any other "skills" would be in the best interest.
"Oh, a rich hot guy who lives alone AND is a magician. Creators, can you get any more cliche?"

ROFL...I like the way you think.
I've seen the <<Wow!>> and <<Woo hoo!>> posts over him. I don't think he's attractive, though. Easy on the eyes? Yes! Gorgeous? Not a chance. (That's why I always refer to him as "supposedly attractive.") I'm not bashing the guy or his adoring fans. Everyone has different tastes.
I'm not unimpressed with the's the character thus far I can't stand! LOL The whole rich-bored-apparently spoiled-loafer just doesn't do it for me.
I'm just an oddball...all alone. Oh well. LOL
Hee! I find him hot...and I kinda find the bored!rich!alone act to be cheesy and contrived...but only if the act is "real" (I mean that according to the character, obviously). My opinion in that matter can always change considering on how the Creators use him and his big ol' empty house. I personally think he's a plant from the Order, that his story is just too cliche...and he's good looking. And he's rich. And he's lonely. Bree, wont you help him and help yourself?

I just think it's really too soon to make any decisions on whether I like how he relates to the plot. Just because the videos are boring right now to some people dont mean they always will be. I mean, how many videos does he have out, 3? Dang, give the dude some time to get exciting (here's where the magic tricks come in!

BUT I soooo don't like the assumptions that the only reason people are watching and/or liking Jonas' videos is because he's hot. Helloooo, give me (and the rest of Jonas likers) a little credit, y'know?

(Not that you've said that at all!
