lordgreystoke422 wrote:She's 16..a very naiive innocent 16 at that.. Her parents are WHO knows where..the order is after her..and Daniel is on his way the the Temple of Denderah...he is in DENIAL..heading all the way to Egypt baby. He doesnt think anyone is after them..WTF...UMMM he SAW Bree's parents being taken away..HE SAW the pictures of him when HE was being followed..NOW he wants to act like that never happened..
Bree's way of communicating is with videos and skits. Daniel complains about wanting his life back(I did that about...OOOoooo nearly 40 videos ago and then I started making FUNNY vids to snub my nose at OpAnus and the rest of whoever it is after me.) Bree is still being herself in the face of these problems. Most of you lost the main point of my video.. Its about personal choice. If he doesn't like it..take a hike..instead "I'm not talking to Bree right now". Daniel's behavior is FAR more immature than Bree's is. Most of you fail to see that because you have already decided Bree is the immature one. Bree is trying to deal with her stress by amusing herself and trying to not think about it by being creative..Daniel deals with it by making a video TELLING us he isn't talking to her.
If you can't see who is REALLY more immature..let me sell you a reed boat.
You are right it is about personal choice, and daniel has chosen to stay with bree to protect her and to make sure that she is safe. He has done this because he cares about her. I really don't understand why you are getting so angery about this. It is a dangerous and stressfull situation and you are quite happy to accept that the stress of the sitatuation is what is making bree act the way that she is, but what about the stress that daniel is under? he has run away from his life putting himself in imediate danger and there is no end to what is happening, why shouldn't he be able to post a video explaining how he feels? he has no one else to talk to about it. He is staying with bree which I think prooves he is serious about her, just because he realises the severity of the situation and isn't jumping around all happy and smiley doesn't mean that he is a bad person. He is a 17 year old boy, how many 17 year old boys do you know would be able to cope with what he is going through, would you have been able to? I am 20 now and I still don't think that I would be able to stay as level-headed as he is being.
Cut the guy a break surely you can see that he is doing the best that he can in an impossible situation.
The only man who's worth your tears will never make you cry
khjq wrote:I can't take Daniel seriously when he is wearing lipstick...
... maybe he and Bree just had a massive makeout session and she was wearing lipstick. . . .
I seriously thought that might be why his lips were so pink.
trainer101 wrote:What if Bree isn't making it up? What if she really does hear voices coming from the stuffed animals? Or thinks she does?
There was a message on YouTube during the OpAphid conversatons relating to this song line "The silicon chip inside her head gets switched to overload".
I haven't been following OpAphid, but I had the same thought about some kind of speaker being planted inside one or more of the animals -- along the lines of our suspicions about there being a mic in P. Monkey.
Smelltheflowers wrote:As I was posting this message a new "Law and Order: Criminal Intent" commercial just showed. The episode guest stars Michelle Trachtenberg, formally from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The episode is clearly based around the Lonelygirl15 story! . . . I am shock right now! I love Lonelygirl15 and all the Law and Order shows. A merging of my favourite things!
lordgreystoke422 wrote:She's 16..a very naiive innocent 16 at that.. Her parents are WHO knows where..the order is after her..and Daniel is on his way the the Temple of Denderah...he is in DENIAL..heading all the way to Egypt baby. He doesnt think anyone is after them..WTF...UMMM he SAW Bree's parents being taken away..HE SAW the pictures of him when HE was being followed..NOW he wants to act like that never happened..
Bree's way of communicating is with videos and skits. Daniel complains about wanting his life back(I did that about...OOOoooo nearly 40 videos ago and then I started making FUNNY vids to snub my nose at OpAnus and the rest of whoever it is after me.) Bree is still being herself in the face of these problems. Most of you lost the main point of my video.. Its about personal choice. If he doesn't like it..take a hike..instead "I'm not talking to Bree right now". Daniel's behavior is FAR more immature than Bree's is. Most of you fail to see that because you have already decided Bree is the immature one. Bree is trying to deal with her stress by amusing herself and trying to not think about it by being creative..Daniel deals with it by making a video TELLING us he isn't talking to her.
If you can't see who is REALLY more immature..let me sell you a reed boat.
You are right it is about personal choice, and daniel has chosen to stay with bree to protect her and to make sure that she is safe. He has done this because he cares about her. I really don't understand why you are getting so angery about this. It is a dangerous and stressfull situation and you are quite happy to accept that the stress of the sitatuation is what is making bree act the way that she is, but what about the stress that daniel is under? he has run away from his life putting himself in imediate danger and there is no end to what is happening, why shouldn't he be able to post a video explaining how he feels? he has no one else to talk to about it. He is staying with bree which I think prooves he is serious about her, just because he realises the severity of the situation and isn't jumping around all happy and smiley doesn't mean that he is a bad person. He is a 17 year old boy, how many 17 year old boys do you know would be able to cope with what he is going through, would you have been able to? I am 20 now and I still don't think that I would be able to stay as level-headed as he is being.
Cut the guy a break surely you can see that he is doing the best that he can in an impossible situation.
Cut him some slack? Ummm NO..he needs to realize that HE is the one being the more immature. Would he rather have Bree instead turn into a SOBBING useless liability? Maybe her videos are the way that she is keeping herself together. I once again say, HIS behavior is the one that is more dangerous to the two of them. ALSO, OPAPHID and that crew..they FEED on fear, its a tool used to control. The MORE fear they show them, the more pleased OpAlcoholic is. Why please your enemies?
lordgreystoke422 wrote:Cut him some slack? Ummm NO..he needs to realize that HE is the one being the more immature. Would he rather have Bree instead turn into a SOBBING useless liability? Maybe her videos are the way that she is keeping herself together. I once again say, HIS behavior is the one that is more dangerous to the two of them. ALSO, OPAPHID and that crew..they FEED on fear, its a tool used to control. The MORE fear they show them, the more pleased OpAlcoholic is. Why please your enemies?
You really thing that it is more immature to realise the severity of the situation that they are in and express his worries in a video than it is to play with your soft toys. It isn't so much the videos themselves which worry me it is some of the things that she has done instead. You say that she is doing the videos to keep herself together I would say that it is much more likely that she is in total denial about what is going on in her life which is why she is acting in a more childish way. I think that it is unhealthy for her to surpress what is going on and daniel is doing the right thing by trying to get her to address what is going on. If you go and see a psychiatrist following a traumatic event they will encourage you to talk about it and not to try and ignor/forget what is happening which is exactly what daniel is doing and from a mental health prospective is exactly the the right thing to do.
If he did what you suggested then he would just be encouraging her to surpress these dangerous emotions which are going to have to come out some time. Would you rather that bree had a break down in months time or that she got upset now and then hopefull eventually manage to work through it and together with daniel come up with a realistic plan of action? I am not saying that it is going to be easy but it is deffinate the sensible thing to do.
The only man who's worth your tears will never make you cry
lordgreystoke422 wrote:Cut him some slack? Ummm NO..he needs to realize that HE is the one being the more immature. Would he rather have Bree instead turn into a SOBBING useless liability? Maybe her videos are the way that she is keeping herself together. I once again say, HIS behavior is the one that is more dangerous to the two of them. ALSO, OPAPHID and that crew..they FEED on fear, its a tool used to control. The MORE fear they show them, the more pleased OpAlcoholic is. Why please your enemies?
i have to say i agree
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
People speak as if Daniel were 10 years older than Bree, and that he's the "adult". He's just a year older, probably less. I think Daniel is acting according to his age.
We all know Bree has always been a little childish. Imagine having a kid acting like that in a serious situation. It's the same thing.
It is rather immature to make a video like "SILENT TREATMENT"...
I'm surprised he didn't cover his ears and shout LALALALALALA... WHAT'S THAT? I THINK I HEAR THE WIND TALKING! every time bree spoke.
Though Bree is acting somewhat childish herself... "It was Owen's idea." Uhm okay? THAT solves everything.
I think that without any adults around, they are both scared and the children inside them are starting to take over. If my parents were missing, I'd last a few days on my own, then I'd tumble to the ground like I WANT MY MOMMY TO MAKE ME MACARONIIIIIIII. Daniel points out that his parents haven't exactly been around to take care of him, so he is more used to this than Bree is. Maybe that explains their difference in reaction.
And, whoever said that Bree is denying the situation by her behavior. No. Daniel said straight out that he doesn't think anyone is following them. I don't think either of them are being perfectly mature. No one would be in their current situation.
Yes, as I understand it Daniel is 18 and just graduated High School last June,
Bree was 16 when the v-blogs began and had a birthday last month so is now 17.
My sympathies are with Bree in this instance, if she is having emotional/psychological problems that are causing her regressive behavior, giving her the "silent treatment" and isolating her even more. is going to make things worse.
Last edited by robtomorrow on Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Killthesmiley wrote:he's not 17...he's older then Bree
ok well 18 then it is still pretty young to be dealing with all this.
I thought he was in his twenties..
seeing in brees vids she says he's been graduated for a little bit...
either way...trust me that isn't yougn to be going through a situation like this. THink about how many people in this world that are YOUNGER then bree going through similar situations (running from authorities that have the wrong idea).
Man I've been on my own since I was thirteen...
she is the right age to be going through this...most 17 year olds are leaving home to go to college...