Silent Treatment [11/21/06]

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Post by covedweller »

You know LonesomeOctober would do a great commentary. Hiding his eyes, maybe peeking out a little behind one hand... :lol:
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

covedweller wrote:You know LonesomeOctober would do a great commentary. Hiding his eyes, maybe peeking out a little behind one hand... :lol:
nah they probaly use p monkey as a condom!

imagien how pissed he/she would be on lonsome october!

Post by covedweller »

Maccaboy17 wrote:
covedweller wrote:You know LonesomeOctober would do a great commentary. Hiding his eyes, maybe peeking out a little behind one hand... :lol:
nah they probaly use p monkey as a condom!

imagien how pissed he/she would be on lonsome october!
The P Monkey sounds like slang for condoms.

Or a monkey to shake it off afterwards.

But how well does it stop Daniel's demon seed?
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

covedweller wrote:
Maccaboy17 wrote:
covedweller wrote:You know LonesomeOctober would do a great commentary. Hiding his eyes, maybe peeking out a little behind one hand... :lol:
nah they probaly use p monkey as a condom!

imagien how pissed he/she would be on lonsome october!
The P Monkey sounds like slang for condoms.

Or a monkey to shake it off afterwards.

But how well does it stop Daniel's demon seed?
actually lets face it purple monkey sounds slang for where you put the condom!

daniel can stop she demon seed by cutting off his 3rd niple and killing his familier (i think its the other monkey, you know the one that never get mentioned, check on LGpedia)
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Post by Kasdeja »


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Post by Broken Kid »

Kasdeja wrote:Sigh.

I agree...can we get back on topic? :)
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Post by covedweller »

Broken Kid wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Sigh.

I agree...can we get back on topic? :)
We were just trying to suggest how Daniel could bounce back since he's been losing his religion as of late... that is all.
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

covedweller wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Sigh.

I agree...can we get back on topic? :)
We were just trying to suggest how Daniel could bounce back since he's been losing his religion as of late... that is all.
well going back to topic

i still say we're going to have a vibeo o danil on his own having stormed off and probaly making somekind of coment about his feelings for her

Post by Lurker »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:She's 16..a very naiive innocent 16 at that.. Her parents are WHO knows where..the order is after her..and Daniel is on his way the the Temple of Denderah...he is in DENIAL..heading all the way to Egypt baby.
The fact that they have no idea where her parents are is one of the reasons why Bree's behavior isn't helping. She's not even telling Daniel anything she knows.

Even if she doesn't think she knows anything useful, that may not be the case. Two minds can see angles that one alone couldn't.
lordgreystroke422 wrote:He doesnt think anyone is after them..WTF...UMMM he SAW Bree's parents being taken away..HE SAW the pictures of him when HE was being followed..NOW he wants to act like that never happened..
No, he said he doesn't know if they're being followed. There's a difference between saying "I don't think we're being followed" with sincerity in one's voice, and saying -- while upset and frustrated -- "I don't know who's following us... or even if we're being followed." And, really, he doesn't know that. It's possible. Likely even. But he doesn't know it.
lordgreystroke422 wrote:Bree's way of communicating is with videos and skits. Daniel complains about wanting his life back(I did that about...OOOoooo nearly 40 videos ago and then I started making FUNNY vids to snub my nose at OpAnus and the rest of whoever it is after me.) Bree is still being herself in the face of these problems.
Yes, that's a problem. New situations cannot be addressed the same way as old situations. That is not healthy, nor realistic. Reality requires human beings to adapt to new situations. You can't pretend that one person you're dating now is the same person you dated years ago and that taking them out to the same places is going to get the same reactions. Nor can you pretend that a situation in which your parents have been kidnapped and you're being chased across California by people in black suits is the same as a situation in which everything is hunky dory and you're at home, free to safely play with your plushies on your bed and pretend that they can talk to you.

Again, human beings are not supposed to stay the same. Situations are dynamic, thus we have to be as well.
lordgreystroke422 wrote:Most of you lost the main point of my video.. Its about personal choice. If he doesn't like it..take a hike..instead "I'm not talking to Bree right now". Daniel's behavior is FAR more immature than Bree's is. Most of you fail to see that because you have already decided Bree is the immature one.
While not talking to her isn't going to help, it's not like talking to her has been helping either.

Daniel: "She thinks this is some sort of game."
Bree: "No, I don't. And might I add... the 'Survival Skills' thing was Owen's idea."

If that's her idea of a rational address to a serious situation, they're in a lot of trouble.

Anyway, I think it's a little late for him to decide to "take a hike." That's like suggesting that the assassin can drop his rifle after pulling the trigger and walk away from the situation. The people he's pissed off are still going to be pissed off. They aren't going to let things go.

It's not like things can go back to the way they were before without the situation being resolved. Of the many roadblocks in the path to getting things resolved, Bree's attitude is the first.
lordgreystroke422 wrote:Bree is trying to deal with her stress by amusing herself and trying to not think about it by being creative..
Which is fine for the first two days. Heck, it's even fine to keep doing that indefinitely provided you're trying to productively address the problems in the meantime. Refusing to tell the person who's put their life on the line for you a single thing that could maybe help resolve matters is a major problem.

It's not like you can just say "If you're not happy with this situation, Daniel, go home." Sure, he goes home. And then what? If the Order doesn't already know where Bree is, they grab him and try to make him tell them. If they already do know, they move in and take her. They probably wouldn't even have any trouble if she thought Daniel had abandoned her. She'd look to the first person she could force into that "tell me what to do, please, you superior-couldn't-ever-be-wrong adult-person-you" role, and then do whatever they said.
lordgreystroke422 wrote:Daniel deals with it by making a video TELLING us he isn't talking to her.
If you can't see who is REALLY more immature..let me sell you a reed boat.
Again, I agree that Daniel's current attitude isn't helping. But he's pissed off with her, and rightfully so. If she wants to make him not be pissed, she's holding the cards to do that.
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

I just watched the video......everytime Bree would talk Daniel looked like he was 1/2 a second from B*tch slapping her.

Anywho, glad we got some history on Danny Boy.
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

Luv2Skydive wrote:I just watched the video......everytime Bree would talk Daniel looked like he was 1/2 a second from B*tch slapping her.

Anywho, glad we got some history on Danny Boy.
I am

hopefully we'll get more over time
especially if he does the breif walking out video that i anticipate

or will the next back story we get be form the suspiciously silent gemma or will her next video have her chained to the walls with cassie and immant and other deacons and watchers holding knives to her ordering her to tell bree to turn herself in

find out same lonly girl time same lonely girl place
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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

DavetheAvatar wrote:
Maccaboy17 wrote:i have a feeling next time we here from daniel he's going to have walked out, if only for a few minutes an will make more comments about his life being ruined, but he should really end it saying 'but its worth it for her'
Maybe he's starting to think it's not worth it anymore?
Then..SHIT or get off the POT...
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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

sweetie55 wrote:Daniel does need to stop sulking so much and Bree needs to get more serious. They need a nice balance of trying to think positive and seriousness. Them not talking will lead to bad things, such as Bree finding a new, possibly dangerous new person to lean on since Daniel is temporarly relinquishing his duty of making sure she is okay. And guess who she may go to? :twisted:

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Post by lordgreystoke422 »

Broken Kid wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Sigh.

I agree...can we get back on topic? :)
HELL even I agree....
when ya start making Pervy town members cringe...ya know its gone on too long in the wrong place
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Post by Maccaboy17 »

lordgreystoke422 wrote:
Broken Kid wrote:
Kasdeja wrote:Sigh.

I agree...can we get back on topic? :)
HELL even I agree....
when ya start making Pervy town members cringe...ya know its gone on too long in the wrong place
yeah sorry i know i made most of the comments i was trying t be serious on the forums but the jokes appealed to my random sense of humour, but as i have said the perverted things seme highly unlikely as i said if it did happen you'd see nohting anyway because of the usually level of camera skill bree and daniel have
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