btw when dont we normally agree?Kasdeja wrote:Son of a...iamcool and I didn't just agree...this is getting serious...

do we have a fued going that i'm not aware of? lol
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btw when dont we normally agree?Kasdeja wrote:Son of a...iamcool and I didn't just agree...this is getting serious...
How long were you at college? I was at uni for quite a few hours so I guess their might have been time, but she still would have needed to know exactly what she was looking for. Plus it would have taken her time to make/edit/upload the video.iamcool wrote: good thought but i watched the vid, went to college for a few hours came back and was on here for a few more hours before gemmas vid was posted
nice avatar btw, i think i have some competition for the best avatar
house wrote:This series is like the Winchester House. Just keep building, but never finishing...
i left at 11:30 and got back at about 2, but then the vid wasnt posted till about a couple of hours ago so there was plenty of timeReb wrote:How long were you at college? I was at uni for quite a few hours so I guess their might have been time, but she still would have needed to know exactly what she was looking for. Plus it would have taken her time to make/edit/upload the video.iamcool wrote: good thought but i watched the vid, went to college for a few hours came back and was on here for a few more hours before gemmas vid was posted
nice avatar btw, i think i have some competition for the best avatar
I like your avater too
I still don't understand how she could have seen it when it is so unclear/small. Thinking about it that another thing that she would have had to do enlarge and clarrify the image before she left so she knew what she was looking for.Kasdeja wrote:Yes, but maybe she ran across the symbol when researching and recognized it, etc, so she grabbed whatever book she was looking at and looked it up?
Maybe she lives on campus and the library is next door.Reb wrote:I still don't understand how she could have seen it when it is so unclear/small. Thinking about it that another thing that she would have had to do enlarge and clarrify the image before she left so she knew what she was looking for.Kasdeja wrote:Yes, but maybe she ran across the symbol when researching and recognized it, etc, so she grabbed whatever book she was looking at and looked it up?
All I am saying is that timing would have to be very very tight because even if she had seen it before she would have still had to go to the library (probably a big one so on public transport which would take time) to confirm her suspicions.
true but...the way it COULD work is if the fan fic is supplimental. I mean if you never saw the Nikki thing your not really missing out because gemma explained it all. If they can use the fan fic stuff without you HAVING to watch the fan fic stuff to know whats going on I don't have a problem with it.Kasdeja wrote:I'll honestly be a bit ticked if NBR turns out canon...I mean, as soon as Gemma came she was immediately put into a canon area ... and NBR and the others were in the FANFIC section. I'm sorry, but that's crap, not everyone is one iota interested in the FANFIC section.
Didn't the creators say in an interview that they were going to incorporate some fan videos? I think they even commented on a select few that they thought were really good.thinkitthrough wrote:I think there is something more to the fan vids than we have previously thought, or maybe they are using fan vids like comments to incorporate into the story
I think it's one of those things where we just have to's in the script.Reb wrote:I still don't understand how she could have seen it when it is so unclear/small. Thinking about it that another thing that she would have had to do enlarge and clarrify the image before she left so she knew what she was looking for.Kasdeja wrote:Yes, but maybe she ran across the symbol when researching and recognized it, etc, so she grabbed whatever book she was looking at and looked it up?
All I am saying is that timing would have to be very very tight because even if she had seen it before she would have still had to go to the library (probably a big one so on public transport which would take time) to confirm her suspicions.
No I hope Not. Actually im an Actor.iamcool:
i just have to say u look such a tool in your pic!
your not one those wiggas are you?
Well, and do you research around in the 'ancient books' section, where there are old crumbling scrolls of strange languages and yellowing books fulls of dust?
I Just got the url from my myspace.Wisi Girl:
How did you get your picture up like that? I'm trying to upload a picture from my camera but it seems like the site only gives you the option to get a picture with an URL, right? I'm so confused.