Some info about Thelema, Masonry, and a few new "suspec
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Not quite sure what you're asking or suggesting, there.RMWB wrote:
Actually though, come to think of it, you may be getting close to Bree's 'religion'. Crowley's Gnostic Mass stipulates:
This might explain why Bree's parents don't want her getting too close to Daniel, preferring to keep her 'intact' for her upcoming role as Priestess. Of course Crowley probably doesn't mean "Virgo Intacta" literally. It's generally safe to assume that whenever the old buzzard appeared to be stating the truth as plainly as possible, he often had something else in mind entirely.The PRIESTESS. Should be actually Virgo Intacta or specially dedicated to the service of the Great Order.
To my mind, if indeed this is what they're alluding to, then it rather suggests a superficial knowledge of the EGC, Crowley, Thelema, and so on. If a devotee were going to set up an altar like the one in the video, then they would use something called the "Stele of Revealing" - - not a picture of Aleister Crowley himself. It's the image that sits at the top of the altar during a performance of his Gnostic Mass.
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Remember how she said she was really interested in stars and the sky and all that? I just came across something which interested me about the Gnostic Mass...
"They take their place before the Altar of Incense, kneeling in adoration (along with all the People), while the Priest takes the first step upon the Dais before the Veil. In this symbolic crossing of the Abyss, the Priest begins with his first oration, invoking Nuit, the goddess of the infinite night sky."
"Nuit (alternatively Nu, Nut, or Nuith) is the speaker in the first Chapter of the Book of the Law, the sacred text of Thelema written in 1904 by Aleister Crowley. She has several titles, including the Queen of Infinite Space, Our Lady of the Stars, and Lady of the Starry Heaven."
I know it might be a bit far-fetched and all but I thought it was interesting since Gnostic Mass has been brought up and... well she said she liked stars.
"They take their place before the Altar of Incense, kneeling in adoration (along with all the People), while the Priest takes the first step upon the Dais before the Veil. In this symbolic crossing of the Abyss, the Priest begins with his first oration, invoking Nuit, the goddess of the infinite night sky."
"Nuit (alternatively Nu, Nut, or Nuith) is the speaker in the first Chapter of the Book of the Law, the sacred text of Thelema written in 1904 by Aleister Crowley. She has several titles, including the Queen of Infinite Space, Our Lady of the Stars, and Lady of the Starry Heaven."
I know it might be a bit far-fetched and all but I thought it was interesting since Gnostic Mass has been brought up and... well she said she liked stars.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Satyr wrote:RMWB wrote: Actually though, come to think of it, you may be getting close to Bree's 'religion'. Crowley's Gnostic Mass stipulates:
Ummm... yeah... she's not going to be a priestess in a Gnostic Mass, at least not one sponsored by the EGC or OTO.The PRIESTESS. Should be actually Virgo Intacta or specially dedicated to the service of the Great Order.
In order to perform duties as a priestess in the Gnostic Mass, whether public or private, in an official O.T.O. ceremony, one must be an initiate in good standing of the O.T.O., of at least 3° (unless one has permission of the presiding Bishop or Primate). In order to go to a private OTO ceremony, one must be at least 0° in the order. In order to be at least 0°, one must be 18.
She may have been selected as a "child" in the ritual, but that's no biggie, you hand out cakes of light. Nothing that requires memorization of a dead language or a diet.
That is correct. Crowley is a saint, and a prophet - not a god. The stele would be much more appropo.Satyr wrote: To my mind, if indeed this is what they're alluding to, then it rather suggests a superficial knowledge of the EGC, Crowley, Thelema, and so on. If a devotee were going to set up an altar like the one in the video, then they would use something called the "Stele of Revealing" - - not a picture of Aleister Crowley himself. It's the image that sits at the top of the altar during a performance of his Gnostic Mass.
Love is the law, love under will.
Soror YZBL
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Has the Rosicruacian Order been brought up before?
I came across the while I was searching for the lepton link. That was one of the tags in her A Change in my Life video.
I came across the while I was searching for the lepton link. That was one of the tags in her A Change in my Life video.
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She's a girl. Probably some cuteness in her room.robofridge wrote:This also caught my eye because their symbol is a rose cross.
In that vide, it looks like the scarf she is wearing has little flowers all over. I can't make them out.
Her bedspread also has little flowers all over it.
I wonder if they are roses.

There's a lot of rosicrucian symbolism in Thelema, especially in the A:. A:. (order of the Silver Star). I only know of it as it pertains to Thelema, but it's more of a Christian theology, IIRC. (just checked the link, yep!)
I know that I sound like everyone else when I say the blog is fiction, but if there's any implied connection between LG15 and the OTO, it's gonna be BS. There's some wierd ass stuff in the order, I will say that, but if they're implying we sacrifice virgins on Crowleymas, that's a bit much. Mostly we just get drunk.
Twas the night before crowleymas
we all sang in chorus
each one of us crowned
and conquering like horus
My woman in scarlet
And I the Great Beast
Had just said our will
and were preparing to feast
But somewhere outside
a strange goings-on
Perhaps, I thought Aiwass
But nay - 'twas Choronzon.
In my body of light
I went with assertion
of will to confront
The demon of dispersion.
When what with this prophet of
Princes went amiss?
But my Guardian angel
Calling across the abyss.
He possessed my wife
and then bade me to scribble
Three days worth of nonsense
and ludicrous drivel.
And there then he left me
alone in the wastes
To redeem all mankind
But I feared to make haste.
I pondered and wandered
causing many a schism
debauching, blaspheming,
By word, deed and jism.
But now here I stand
at crowleymas feast
with the word of the Aeon
I am crowned the great beast'
Not Freemasonry
Note to William: Women cannot join DeMolayWilliam wrote:There are Masonically affiliated appendant organizations that women and children can join (Eastern Star, Job's Daughters, Rainbow, DeMolay) but they aren't part of Freemasonry as a whole.

I am a Master Mason and also a member of the Scottish and York Rites of Freemasonry. I served as an officer of my local blue lodge up to the rank of Senior Warden, and recently held the position of Lodge Eduction Officer. My wife is also in the Eastern Star. I agree with William, there is nothing Masonic in the LG15 mystery. Several have mentioned that Crowley was a Freemason, this information is incorrect. Aleister Crowley was never a member of any "recognized" Masonic lodge. His spurious Masonic credentials are as follows:
* 3° In France by the Anglo-Saxon Lodge No. 343, a Lodge chartered in 1899 by the Grande Loge de France, a body unrecognized by the United Grand Lodge of England, on 29 June 1904.
* 33° of the irregular 'Cerneau' Scottish Rite
* 90°/95° of the Rite of Memphis/Misraim
The Grand Lodge Of England, the official body of Freemasonry which grants all lodges dispensations to practice, does not recognize any of the above bodies as being genuine Freemasonry. Thus Crowley never was an “official� Freemason in any respect.
While rituals of the O.T.O. reflect some Masonic content, the O.T.O. is considered by ALL Masonic jurisdictions to be "clandestine". Which means an organization that attempts to pass itself off as Masonic (and thus all Freemasons are barred from joining.) The O.T.O., to their credit, removed many of the signs, symbols, and words which were otherwise the property of the Free and Accepted Masons in the early 1900s. However, they still hold to the belief that they represent a Masonic system translated in a pseudo-religious context (which is completely insane.)
I also am highly suspicious that LG15 is a member of an O.T.O. related body. They will not allow members under the age of 18. AFAIK, they have no "junior" organizations or rituals which require fasting, exercise, or bar relations from attending.
The mystery to me is why her family, if they are part of any strict Judeao Christian religion (as others have suggested), would allow her to have a picture of Crowley at all. This leaves open the door to many strange possibilities (including LG15s posts being entirely fictional.) However I think we can rule out Freemasonry and the O.T.O. for reasons outlined above.
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Re: Not Freemasonry
Note that I also said children. I am a Senior DeMolay, so I'd know that women can't join.syncomm wrote:Note to William: Women cannot join DeMolay

Re: Not Freemasonry
Sorry I didn't catch that, my mistake!William wrote:Note that I also said children. I am a Senior DeMolay, so I'd know that women can't join.