So, about that 'Stupid Boys' thread...

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(Read frist post first) What do yall think I should do?

Dump him!
I don't know, I don't care./Stupid highschool drama.
Give him one more chance. Three strikes and you're out.
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So, about that 'Stupid Boys' thread...

Post by Noelle »

I feel as though I should explain my crazy story.

So, basically, I got a stupid message 4 days ago on myspace from my friend that said:

aisfnk daniella said that phil was saying shit about how his parents werent home and you guys did almost everythinggg????

'Phil' is the name of the guy I'm dating. 'Daniella' is my friend.

So....Basically, it turned out that Phil said that to Daniella as a joke, just to freak her out which is stupid. But do you know what could possibly be more stupid?

See below:
(cut and pasted from an AIM conversation)
Me and Phil WERE better, but then I accidentally broke his thermos by knocking it over and now he's not speaking to me and might NEVER speak to me again, if his mom is that mad.

I'm sorry if there is chatspeak or incorrect english, but I'm too tired at the moment to proof.

**Names have been changed to protect the identities of those mentioned and myself. **

The question I pose is: What do yall think I should do?
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Post by ohhhmyyygoddd »

dumped cuz im a heartless unforgiving guy like that
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Post by GoodGollyItsHolly »

Honey, if hes not talking to you, i would move on. There doesn't need to be a long drawn out conversation with him, or an official break up, if hes not talking to you over a thermos, it couldnt have been that deep to begin with. Set your sights on a cuter, more fun boy! *hugs and snugs*
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Post by spaciegirlreturn »

Buy him a new thermos, stick it up his ass and pound pavement.
Me and my key...same as it ever was.
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Post by trainer101 »

A thermos? A freakin' thermos?
It's always harder to see what's going on in the fishbowl when you ARE the fish. Look at it this way - What would you tell a friend that came to you with the same questions? You'd probably tell her to forget him and move on.
Grow your circle of friends, guys and girls. A leader will emerge from the pack (especially when you're not looking for him).
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By the way, I did not cast a vote because this is not a decision you should make based on a poll.
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Post by Noelle »

Awww. Thank you guys!!!!

I <3 you all and when I get a webcam, I'm going to mention all of you.

I think I'm going to wait it out one more night and see what happens tomorrow. He might just be cranky because he's dropping weight for wrestling, but, as of now, I'm definitely dropping him.

If he comes crawling back...Maybe I'll take him, I don't know.

***NOTE***: I've been rejected by two guys in one day in recent weeks, leaving me quite shattered. I really do like him, 'high school love' him for lack of better terms, but as the song goes, he's

'Tearing us apart',

And don't ask what song, please. I don't remember. I think it might be a song. If not, it's a TV show or one of my friends' sayings.

Wutevah. n_n

So, I think I'm going to go get ready for bed so I can do well on a test tomorrow. If not, I'll be posting again.

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Mirage wrote:
Hi Noelle! Welcome to perv town!
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Post by GoodGollyItsHolly »

trainer101 wrote:By the way, I did not cast a vote because this is not a decision you should make based on a poll.
hey dreamy *flutters eyelashes*

wait... is it wrong to flirt in this thread?!
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Post by trainer101 »

GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:
trainer101 wrote:By the way, I did not cast a vote because this is not a decision you should make based on a poll.
hey dreamy *flutters eyelashes*

wait... is it wrong to flirt in this thread?!
Hey Hotstuff! Flirting is always welcome... wrong? maybe. But welcome anyway :twisted:
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Post by Noelle »


Flirt all you want. Actually, generally I encourage it.


I took jackass Phil back, because I really like him, he apoligized and said that he was pissed off, hungry and generally having a guy PMS day.

Duly noted; The bastard's on THIN ice.

WOOT! Also, I <3 the last video. I also think that's a bit of an excuse for the Creators to take their time in putting out videos. I guess we're going to have to start waiting longer, now that Bree and Daniel have no house. Oh well, though, I'm sure it will be well worth it. I hope Bree's parents are okay. Thank G*D P-Monkey is alive and well. n_n

In class, might not post more.
New n00b who says 'Yaaaa!'

Mirage wrote:
Hi Noelle! Welcome to perv town!