I'm very active on myspace. Most of my blog stuff has to do with paganism and daily list of ceremonies and rights of pagans around the world. My bulletins are more personal stuff and the hundreds of surveys that I'm addicted to filling out.
Just a warning, though, I will add almost anyone on as a friend, but I only keep people on who are active and post/reply. I love getting to know people on myspace, and don't just keep people on to increase my friend list.
eew..time for work. I end up in the weirdest places throughout the day. Yesterday I brought flowers to both an Exclusive multi-million dollar raquet club on the island of Palm Beach and the crappiest duplex in this sort of white trash area that was worth maybe $70,000..if that. (I don't even know if that's possible in this county...but it was a duplex, so you can't even buy it for the land..and it was a total sh*t hole. I think they might have to pay you to own it)
I have a livejournal that I update in daily but even though it's mostly public, I don't like posting the link everywhere. I also have an account with blogspot where I detail my experiences with HIV/Sexuality Peer Education
I was browsing through some photos online the other nite (searching for how i want to get my haircut next) and some doll pics popped up... not sure how they ended up in my search results.. but they did! I guess all your kinfolk are trying to get in on the action.
And of course, i immediately thought of you as well. I think all dolls are gonna make me think of you and your lil key from now on!