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Post by covedweller »

Ziola wrote:Here's a couple of thoughts I've had (stand back-these don't happen often :D )

Her religion is definitely a mish-mash of all of the religions we've been looking into. Any other way would risk offending people and I don't think thats a risk the creators want to take. Like its been said before, they take some of their cues from us, so why wouldn't this be one of those times?

Daniel is the "he" they are talking about. Unless its Owen, and I don't think he'd mind being followed.

We SHOULD NOT contact and/or warn Daniel in any way. Op will find out and you will be considered a traitor.

And therefore you will not escape the rewards of your actions, right?

We should contact Daniel because it is really hilarious when that dude is scared! :lol:
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Post by Ziola »

covedweller wrote: We should contact Daniel because it is really hilarious when that dude is scared! :lol:
Yeah, but then he gets all snotty-nosed/Blair-Witchy and it drives me crazy. I just want to hand him a tissue!
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Post by covedweller »

Ziola wrote:
covedweller wrote: We should contact Daniel because it is really hilarious when that dude is scared! :lol:
Yeah, but then he gets all snotty-nosed/Blair-Witchy and it drives me crazy. I just want to hand him a tissue!
or white strips. :lol:

err. was that mean?
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Post by tiltingwindward »

ladron121 wrote:1 of ? i think just refers to one of an unknown number of things. Its just the first thing.
I agree. I think it's a reference to a series of communications Tach intends to send to Brother on this topic.

Based on Brother's VM of last Friday, I've been kind of working under the assumption that both Tach and Brother have been cut off (temporarily or permanently) by their organization, until they either decide to come back to the fold, or come up with some useful information. (WARNING: this theory has NOT been confirmed by OpA!) It is possible that the organization known as Mom and Dad told Tach things she'd need to know to infiltrate the Order that they didn't tell to Brother, or that Brother was mostly a means of shuttling coded messages between Tach and Mom and Dad, without being part of the information circle. What if these messages Tach is sending to Brother are meant to catch him up on current events in the Mom and Dad vs. OpA world? Maybe once Tach and Brother have pooled their information, they can get back to work?

Just a musing...
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Post by Sad Panda »

ixlr8 wrote:
Killthesmiley wrote:
JenniPowell wrote: Daniel?
I think that is jumping the gun on that.
I don't think so. I think it's a fairly safe assumption to make.

While I never think its safe to make assumptions when it comes to The Order ... the very first OpAphid video is a DIRECT message to Daniel with a very DIRECT message: do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Until I get a better idea, I think "he" = Daniel is the best thing we've got.
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Post by taiya »

lol, I like your description of what op is saying to Daniel.
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Post by cassieisabeyotch »

Ziola wrote:
covedweller wrote: We should contact Daniel because it is really hilarious when that dude is scared! :lol:
Yeah, but then he gets all snotty-nosed/Blair-Witchy and it drives me crazy. I just want to hand him a tissue!

remember when he was buggin about Bree's ceremony and was like "I'm so tired, I've been awake for like 14 hours straight."

That Daniel!
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Post by Shastacat2 »

Ok just my teo cents. I think since one fo the messages we HE NEEDS TO KNOW HOW LONG THEY HAVE BEEN TRACKING HIM. I definatly think we should e-mail Daniel on what we have found. Op does not want us to do this, is what I get from an emial posted in another thread. Why? I mean we intercepted the message and we are not all on op side so maybe we should see what happenes.

*on a side note - is anyone feeling like this is going to tie into LG15 directly*
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Post by JenniPowell »

And what have you found? What is the point of contacting Daniel if you don't have the information that he needs? Does anyone know just how long he has been being tracked? And by who? And did anyone else notice that there was a CAMERA at the office park? Was Daniel taped while he was there?

I'm sorry I ask so many questions. I am curious and I like answers.
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Post by Jengels2002 »

This is starting to remind me of a book I read by Clive Barker, The Great and Secret Show.

To make a long story short, there was this group of people who created Jesus Christ, Budhha, Allah, etc. The reason for creating all of these people was to mask the "true" religion. The creators sole purpose in life was to defend the truth.

I sent Op a pm basically just acting like an ass. I told him if I didn't get to join his group that I would oneday see him in hell. His response was that the church really has me confused.

I wonder if he is taking this kind of angle.
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Post by Caroline »

I think this points to 'Thelema' as being one religous influence, and that there are more. Looking through contemporary websites to do with this sort of religous belief, many have multiple influences. Such as -
Qabalah (perhaps relating to the jewish references....)
Ceremonial Magic

These are a few sites of 'The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn' - they have split into different factions interestingly enough..... (and just to add they have an online school, A.Crowely was involved early on and were established in New Zealand for a while... actually in the town where I went to school strangely enough). Also they originally had ten temples.... perhaps these refer to the members of Ipod Opera.

Also to note, they call each other brother and sister...
http://golden-dawn.blogspot.com/2004_12 ... chive.html

While I dont think this immediately relates to any of the clues we have at the moment, I think it means we should perhaps have a broader understanding.. Theres alot of information out there, that parallels OpAphid, Bree etc. I just didnt really want to bore you guys... just something to think about
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Post by Caroline »

I emailed OpAphid about it.... and my suggestion of there being relations to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn where wrong.... But Op did say that there were of course multiple influences and facets. Im kind of tired now, but if anyone wants I can post the message....
That sucks as there were tons of interesting parallels..

Post by covedweller »

Caroline wrote:I emailed OpAphid about it.... and my suggestion of there being relations to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn where wrong.... But Op did say that there were of course multiple influences and facets. Im kind of tired now, but if anyone wants I can post the message....
That sucks as there were tons of interesting parallels..
Wouldn't the parallels fall into line with multiple influences?

Both LG15/OpAphid are smarter than to claim one particular religion. Seems like a bad idea in many ways to pick one and do anything that could upset them.
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Post by evaB »

I'd be interested to see the message, Caroline. :)
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Post by cassieisabeyotch »

OpAphid wrote:

> We are Heinz people within our organization and operation.

Does anyone know what this means?

edit: actually I think Op was being funny. I didn't get it though.
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